The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 282: 282

"What's the matter?"

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Chen Ge asked.

Wu Qian said, "do you have time tomorrow?"

"What are you doing? I may go shopping tomorrow! "

The day after tomorrow is his birthday. If aunt Wu cooks, she can't afford to buy it again. Chen Ge wants to buy it himself.

"Hum, you've been eating from my grandparents' house these days. What kind of food do you buy? By the way, your birthday the day after tomorrow, I've forgotten it. Cough, in short, it's nothing to buy vegetables. Now, there's a good thing waiting for you. Put the other things aside!"

"You still have good things waiting for me?" Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

Although she grew up with Wu Qian, it is because of this that Wu Qian has been unfriendly to Chen Ge since childhood.

Even now.

Their brothers and sisters played tricks on Chen Ge.

But Chen Ge, when I was a child, hated Wu Qian and her. Now, even if Wu Qian sometimes ridicules fiercely, it is just a little angry.

Generally, I don't care too much about Wu Qian.

It's all the face of Uncle Wu and aunt Wu.

"Hum, what do you mean? I don't know what's good or bad. I tell you, tomorrow we'll all go to the hot spring scenic spot of Xiaoquan Town, and I want to call for you! After you come back, you haven't taken you to play. Now Koizumi has developed tourism. It's great there. Now! "

Wu Qiandao.

"So good? Take me to play? "

Xiaoquan town is Yang Minxue's town.

There is a hot spring near the mountain and by the water.

It is also one of the focuses of this development.

Chen Ge also wants to play.

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But Wu Qian's sudden invitation surprised Chen Ge.

"Nonsense, do you want to go or not? Whatever you eat or drink

Wu Qian hugged her shoulder and said triumphantly.

Chen Ge shook his head: "forget it, thank you, I will not go!"

"Ah? What are you? " Wu Qian didn't expect Chen Ge to refuse her.

According to the nature of Chen Ge, he should not be afraid and honored, right?

"Xiaoqian, is Chen Ge here? Yeah? Why don't you go in when you're back? Hurry up, lunch is ready, come and have a meal, and talk about the progress of this matter? "

At this time, Uncle Wu came out and asked Chen Ge and Wu Qian to go in.

As a result, Wu Qian was cold and did not move.

"What's the matter, Xiaoqian? Who's bothering you again, little girl! " Uncle Wu said with a bitter smile.

"Hum, who else can it be, Chen Ge?"

"What do you think of it

"That's right. Today, I asked him to go to Koizumi town with good intentions. As a result, Chen Ge was totally ungrateful. He said he would not go!"

Wu Qian said.

"Ha ha, little song. If it's true, you can go with Xiaoqian. Xiaoqian may want to play with you. The hot spring scenery over there is very good. You can go if you have nothing to do."

Uncle Wu didn't feel anything. He thought his granddaughter was enlightened.

It's too late for Uncle Wu to be happy to see them live in harmony.

"Well, I'll go tomorrow."

Chen Ge didn't say anything when he heard that.

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Wu Qianbai Chen Ge a glance and then went in.

Because tomorrow will go out to play, may not have time to buy some vegetables, so that afternoon Chen Ge went to the town supermarket to buy a batch.

Until the next morning.

Wu Qian was led out to play again.

Wu Qian drives a Passat, which belongs to his father.

Carrying Chen Ge to Xiaoquan town.

Chen Ge certainly can't take a co pilot.

I feel a little stuffy in the car.

I opened the window to get some air.

I didn't expect that the window just came down and went up again.

A look, it's Wu Qian who has lifted the window for herself.

Damn it! This dead girl!

Chen Ge secretly scolded, this time only a little.

Then Wu Qian was promoted.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Ge was speechless.

"Hum, I also want to ask you, I have a window open in front of me, why do I have to open it!? What if the dust comes in? Have you ever been in a car

Wu Qian despised the way.

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At this time, Wu Qian's mobile phone rang.

"OK, Lin Yue, I'll drive to pick you up right away. You wait for me. Mm-hmm, I told you last night. I'll find the right person. When we go climbing the mountain, he can help us take our luggage. You can concentrate on chasing your brother Yu Qiang, and see the amorous and unruly family members."

"OK, I'll see you later. My boyfriend has a car. He has already started driving. We'll make a good match between you and Yu Qiang. I'll see you later, mamda!"With that, Wu Qian hung up.

What does Chen Ge know about Wu Qian?

"You said to take me to play is to let me bring you backpacks? Damn it

Chen Ge is a bit of a stranger.

"Well, why are you in a hurry? What's the matter with your backpack? It won't die. Besides, if you're invited to dinner today, what are you afraid of? In addition, I'll tell you Chen Ge, my best friend is chasing her favorite person today. You should pay attention to your attitude. Today, we are all supporting roles, my best friend Yu Qiang and they are the leading roles! "

Wu Qian said again.

If it wasn't for getting on the bus, Uncle Wu would send them out, and Chen Ge would like to leave.

But since we have agreed, it's not good not to do it.

So he didn't say anything.

Wu Qian glanced at the rearview mirror and said with a smile: "Chen Ge, you look angry. No matter how many things you carried before, you would not be angry. I know why you are so angry now. Ha ha, I told you from primary school that we can't be! Don't even think about it! "

In primary school, Wu Qian, Wu Feng and their brothers and sisters all came from their hometown.

They only went to the county in junior high school.

At that time, they were very young, of course, Chen Ge, Li Xiao, Wu Qian, and they went to school together.

Wu Qian, she looks pretty. Anyway, she was the goddess in the eyes of several boys at that time. When she was a housewife, they all scrambled to be Wu Qian's husband.

For this reason, Li Xiao has not less fight with Chen Ge for Wu Qian.

Of course, that's a very small thing, understand a fart!

And Wu Qian obviously still feels that Chen GE has always liked himself.

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He felt that he had found a boyfriend, but he was not very happy.

She knows Chen GE's temperament.

Chen Ge turned her head out of the window and was too lazy to talk to her.

Soon, Wu Qianyue went to meet her.

Lin Yue is also very beautiful.

I think I've seen it in primary school.

I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for such a long time.

Tall and thin, with excellent figure.

As soon as she got on the bus, she took a look at Chen Ge, and obviously felt that Chen Ge was familiar.

However, without saying hello, she handed her bag to Chen Ge:

"Hello, I have sunscreen cosmetics in my bag. I need to use them at any time. When I play, you should take them for me!"

"I see!"

Chen Ge nodded impatiently.

Then I heard Wu Qian and Lin Yue chatting on the road.

The conversation is all about Lin Yue's pursuit of Yu Qiang today.

Soon, the car came to the entrance of the hot spring scenic spot.

At the moment, there are already two handsome boys waiting.

"Qianqian, Lin Yue, this way, this way!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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