The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 295: 295

Yes, it is Jiang Weidong and Tang Lan's family.

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Originally, Jiang Weidong was very happy. After seeing Chen Ge, he couldn't help looking bad.

Chen Ge also caught a glimpse of Jiang Weidong and them. Before, Chen Ge had to come forward to say hello, but now, forget it.

"Look, there are so many luxury cars coming."

"Yes? Really! My God

At this time, the crowd suddenly burst into shouts.

Closely followed, originally blocked in the road of the crowd, have to make way for a road.

And the staff of the scenic spot have already set up their positions and come out to meet them.

On the first luxury car, a middle-aged couple walked down arm in arm.

"Mr. Li Guohao, Mrs. Li, please come in!"

The staff said respectfully.

"My God, it's Li Guohao and his wife. I'm going to be the first philanthropist and the richest man in Jiangnan province. I didn't expect that they were here!"

"Yes, now Mr. Li and his wife have been out of business for a long time. I heard that they like to visit the major scenic spots all over the world, but they came here!"

"It's rarely seen on TV!"

All of them took out their mobile phones to take photos.

"Dad, grandfather, how about the spectacular scene? Mr. Li Guohao was once the richest man in Jiangnan province."

Wu Feng, Wu Jie and they all went to Chen GE's side. At the moment, Wu Feng had some good introductions.

Uncle Wu was surprised to see such a rich man for the first time.

The Wangs were also surprised to see.

On the second luxury car, at the moment, a group of middle-aged couples came down with their son behind them.

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"I'll go. This is Mr. Liang. The film and television cities in Hong Kong and Jinling are their families."

"What happened?"

"It's so spectacular. May we cooperate to build a film and Television City in Koizumi?"

"Well, it's not possible. It's really a plan. I planned it when I was in office!"

Listen to the description of a passer-by.

Jiang Weidong said with pride.


While they were talking, a cry broke out.

They all called.

They all looked at the new comers.

"Mr. Li Zinian, the richest man in Jiangbei! I'll go

The people looked in awe and were stunned.

"Dad, what is the occasion today? So many big guys are here

Jiang Ran Ran was also shocked.

After all, Jiang Weidong is an insider and naturally understands the situation.

"Ha ha, besides Chen Shao in Jinling, who has such a big face? Chen Shao's family power is mysterious, and their connections are naturally strong!"

Jiang Weidong said triumphantly.

"What? Chen Shao? Is it Chen's birthday

Jiang Ran Ran asked.

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And this sentence is naturally spread.

Many people exclaimed: "it's Chen Shao's birthday! That's no wonder. Otherwise, who would have come to such a remote country as Koizumi town! "

"By the way, when it comes to Chen Shao, why is there no information about him on the Internet?"

Someone asked curiously.

"It goes without saying that Chen Shao is said to be very low-key!"

"That's right. There are very few people who know what Chen Shaochang looks like now."

The discussion was held in unison.

"Today, it's really Chen Shao's birthday. I guess it's good!"

Wu family.

Boss, they didn't know until then.

And Chen Ge, standing on one side and being squeezed in the crowd, is also a bit muddled at the moment.

He was confused because he didn't expect Li Zhenguo to make the scene so big that he didn't think of it.

What's more, I didn't expect so many big men to come.

Originally, it was planned. There were only twenty or thirty people!

This is great!

"Look, that seems to be the chief of the south of the Yangtze River!"

"Lie trough, that's all right. The Lord Chang is here!"

This time, many onlookers were shocked.

"Mom, I'm going to take a picture first, you watch! Let's go, let's go! "

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Wu Feng, with a serious look on his face, went to take photos with his camera.

And the crowd was cheering.

When the team goes in again.

The next group was full of bigwigs.

Uncle Wu is very excited to watch it. After all, these people can only see it on TV.

Well known actors and actresses.

"Wow, handsome boy, handsome boy, many rich and young handsome men!"

Then the welfare of the girls came.Ferrari lambo cool sports cars stop.

From the car, down one by one Jinling City famous rich second generation.

"That's Huang Shao, Chen Shao's dry brother. I've seen him online. Although he's a little fat, he's so handsome and cute! I love you so much

"The most handsome one is Bai Shaobai Xiaofei. He is tall and handsome. My mother, I heard that he has a good relationship with Chen Shao! God, if only he could kiss me

"And also, that is..."

A lot of young girls rushed to the front.

Take out the mobile phone and brush it.

"These guys are really handsome and rich. Xiaomin Xiaoxiao, my mother doesn't want you to do anything else, even if you can find one who is half as good as others!"

Wang Min's mother envied at the moment.

I wish these rich and young are all their own daughters. Today, I am very beautiful.

White little fly yellow little, they put in the pocket, wearing sunglasses, chewing gum languidly toward the inside.

They gathered in the big square inside the gate. According to the requirements of the organizers, this time they must have a big group photo.

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And see some people around in front of this group of big guys to say hello and so on.

Jiang Weidong, who was on the other side, was infuriated and flushed.

"See, that boy has held my position, or I will be able to enter today!"

Jiang Weidong said jealously.

In the past, his subordinates can now go in and say hello to many rich businessmen. Moreover, in the scenic area, he can only be an audience, which naturally makes Jiang Weidong uncomfortable.

"Well, if you look at other people and the staff in the scenic area, you can go in and play with anyone who is related to them. Why don't we know a few people in the scenic area?"

At the moment, the second sister-in-law is also envious.

Looking at her daughter Wu Qian at the moment, she said, "Xiao Qian, make great efforts to strive for this kind of big activity again in the future, so that your mother and I can go in to see and see!"

Wu Qian nodded in a trance.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

Yes, this kind of scene, who does not want to walk on the red carpet, a good scenery, who is willing to be an audience?

"Give way! Let me pass by for a moment

Chen Ge saw that all the people had come. How could he get in.

After all, how to hold this birthday party?

But just a moment ago, Chen Ge was crowded by the crowd.

"Get out of the way. What a squeeze! I hate it

"Yes, what did you do in the past! Really

A few girls in the front row, can't help but white Chen Ge, a look of disdain said , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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