The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 269: 269

"Who is she?"

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Chen Ge asked.

"Deputy Group Leader Wang is the deputy director of marketing department of our investment company. You know my sister, anyway, you should understand what I mean!"

Fang Fei whispered.


Chen Ge thought, that is no wonder, from yesterday saw her, she is either looking at the mirror or playing, anyway, did not see how she works, it seems that there is a backstage ah.

Next, the movie that Wang Meina wants to download.

After all, Chen Ge wants to work here for a short period of time as an undercover, so he can't get too rigid with Wang Meina.

It will be downloaded.

"Who is that? Logistics. What are you doing

Because Chen GE's location is in the hall, the corridor next to the hall is full of people.

At this time, a young man in his thirties suddenly said coldly.

Obviously, he saw Chen GE's computer screen.

And behind this young man, there is still a person standing.

It's not someone else. It's Wang Kang, the vice leader of Liu Yanan's group. At the moment, he is looking at Chen Ge with a sneer on his face.

"Minister Zhang, the employee actually downloads movies during working hours. Ha ha, how dare you! The first day of official work is like this, and it will be very good in the future."

Wang Kang pointed to Chen Ge.

At this time, Minister Zhang had already walked to Chen GE's computer desk, because Chen GE's downloading of films must be minimized.

I don't know why minister Zhang's eyes are so sharp. How can I see my own download movie so far away?

Chen Ge was puzzled!

And Zhang Bu has already opened the content: "who asked you to leave the movie during office hours? What do you think of our work unit? What's your name? "

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Zhang Bu roared sternly.

At this moment, the whole hall staff, as well as the marketing department, all came out to watch the scene.

Yang Minxue also stood beside them and looked at Chen Ge. To be honest, she was embarrassed.

"I didn't download this movie!"

Chen gedao.

"You didn't download it. Who let you download it?"

Zhang Bu cold channel.

"It's deputy group leader Wang!"

Chen Ge points to Wang Meina.

Originally, I didn't come here to work because I came here. Now there is no need to take the blame for employees like Wang Meina.

This is also the meaning of Chen Ge, sue her in front of the leadership to see what the result of Wang Meina's treatment is!

And Wang Meina, at the moment, is directly angry.

He picked up the book shelf and threw it at Chen Ge: "who do you mean? Who let you download it? "

Wang Meina was very angry.

It's just that, although Wang Meina is wrong first, it makes her feel worse to let her admit her mistakes than to hit her in the face.

What's more, Chen Ge is an ordinary employee.

So, of course, I can't stand it.

Seeing Wang Meina go crazy, she pours at Chen Ge.

The more noise, the greater the noise.

Director Wang frowned: "OK, Wang Meina, what are you doing? Take your USB drive away. I'll tell you, if there's another time, don't blame me for being rude!"

With that, he glared at Chen Ge and left.

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Chen Ge thought, this is over?

How can Wang Meina give a warning when she ignores the company's discipline?

And that Wang Kang, after looking at Chen Ge with a sneer, left complacently.

Let's say it's a big deal.

However, Wang Meina has a grudge against Chen Ge. After the leader left, she still scolds Chen Ge and makes sarcastic remarks as ugly as possible.

No one answered the whole marketing department, and they were obviously afraid of her.

Chen Ge stayed a little depressed.

After a while, just in a hurry, I went to the bathroom to go to the toilet.

As soon as I entered the bathroom, I smelled a strong smell of smoke.

There were obviously several people smoking in it.

"Kangge, is this boy finished this time? When he becomes a full-time official in three months, the minister will not approve him. Ha ha! "

"How dare you offend our brother Kang? I'm sure he can't get along here!" Another said.

"All right, all right. You'll know when it's time. I'll kill him!"

There is another humanitarian: "by the way, Yang Minxue is my favorite. You two have nothing to do with him."

"All right, Kango!"

After a few words, they left.

Chen Ge heard it clearly in another baffle.

The first one is Kangge, who can he be if he is not Wang Kang.

Chen GE has already guessed this guy.It seems that Minister Li was deliberately called out by Wang Kang.

As a vice minister, Wang Kang must be aware of some habits of Wang Meina.

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A look at his computer on the U disk, he will know.

Therefore, she deliberately complains, embarrasses herself and offends Wang Meina, who is the worst.

That's a damn thing!

Chen Ge also heard of some of the workplace Yin loving colleagues, did not expect this met.

It seems that he regards himself as a rival in love and wants to make himself unable to get along in the company. Get out of here!

OK, then play!

Take your time!

This day's work, Chen Ge is spent in the sarcasm of Wang Meina.

When it's time to get off work in the afternoon.

As soon as Chen Ge came back, he saw that all the colleagues in the investment department were downstairs, and they didn't go. They played with their mobile phones, and those who called called called, as if they were waiting for a car.

Because Chen GE has sent the documents, I don't know what the situation is.

I just saw Fang Fei and her colleague, Xiao Pang, with glasses.

"What are you waiting for?"

Chen Ge asked with a smile.

"Ah? Really? Chen Ge, didn't you get a text message? " Fang Fei asked in surprise.

"What kind of text message?"

"It's just that our whole marketing department is going to have a new party this evening. It's not that you two new colleagues have been added, so we're going to have a party! When I first came last month, the marketing department also held a welcome party for me. In short, it was very lively and very good! "

Fang Fei said with a smile.

"No? No one told me? "

Chen Ge looked at the mobile phone and did not receive any messages.

"Let me see!"

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Fang Fei took Chen GE's mobile phone and looked for it, but there was no message.

Then Fang Fei let Chen Ge read her message.

"Marketing department: welcome party this month, Fang Fei, box 202!"

Chen Ge heart way, this special also too bullies a person, whole market department all go, don't call me?

Although it's not worth being angry, Chen Ge still has a hot face.

"Chen Ge, which box are you in? Are we all in one? "

At this time, Yang Minxue came over and asked.

"Not called me!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

"Ah? How is that possible? Can it be that vice group leader Wang Meina and vice group leader Wang Kang have forgotten you? I'll go and ask them! " Yang Minxue said.

After all, Yang Minxue and Chen Ge came together in the company.

They are all new, so it's easy to have friendship.

"No, you go, I won't go!"

As soon as Chen Ge heard that Wang Kang and Wang Meina did it, he knew what was going on.

At present, in the eyes of a female colleague, Chen Ge left lonely.

After returning to my hotel.

Just ready to take a shower.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Chen Shao, are you there? It's Mr. Li who asked me to come to you! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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