The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 279: 279

the second day.

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Because there was a blind date arranged by Uncle Wu. Although Chen Ge Ming knew that there would be no result, since he had promised Uncle Wu, Chen Ge prepared for it and went to the Dexter family early.

I didn't expect to go.

I saw a girl sitting in a position, drinking coke, with chicken wings and French fries in front of her, and her white legs swaying, as if waiting for someone.

It's not her, is it?

Chen Ge said in secret.

Then, I saw the girl put down the French fries, tut tut her mouth, holding the mobile phone to press.

At the same time, a short message came from Chen Ge, which was sent by Wang Min:

"have you come yet?"

Chen Ge said that she was the girl.

At first glance, she looks pretty.

So Chen Ge went over and sat down.

"You What are you doing? " The girls were stunned.

Staring at Chen Ge.

"Are you here for a blind date?" Chen Ge asked.

"What kind of relationship do you have? Are you sick?" The girl looks at Chen Ge with some fear.

"Ah? You're not Wang Min? You didn't text me just now? " Chen Ge is also a bit confused.

"I don't know Wang min. I was sending a wechat to my boyfriend just now, OK?" Said the girl.

"Sorry, I made a mistake!"

Chen Ge stood up embarrassed.

I know how good it is to make a phone call.

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I'm just about to make a call.

I was patted on the shoulder.

Looking back, she is a beautiful woman with the same delicate appearance.

He was blinking at Chen Ge: "are you Chen Ge? Have you come to meet? "

The girl student slightly some despises the mood to ask.

"Yes, I am. Are you? "

"Wang Xiao!"


"Wang Xiao's sister Wang Min is me

Wang Xiao rushed to cover the road.

"Well, did you recognize the wrong person just now?" Wang Xiao with a sense of sarcasm.

It's true that when she came in just now, she ran into that scene.

It's really embarrassing.

Therefore, Wang Xiao was watching by the side and didn't go to say hello. It was very embarrassing.

I thought that this person can really.

However, after thinking about it, Wang Xiao will kill this guy in less than five minutes, so Wang Xiao also wants to seize the time to finish her sister's affairs.

Chen Ge and Wang Xiao sit face to face.

Chen Ge just looked at Wang Xiao a few times and felt that the girl was nothing more than beautiful.

Wang Xiao is looking up and down at Chen Ge.

I thought that Chen Ge was pretty and handsome. If he had better family conditions, he would be his brother-in-law.

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But unfortunately, he is so poor, how can his sister look up to him.

In fact, if it wasn't for my grandfather's forced marriage, would you really think my sister was worried about finding a partner?

There are many people chasing her sister Wang Min, but Wang Min can't look up to it!

"Well, I know your situation. You haven't been looking for a job yet, have you? That means you don't have a source of income! What's more, I heard that you bought a house in Ping'an County, but for me, my work has been transferred to Jinling City, that is to say, I will go to work in Jinling City soon. How do you plan on the housing problem? "

Wang Xiao asked.

I think it's better to get to the point directly.

"O'ao, in Jinling, I have a house!"

"What? Do you have a house in Jinling? How big is it? "

Wang Xiao asked curiously.

"I don't know exactly how big it is. I haven't lived there once or twice, ha ha!" Chen Ge said with a smile.

Chen Ge, look at this girl, it seems that she doesn't come for a blind date at all.

Plus I don't want a blind date.

So now also began to tease the heart, thinking to put this matter in the past.

"Bah, what are you pretending to be? If you really have a house, don't you want to live?" Wang Xiao snorted coldly.

"I really have, but I don't have time to live. Besides, I'm not used to living alone on a mountain top. It's for me and my future wife."

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Crouch, on the top of the mountain, you don't show people the woods, do you? You have been given a small house? "

Wang Xiao despises even more.

"Do you have a car? I'll tell you, I'm going to work in Jinling. I won't take a car less than 300000! " Wang Xiao said again.

"There are cars, too, but they are stopping at the foot of the mountain."

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"Under the mountain, what kind of car?"

"A Lamborghini!" Chen gedao."Pooh! You're not sick, are you? Chen Ge Wang Xiao can't stand it.

Originally, Wang Xiao thought that Chen Ge would not really have a car and a house, right? In Jinling.

As a result, this guy is bragging.

I'm afraid he doesn't know that he and his sister both know him well, right?

"What I said is true. I didn't cheat you at all. If you don't believe me, I can't help it!"

Chen Ge shrugs helplessly.

It's not that I'm not serious about the blind date. Later, Uncle Wu asked, and he had something to answer.

"I'll tell you directly, you're the kind of person in our family who won't like you. I thought you didn't have any money and were honest, but you can consider giving you some opportunities to show off. But now, forget it, you garbage!"

Wang Xiao scolded.

Now I think of walking directly.

But I thought, damn it, I came early today, and I put on my make-up.

As a result, he drank a mouthful of water and was angry with Chen Ge.

It's too bad.

Mainly, I have to make my sister's affairs clear.

If you let grandfather know, listen to him say a few words, oneself shake face to walk, certainly can angry grandfather.

What's more, grandfather didn't know he was coming to replace his sister.

So I was afraid that Chen Ge would talk to his Uncle Wu after he went back.

It is still intended to let Chen ge back in the face of difficulties.

"You're not going?" Chen Ge saw that she sat down again and asked in surprise.

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"Who said I'm going. I haven't eaten in the early morning. I'm going to eat. Besides, we'll meet for the first time today. Are you not allowed to treat me?"

Said Wang Xiao, holding his arm.

"Oh, no problem!" Chen Ge secretly said, why is it so difficult to handle.

"I'll have hamburgers, I'll have French fries, chicken wings, and fried chicken pizza, all of which I'll eat!" Wang said.

"You eat so much?"

Chen Ge is scared.

"Would you please not?"

"Good, I will."

Went to order these things to Wang Xiao.

Watch her eat.

Chen Ge is thinking, think of a way to make her disgusted and go straight away.

It's better to go back to work.

It can be said that now both of them have their own ideas.

And that's exactly the time.

"Hey, is it really you? Just outside, it looked like you

Two boys and two girls came from outside and patted Wang Xiao who was eating hamburger.

Wang Xiao was scared.

"You Why are you here? "

Wang Xiao's face is red, busy way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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