The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 27: 27

"I'm sorry..."

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Chen Ge apologized in a hurry.

I looked up at the girl and was shocked by her beautiful appearance.

She was wearing that kind of dress, long hair and shawl. She was tall and tall, especially when she looked about her own size.

It is definitely one of the few beauties Chen GE has ever seen.

"Sorry? Sorry, is that all? You loser

The girl angrily scolded.

At the moment is gently rubbing his chest.

Just now Chen Ge that once, directly hit her * mouth, at the moment came the burning pain.

Obviously, it was her own collision, but seeing Chen Ge wearing clothes all over the floor, she was bored.

"If I were not in a hurry, I would teach you to death!"

Yelled the girl.

The past gave Chen Ge a big push: "get out of here! Lousy

After scolding, he walked in the direction of the elevator.

Chen Ge didn't expect such a beautiful girl to be so violent.

He couldn't help laughing bitterly.

But he was also about to make an elevator and walked inside.

"What are you doing in here?"

Did not expect to go in, the girl immediately with a hostile attitude at Chen Ge.

It means that you dare to take the elevator with me even though you are such a loser. It's a bargain.

"Oh, I have something to do upstairs!"

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Chen Ge answered, it is no longer speech.

The girl turned her head to one side.


At this time, Chen Ge suddenly swallowed his saliva.

Because through the elevator floor tile reflection, actually faintly saw the beauty skirt bottom scenery.

Yeah! off-white!

There are also a pair of round white thighs, which really make people ripple.

Chen Ge glimpses a glance, pretends as if nothing happened, looks to one side, then takes advantage of the girl not to pay attention, and then stealthily takes a glance.

What a thrill!

Who let you this crazy girl, without any reason to bump into the door, but also yell at themselves.

Is it reasonable to eat your tofu and ask for the interest?

Chen Ge side head, want to see again.

At this time, but found that the girl's feet have been facing her, she has turned around.

At the moment, he is staring at Chen Ge with disgust and hatred.

"You, you, you You poor loser in such a high-end place, how could you be so obscene? Do you dare to peep at me? "

The girl said angrily.

This man is not a loser. He is still so disgusting.

It's driving her crazy!

"Who peeks at you? Do I look down at you

Chen Ge retorted with a guilty heart.


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The girl raised her hand is a mouth son smoke in Chen GE's face: "Stinky rascal, you don't go! You wait for me

With that, he pressed the elevator directly and walked out angrily.

"Shit! Bai Chang is so beautiful and has such a bad temper

Chen Ge covers her face, if it is not to see her a girl, Chen Ge really want to fight back!


However, it is not a loss to think about it. After all, I was really a little indecent just now!

It seems that after Yang Xue, it is necessary to find a girlfriend!

Chen Ge thought like this, had taken the elevator to Li Zhenguo told himself in the VIP box on the 7th floor.

This is a large lobby box.

It is suitable for kicking and other large gatherings.

Come in and have a look, there are a lot of people inside.

It's very lively. There are men and women, old and young.

About 100 people.

Waiters shuttle back and forth, drinks and drinks, all of which are self-help.

If Chen Ge is right, these people should be the managers of those shops in Jinling commercial street.

Chen Ge glanced around and did not find Li Zhenguo.

He took out his mobile phone and wanted to call him, only to find out that his mobile phone had already run out of electricity.


Chen GE has been playing with his mobile phone last night, forgetting to charge it!

Forget it! When Li Zhenguo comes, just say hello to him.

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Looking at what is hanging in the lobby, welcome Chen Shao to guide his work, to meet Chen Shao and so on, Chen GE has no choice but to smile bitterly and find a corner to sit down.

Here we go. Drink and fruit first.

The waiters are busy, but they don't notice Chen Ge. Instead, Chen Ge, who is eating and drinking, is noticed by a group of rich second-generation princes and young ladies in Jinling commercial street.

"Look at that man. You've been eating and drinking for a while. Who knows him? Is it from Jinling commercial street? ""I haven't seen it anyway!"

Several girls could not help frowning and shaking their heads.

"What kind of person in Jinling commercial street? Don't you see his clothes? He's a loser. Damn it! Did you sneak in and steal? "

"Steal? It can't be true? Is there still such a shameless person now? "

"Why not, I think this person is, you look at him, a poor, but also choose to sit in the corner!"

"It makes sense!"

Several rich men and women are discussing Chen Ge scornfully.

"It's Chen Ge and Chen Shao, the boss of our business street, who has made a fool of himself on the scene.

What does Chen Shaohui think about our parents' ability to handle affairs.

You can also let this kind of person come in! "

"Let's go and ask him. If necessary, ask the security guard to throw him out!"

A man in white, with extraordinary temperament, sneered.

"You see, here comes Yiyi!"

Just then, a girl pointed to the door and exclaimed.

"Yiyi, this way!"

The girl waved to Lin Yiyi.

And see Lin Yiyi admission, a few childe's eyes instantly lit up.

Lin Yiyi was wearing a short dress and long hair.

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The beautiful face is absolutely the goddess of all the beauties present.

In particular, Lin Yimai moved a pair of long legs, and even some old guys couldn't help but look at them greedily.

Not to mention a few childe brothers, their eyes are straight.

"Yiyi! Why did you come here? Didn't you say you'd like to be together

"Why, Yiyi, why don't you look good?"

The young man in White asked one after another, his face full of concern.

"Well, don't mention it. Just now, when I was downstairs, I met a lousy loser. I first touched a part of me and then peeped at me in the elevator. I went to the bathroom to tidy up my clothes!"

Lin Yiyi was very angry. His face turned pale.

She's very generous.

One of the reasons why she rushed out of the stairs just now was that she didn't want to be with that dirty man.

Another reason is that her personal clothes, because the door frame banged, seemed to move, and she went to the bathroom to take off her heavy clothes.

I'm so angry!

"Damn it, there's such a thing!"

The young man in white and other young men, as well as thousands of gold, were immediately furious.

How could you do this to the goddess Yiyi!

They didn't even touch their hands.

"Wait a minute, Yiyi. Let's get rid of a man who steals food, and then we'll go to the restaurant to monitor and find the man!"

The man in white glanced at Chen Ge who was eating fruit salad.

"Yes, let's get rid of this one first."

A group of beautiful women echoed , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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