The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 284: 284

Chen Ge is almost helpless to die after them.

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Well, every time I help you, it seems that others take the credit.

I thought not this time.

You don't use your head to think about it. If you look for deputy manager Wang, will the manager call in person to arrange the arrangement?

Think about it, but also because they are too low-key reasons.

But can't help, Chen Ge really don't want to make too much publicity, especially now to Wu Qian and them.

It's just a little hard to say.

By the time we got in, the two teams had merged into one.

In particular, Yu Qiang's help made the girl over there very grateful, mainly for the strong produced a bit of worship.

This gave Lin Yue a strong sense of crisis.

Because that girl is also very beautiful. When she comes to chat up with Yu Qiang, Lin Yue is not comfortable.

I've been staring at that girl.

"Put the bag back to me!"

Go to Chen Ge side, will bag to Chen Ge body a throw, Lin Yue lonely also walked to strong side.

"Yu Qiang, where are we going to play today? Don't you want to take me to the hot spring, and take me to eat delicious food

Lin Yue comes to Yu Qiang and acts coquettishly.

Decide to take the initiative. If you don't take the initiative, I'm afraid your boyfriend will be robbed.

Because these heavenly king Hao Wu Qian, they have been in match with strong.

Plus Lin Yue itself is very beautiful, two people have produced ambiguity.

Just a layer of window paper.

"All right, all right."

Yu Qiang said with a smile.

"Yu Qiang, is this your girlfriend?"

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And the girl over there also said with a smile, "it's beautiful!"

Lin Yue doesn't speak and looks at Yu Qiang.

Yu Qiang said with a bitter smile: "no, this is my good friend!"

"By the way, beauty, don't know your name yet?"

This girl is really beautiful and has temperament.

"My name is Wang Min, ha ha, thank you so much today. Why don't you make a friend?"

Wang Min said with a smile.


Then Yu Qiang wants to join Wang Min and wechat.

Lin Yue's face is green.

And Chen Ge, originally looking at this woman, seems to be very similar to Wang Xiao, the next listen to the name, suddenly clear.

I don't think it's such a coincidence, do you?

And Wu Qian, also a Leng, but not sure, just asked: "by the way, do you know Wang Hongfei?"

"Ah? That's my grandfather Wang Min said.

"I'll go, so coincidentally, my grandfather's name is Wu Baihua! Do you know sister Wang Min? "

"Poof!" Wang Min is also surprised. How can he not know him? The loser Chen Ge was introduced to himself by Wu Baihua, his grandfather's old man.

"I see. Is your name Wu Qian? Granddaughter of grandfather Wu!? I remember how many times we met when we were very young! "

Wang Min is also familiar.

Chen Ge is a little embarrassed, special, really too coincidental.

Fortunately, Uncle Wu didn't mention the blind date when he called himself back to dinner at noon yesterday.

Because Wu Qian obviously drove to Uncle Wu's house after he had called himself.

Then in front of Wu Qian, although Uncle Wu wanted to ask, he did not ask, and Chen Ge did not take the initiative to say so.

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After dinner, I talked to Uncle Wu in the afternoon.

After all, there are good girls who have been introduced to Chen Ge, but not to Wu Feng. I'm afraid Wu Feng will think too much. If Wu Qian knows about it, Wu Feng will surely know it.

There's something to save.

Woku, this is Wang Xiao's sister, who should have been on a blind date with her.

It's very temperament indeed.

Chen Ge couldn't help but look at Wang Min more.

And now the situation is, Wang Min, maybe because just now Yu Qiang helped her, she is very curious about Qiang.

Plus now a chat, with Wu Qian also know, naturally familiar with a few more words.

Lin Yue was jealous.

In the process of speaking, I lost my temper.

Also relying on the ambiguous relationship with Yu Qiang, Yu Qiang didn't say anything.

As for Chen Ge, he has long been neglected.

I spent more than two hours in this way, and it was more than 11 o'clock.

There are many hotels in the scenic spot.

If not, we would rather sit in the hotel.

Have a good chat or something.

Wang Min, of course, they won't refuse.

So they sat down to eat together.

As soon as Chen Ge put the things out, he sat down.

"Who told you to sit down!"Did not expect, at this time of all of a sudden to Chen Ge a roar.

"Eat? Why can't I sit down? "

Chen Ge looks at Lin Yue Dao with anger.

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Lin Yue is so jealous that she has been chatting with Wang min.

My sense of being is too low.

So he played up the big girl's temper.

Scold Chen Ge, looking for the sense of existence.

"Chen Ge, if you don't look at your virtue, who do you think you are when we sit down to eat? Do you deserve it? You mean it? Can I have some face? "

Lin Yue scolded.

Obviously, it has some meaning of referring to mulberry trees and cursing locust trees.

"How can I be shameless?" Chen Ge is also in a hurry.

"OK, Chen Ge, what are you in a hurry with Lin Yue? She said you two sentences, you are still not a man, unexpectedly with a girl, hum! "

Wu Qian saw that Lin Yue suffered a lot today, so she also helped to scold Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge?"

Wang Min is staring at Chen Ge.

Because it's Chen Ge who is on a blind date with himself!

Is it him?

"Oh, ha ha, sister Wang Min, you may not know him. He is my grandfather's neighbor. Of course, the house is rented by our family. Today, he was asked to carry our bags. Originally, I promised him to take care of a delicious meal at noon."

Wu Qian was afraid that Lin Yue would quarrel with Wang Min, so she took the opportunity to change the topic.

"Ooh, I know!"

Wang Min blushed and looked at Chen Ge, embarrassed.

She also imagined what Chen Ge looked like. She thought that although Chen Ge was poor, she should be good-looking or good-natured.

But now, he actually goes to carry bags for a meal.

Even if he looks pretty, it's too low.

Looking at Wu Qian's appearance, it seems that she doesn't know what happened to her blind date yesterday.

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But Wu Qian and Chen Ge do not say this matter, Wang Min is killed also won't take the initiative to mention.

"Please let Miss let me serve you!"

Then the waiter came.

Carrying a tray to remind standing Lin Yue to serve.

As a result, Lin Yue turned around and ran into the dish. She almost knocked over the tray and splashed the soup on her arm.

"I'm sorry, miss. Are you all right?" The waiter hastily respectfully said.


I didn't expect that Lin Yue raised his hand and slapped his mouth on the waiter's face.

"Damn it, you don't have eyes! Dare you splash the soup on me

Lin Yue was jealous and wanted to find a sense of existence. At the moment, she felt that she was humiliated in front of the strong, and turned her anger on the waiter.

The waiter looks like he just graduated from high school. He is young and tender.

This slap directly knocked her unconscious.

Chen Ge and they are also confused, did not expect Lin Yue dare to start hitting people.

"Hyatt, what's wrong? Who beat you? "

At this time, the female manager in the lobby ran over with some waiters.

Very respectful and afraid to hold the beaten waiter, the lobby manager was scared to white.

"It was her. She hit me!"

Jun Yue covered her face and cried.

"How dare you hit people? Do you know who she is? "

The lobby manager yelled at Lin Yue. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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