The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 291: 291

"Li Xiaoling?"

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After seeing the girl, Chen Ge couldn't help laughing.

Li Xiaoling, also can be regarded as growing up together with Chen Ge and Li Xiao. Speaking of it, she is still a sister of Li Xiao's family.

It's just that Li Xiaoling's family environment is good. She has shops in the town, doing cake and other businesses. She usually goes to live in the town.

Rarely go home.

And at that time Chen Ge Li Xiao, two people were poor.

It's not well dressed.

So Li Xiaoling seldom plays with Li Xiao and Chen Ge.

Even if they are all classmates in primary school, they hardly speak much. Generally speaking, they are not close to each other, so they are not as good as Wu Qian.

If we want to talk about the relationship, it was still in junior high school.

Unfortunately, after junior high school, Li Xiaoling is still in the same class as Li Xiaochen Ge.

The first and second day of junior high school don't talk to Chen Ge and Li Xiao.

Until the third day of junior high school, something happened.

That is, Li Xiaoling had a quarrel with a girl. It was very fierce.

Then the girl called several ruffians in the same grade to make trouble for Li Xiaoling.

When it's time for Li Xiaoling to teach her a lesson.

Then Li Xiao and Chen Ge saw it and took Li Xiaoling away.

Chen Ge didn't have much at that time.

Li Xiao is famous for fighting at school.

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That group didn't dare to move.

It was that time that she saved Li Xiaoling.

Since then, Li Xiaoling has been very good to Chen Ge and Li Xiao, and has become a friend.

No less to Li Xiao secretly buy cigarettes, to Chen Ge with that kind of egg cake to eat.

Later, in high school, she took the third middle school, which was the bottom of the county.

In addition, there is no cell phone in high school, so there is no contact. During the Spring Festival, we gather together to talk.

"When did you come back? Why didn't you send me QQ!"

Li Xiaoling said bitterly.

"I've been back for a few days, but I've been wandering around the county. I'm also going to ask Li Xiao for your mobile phone number."

Chen Ge said with a smile.

It's true. It's just these people who celebrate their own birthday.

"Well, you haven't forgotten me. By the way, don't you watch our junior high school group? Ao, I forget that the junior high school class group didn't pull you in. Today is the birthday of Chen Chao in our class. He means that the students have not been together for a long time. Let's have a meeting together on this birthday. Not only her, but also our junior high school head teacher and English teacher will go. Will you accompany me? "

Li Xiaoling said.

"Mr. Wang, is he going? He seems to have retired this year

At the mention of Chen Chao, Chen Ge almost forgot his name.

However, teacher Wang Changgui, Chen Ge is still fresh in his memory.

He is a very kind teacher, teaching Chinese.

At that time, Chen GE's family was in difficulty and could not afford to pay the textbook fees. Mr. Wang paid for them twice.

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There was also a heavy rain, he did not have an umbrella, Mr. Wang rode his car home.

This scene is still fresh in my memory.

In the past two years, when my parents sent money back, Chen Ge saved it by frugally and frugally. When she came home for the Chinese new year, no matter it was expensive, she also bought something to visit Mr. Wang.

But in the last two years, Chen GE's own tuition became a problem, and he was poor and could not go.

"I heard that Mr. Wang had a serious illness last year? Are you all right? "

Chen Ge asked.

"It's been a long time ago. Otherwise, how could I attend Chen Chao's birthday party this time?"

Li Xiaoling said, "don't ask. When you go, you can't do it! Mr. Wang looked after you and Li Xiao at that time. If you went, he would be very happy! What's more, Mr. Wang must have gone early and wanted to talk to us more! "

"Ooh, that's good, but I don't have time for this party." Why is Chen Ge.

"Ah? What are you up to? Cut, don't worry about it. If you want AA, don't you have me? "

Li Xiaoling seems to see Chen GE's mind.

It's not about money, of course.

It's Chen GE's birthday today.

But if she refuses like this, Li Xiaoling has nothing to do. The key is that she informs herself. If she knows that she will not go again, she will feel very sorry for Teacher Wang.

"Well, I didn't have time today. I wanted to invite you to celebrate my birthday!"

Chen Ge said, "in this case, why don't I go to see Mr. Wang and talk to each other, and then I'll come back!"

"Ah? Are you going to have a birthday? This is embarrassing. Well, I think it's better for us to go together, say hello to Mr. Wang and have a chat, and then we'll come back together and give it to you. What about Li Xiao? Did you inform him? "Li Xiaoling is quite righteous.

"Yes, but he has to come soon at noon. He has just opened business there, and the staff have not had time to recruit. There are too many things to do!"

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Chen gedao.

"OK, well, but people's smile is so strong now. My father looked down on their family before. As a result, just yesterday, my father carried some gifts to give gifts to their family."

Li Xiaoling said admiringly.

Chen Ge didn't say anything, just nodded.

After that, it's almost eight o'clock.

Chen Ge and Li Xiaoling went straight to a hotel in the town.

Chen Ge, this is the village in the town. It's not far from the main street of the town.

They walked away.

At the moment, in front of the hotel, there are many former junior high school students.

Three or five of them are chatting together.

It's not like this for a classmate party. It's hard to say how kind you are when you meet.

Talk about the status quo and recall the past.

"Look, here comes Xiaoling!"

Some students pointed to Chen Ge and Li Xiaoling.

"Why? Is that Chen Ge? Wo Cao, Chen Ge is here today? "

"Ha ha ha, yes, I thought Chen Ge disappeared. I didn't expect to see him at this party."

"Well, I've heard that Chen Ge didn't get along well in college, and he couldn't afford to pay his tuition! Who can tell me that once I went to Jinling to have dinner with a friend and ran into Chen Ge washing dishes in the back kitchen! I don't want to say hello to him

"Ha ha, after all, there is no money. What kind of work can't be done?"

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When they saw Chen Ge, they began to chat with a smile.

Among them, there is a girl with the most outstanding temperament, who is also chatting with several sisters.

See someone say Chen Ge.

Her delicate body trembled slightly, and then she looked at Chen Ge with a little blush on her face.

"Hey, Wang Xue, have you ever been in love with Chen Ge before? I remember what you talked about! "

A girl covered her mouth with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense. When did we talk about it?" Wang's face is even scarlet.

"Absolutely. I remember that you often write letters, and you are very close to Chen Ge."

The girl said again.

"No!" Wang Xue whispered.

"Don't admit it. You forget that Li Xiao stabbed people because Cough, stop talking, stop talking! "

The girl seemed to say something bad, and she spat out her tongue in embarrassment.

Wang Xue didn't say anything.

"By the way, Wang Xue, are you still talking with that boy who plays Chen Ge?"

Some girls also asked.

"I haven't talked about it for a long time..." Wang Xue blushed.

Then, like her girls, Wang Xue also raised her head and looked at Chen Ge, who had not seen for nearly six years , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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