The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 251: 251

Don't you mean to meet and make friends?

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Chen Ge heard this, as if it was about to get married.

So it's a cold sweat at the moment.

"Chen Ge asked with his mouth open.


At the moment, the woman and the girl are all looking up, and Chen GE has a look.

"Oh, I'm sorry, fourth, fourth, you said I'll listen to you!" Chen Ge looks serious.

"The fourth is the betrothal gift for marriage. We don't need much. We should pay attention to a grand display, and it's colorful and green."

"Wait, how much is a piece of purple green?" Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

"Poof, it's really boring. It's colorful and green. It's about 150000. We don't need cash, such as bankbook and bank card. It's the rule of our family! Of course, it's a betrothal gift and money for clothes given by your family when you get married. Another thing I need to mention to you is that our family spent a lot of money to find this job for my daughter, and her brother still has to study, so we won't accompany you! Anyway, our family just wants you to have a good time together

"Oh! Is it going to be ok? " Chen Ge nodded clearly.

"Ah? What do you say

The woman was stunned.

"I said yes! You go on Chen Ge smiles.

Of course, he won't marry. He's just curious about these conditions.

"Well, the fifth is the most important thing. After my daughter is married, you can't touch her for three years. This is the rule of our hometown. In addition, after three years, you must get my daughter's permission to do it!"

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Women are humane.

Sleeping trough!

Chen GE's pen fell to the ground at the moment, and was shocked.

"You don't have to look like that. You think, it's hard to marry a daughter-in-law now. Besides, my daughter is beautiful and has temperament, and her work is OK. You can dream and enjoy yourself."

The woman has just finished.

The girl suddenly covered her mouth and retched.

"Mom, help me to the bathroom! Retch ~ "

with the help of the woman, the girl went to the bathroom while retching.

The sweat of Chen GE's forehead ran down.

To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for Li xiaogei's heart, Chen Ge would not have come.

And this scene, Chen Ge all wanted to run away.

Took a paper towel to wipe the sweat on his forehead, Chen Ge also held back some urgency, also planned to go to the bathroom.

I didn't expect that in the past, I just heard the woman patting the girl's back and saying:

"what's the matter? Is the reaction so intense? "

Asked the woman, worried.

"Mm-hmm, this little villain, kicked me again!"

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"Well, I've told you to pay attention to what you're paying attention to. What are you doing with a black devil?"

Women are humane.

"Mom, don't say that about Jack. Jack is not an ordinary black man. He is a black man in M! He said he would come back to me in three years

Outside, ten thousand charismatic horses have already galloped past Chen GE's forehead.

At the same time, both of them are burnt by thunder.

No wonder the feeling is so beautiful and so anxious.

Are you in a hurry to find the receptionist?

What's more, if you marry one, you get one free, and you give a little black egg?

No, I can't play any more. I can't finish playing again!

Chen Ge thought.

Want to find Li to laugh at them, they obviously hide out.

At present, Chen Ge had no choice but to sit back to his seat.

After a while, the two of them came back.

"OK, Chen Ge, do you understand what we said just now? If you understand, you can go back to find a suitable day and try to get married this month

The woman hugged her shoulder.

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"Wait auntie, I have something to say!"

Chen Ge Mu Mu says dully.

"Ah? As far as you have to say, all right, all right, say it! "

The woman said impatiently.

Chen Ge looked at the girl and said, "can you let me see you?"

"Didn't you see it? What else do you want to see? "

The girl's eyebrows wrinkled, white Chen Ge one eye.

"I mean you lift up the skirt and let me have a look first. I'll check the goods first!"

Chen Ge said.


The eyes of the woman and the girl widened.

Oh, my God, it's a blind date now, and the hotel's quality is not low. On such an occasion, the man actually said such vulgar and shameless words.

"Are you sick?" The girl suddenly stood up and dropped her glass.

"Damn it, I can talk with you two for so long! I'm really enough. What kind of goods have I put forward so many conditions! "Chen Ge can't help but scold directly.

This is simply to treat himself as a fool, at first it was ok, but after coming back from the bathroom, Chen Ge thought more and more angry.

I just want to find fault.

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"Son of a bitch!"


The woman is not easy to provoke. At the moment, her face is ferocious. She grabs her hands at random and pours over. She slaps Chen GE's face.

"Get the hell out of here!"


Chen Ge, it is a slap in the face back, Chen GE's strength is not small, a woman was knocked down.

At the moment, Su Ting, Li Xiao and the matchmaker are back.

Li Xiao: "you have to worry about this matter a lot."

The matchmaker said, "don't worry, what's the relationship between me and Tingting? Besides, I think the female side is quite satisfied with Chen Ge!"

"Hey, let's listen to what they are talking about."

Li laughs that the three of them arrived at the door and did not intend to go directly in.

At this time, I heard the sound of pounding the tables and dishes from inside.

For a moment, all three were startled and pushed the door open in a hurry , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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