The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 267: 267


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The person at the front desk, after listening to Li Yue, was surprised.

But then there was an explosion, except for thunderous laughter.

Especially Li Yue and the couple surnamed Li couldn't close their mouths.

"Ha ha ha ha, I'm lying in the manger, brother. This is not the way to blow it!"

Boss Li covered his stomach and laughed.

"Is this man mentally ill?"

"Yes, I want to buy two more buildings. I thought I heard it wrong, ha ha ha!"

"That Do you want to call security? "

The people at the front desk laughed.

At this time, the manager came out seriously: "what's the matter? Look at you, what kind of image are you? "

Li Yue almost broke her lip with a smile: "no It's not the manager. It's the man named Chen Ge who says that he He wants to buy us two buildings, ha ha ha

Li Yue's tears burst out with laughter.

The manager is obviously much better than these salesmen.

At the moment, he took a look at Chen Ge, then walked towards Chen Ge with his shoulder high and upright.

"Mr. Chen Poof

As soon as he opened his mouth, the manager couldn't help laughing.

Because in his eyes, it was really funny.

Their quality is that no matter how funny the customer is, they can't laugh unless unable to bear!


Chen Ge touched his nose lightly.

This group of people is really irritating. Of course, it is too simple for them to stop laughing.

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"How much is a building? Did you figure it out? "

Chen Ge asked Zhang Meng coldly.

"I know that. There are more than 100 households in one building, and the total price after discount is 65 million. For two buildings, it is 130 million people!"

Zhang Meng didn't laugh.

Chen Ge thinks that half of them will be converted into employee apartments, and the other half will be converted into ordinary apartments for rent.

This is just right.

"Well, I'll send the money and we'll sign the contract now!"

Chen Ge said, directly dialled a phone: "send 130 million to the * * sales center, to cash!"

Then, Chen Ge cold face against the front desk, looking at the front of this group of people cover their belly smile, do not know later this group of people will still smile out.

"Please calm down, sir, because this contract is not signed in disorder!"

The manager held back a little and said with a smile.

Chen Ge did not answer.

Twenty minutes later.

A truck was driving backward directly to the door of the sales center.

The security guards can't stop them.

"Ah? What's the situation? This is? "

The whole sales hall to buy people are all muddled.

All around and watch.

And the manager also went to the door and looked at it. What does that mean.

At this time, Chen GE's mobile phone rang.

It's from a subordinate.

"Chen Shao, the money has been sent to the door. It's all in cash. Shall we send someone to take it in, or will they come to move it?"

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The subordinate asked directly.

Because Chen Ge just made a bad phone call to ask for cash, this subordinate seems to have guessed out what.

So they made a lot of noise on purpose.

"What are you doing?" Chen Ge side of the phone, while the two building purchase contract signed, will throw a pen: "pour the door for me!"

"It's Chen Shao!"

After the man on the phone said that.

I saw the back compartment of the truck opened, and there was a lot of money in it.

Then the car body slowly lifted, and finally, a whole car of money, all poured in the door of the sales center.

"My God

The manager was so scared that he sat down on the ground.

Li Yue couldn't hold the folder in her hand.

As for the front desk, as well as the people who bought the house, they were all quiet and staring at the scene in front of them.

Who? It's too much, isn't it?

At this time, a man in a suit got out of the car and stepped on a pile of money at the door.

He went to Chen GE's ear and whispered, "Chen Shao, it's all done."

"Mm-hmm, good, the next thing will be left to you. I have selected the location of the house and the real estate. You can hand over to this young lady named Zhang Meng!"

Chen Ge patted Zhang Meng on the shoulder.

Zhang Meng was so scared that she swallowed her saliva.

Two buildings, really bought, their commission this time, how much money?

My God, this is a direct counter attack!

Zhang Meng felt like she was in heaven.

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And Li Yue, in addition to fear, is full of remorse.He did buy it.

If I didn't have that attitude just now, all these are my own Commission.

I still do his own sales!

But just 20 minutes ago, I just signed the transfer contract

Now Li Yue's face is almost green.

Not to mention the group of staff who didn't pay attention to Chen Ge just now.

As for Mr. Li and Mrs. Li, their heads have long been blank.


Chen Ge, originally wanted to be low-key today, even if Li Yue expressed a few dissatisfaction with himself, Chen Ge would not hit her face like this, right.

But this group is going too far.

When I'm a soft persimmon, pinch it to and fro!

And looking at the scene are so many people looking at themselves, Chen GeXu is embarrassed.

Just want to leave.

It would be embarrassing to be recognized by acquaintances.

But I just turned around.

Chen Ge is one Zheng.

Because there were several people standing in the VIP area.

And they're all acquaintances.

Li Shihan, Chen Lin, Li Mingyue, Li Hao, and several high school classmates are all here at the moment.

They were all stunned and pale with fear.

"Chen ge You, you, you

Chen Lin is trembling.

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Because just now Chen GE's words and deeds, they all saw in the eye.

Especially when Chen Ge said he wanted to buy two buildings and called for money.

In fact, some of them are laughing.


When the scene happened, the astonishment could not be increased.

Because they have known Chen Ge for so many years, they have never seen such a domineering Chen Ge.

I feel like Chen Ge is a stranger.


Li Hao's mobile phone was not held and thrown on the ground.

Li Shihan is even more panting, heart bursts of pain.

Although I have fantasized many times, the most terrible thing happened.

Li Shihan, Li Shihan, if you treat Chen Ge so badly, will you regret it?

How can it be? Chen Ge won the lottery and knew a few people. What's the big deal? There's no comparison with Ding Hao!

In the past, Li Shihan has been comforting himself in this way.

But now, all her answers are like a piece of glass, hit by falling stones, smashed directly.

"I'll go. When were you here?"

Chen Ge had one hand in his pocket, but now he was embarrassed to take it out.

Yes, Chen Ge was angry just now and pretended to be forced.

But now, I don't have to pretend in front of Chen Lin and them.

After all, Chen Ge hates the feeling of pretending to be forced

"Brother Chen, we have been there all the time!" Li Hao swallowed his saliva and changed his mouth directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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