The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 297: 297

"Lamborghini RAVENTON! what the hell! More than 20 million yuan

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People were shocked.

And Rambo quickly stopped, the car, Li Xiao with Su Ting walked down.

Throw the key to Chen Ge: "the car is back for you!"

This matter or two days ago Chen Ge asked Li Xiao.

After all, I don't have a car now, so I always have a car to drive back.

Then she patted Li Xiaoxiao on the shoulder with a smile, and then several people went in together.

"It turns out that this car belongs to Chen Shao! No wonder! "

People envy the way.

Next, there was the photo taking, followed by the birthday party.

According to Li Zhenguo, on this standard, compared with his sister Chen Xiao's, it's a big difference.

Chen Ge knows this, but he can't be like her sister, really go to the next island!

The birthday party lasted until more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

There was an episode.

That is, Chen Ge called Qin Ya several times. Qin Ya said she would come, but she didn't come.

It took several times to get through.

Qin Ya's mood is not so high. She tells Chen Ge that she can't come.

Chen Ge asked if something had happened?

Qin Ya also did not say, just hung up the phone.

Chen Ge didn't think much about it. If he didn't come, he would not come.

It's almost busy today.

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Because Chen Ge drank a lot of wine, he took a rest in the room of the scenic spot.

"What do you do? You can't go in!"

"I'm Chen Shao's elder. My surname is Jiang!"

The middle-aged man said to the bodyguard.

Yes, this is Jiang Weidong.

He just begged his former subordinates for a long time before they let him in.

After coming in, Jiang Weidong certainly wanted to see Chen Shao.

There are two reasons.

First, he offended Chen Shao. I believe that he will soon spread his mind. At that time, I am afraid that his section chief will also be unstable. After all, he is too much.

Second, if you can get Chen GE's forgiveness if you lick your old face in this time, you may still have hope for the official to resume his original post.

This time, Jiang Weidong went all out.

It's sad to think about it. Chen Ge knows so many big guys. If he didn't offend him, he might have a bright future.

Although I don't know how the Chen Ge family got up.

But Jiang Weidong can't think that much at the moment.

"I want to see Chen Shao. Please pass it on."

Jiang Weidong said.

After him, he followed Tang Lan and Jiang Ran Ran.

Bodyguards also dare not be careless. If they are Chen Shao's elder, they will be in trouble.

After going in, he told Chen Ge about it.

Then the bodyguard came out.

"Chen Shao is resting now. If you want to see him, just wait."

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The bodyguard gave Jiang Weidong a cold look.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Jiang Weidong could only nod.

Half an hour has passed

An hour passed

After five hours, it's almost nine o'clock in the evening.

Jiang Weidong is still waiting. His legs are shaking.

"You don't have to wait. Chen Shao is having a meal. He said that he would let you go back first and talk about it later."

The bodyguard went in again and came out.

Jiang Weidong's mouth twitched.

He understood that Chen Ge was deliberately making trouble for him.

Who let themselves and their father and son wait downstairs for a full five hours

At the same time, on the road from Yanjing to Jinling.

An extended version of the labor Les phantom is speeding.

In the back seat of the car, a woman in light make-up but dressed like a lady is closing her eyes. No, she can't be said to be a woman. It should be said that she looks like a girl who has just taken off the campus and entered the society soon.

"Is it nearly there?"

The girl opened her eyes slightly and said faintly, but her eyes were always watching the scenery outside the window.

"Miss, it's almost to Jinling City!" The driver's eyebrows and eyes, respectfully reply at the moment.

"Let the cars in the back keep up as soon as possible!"

The girl said again.

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Later, the driver said a few words to the walkie talkie.

Behind the phantom, a whole team of Maybach motorcade appeared in a flash, more than 20 vehicles.

All the passing vehicles have to give way.

"Jinling City, Jinling University, these two places that once filled me with shame and humiliation, ha ha, I'm back!"

The girl thought of the past, and at the moment, she clenched her fists.Because of the strong force, some of the sharp nails are white.

"Miss, and miss is going to study in Jinling University. Hehe, she is your younger sister!"

The driver respectfully said, "I heard that senior students hold thesis defense these two days. Do you still go back to school to reply?"

"Talk a lot!"

The girl scolded and then closed her eyes.

Boom, boom

A line of motorcade entered Jinling.

As for Chen Ge, Chen Ge got up early the next morning.

Things are almost done here. It's time for Chen Ge to go back to school.

The summer vacation of nearly three months is not long and short. What's more, in two days, the University's defense will begin.

So Chen Ge plans to return to Jinling today.

This is one of the reasons why Li Xiaoxiao came back in his car.

Go back and say goodbye to Uncle Wu and aunt Wu. Of course, it's the second sister-in-law. They take Chen GE's hand and send him to the car all the time. They also run and follow Chen Ge to the entrance of the village. Until Chen GE's car is out of sight, the second sister-in-law is reluctant to go back.

"Chen Ge is really getting better and better. When I was a child, I said," Chen Ge will become a great tool when he grows up. What do you think? "

The second sister-in-law said to everyone that

On the way, Chen Ge answers a phone call.

It's Yang Hui, the head of the house.

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"Lao Chen, when will you go back to Jinling?"

"It's on the way."

Chen Ge said.

"Ha ha, Li Bin and I have arrived! Now in the dormitory! "

"You don't have to work so hard for the postgraduate entrance examination, do you? So early? You don't spend much time with your partner? "

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

"I object they have already returned to school to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. Besides, the thesis defense of our school was earlier than that of their school! Of course, my cousin came to Jinling university to study. I accompanied her here! Binzi and his cousin also come here to study. It happens that both of us are early! "

Yang huidao.

"Well, it's just today that I'll go back, and we'll talk about it later."

After hanging up.

Chen Gemeng stepped on the accelerator.

After the third year, some of the senior students practice, some study abroad for postgraduate entrance examination, and some departments have to study for another three months.

Yang Hui and Li Bin also plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Of course, Chen Ge also plans to take the exam.

During this period of time, I also took time to study.

I haven't seen you for more than two months. Chen Ge really miss Yang Hui and Li Bin.

Soon, after nine o'clock, Chen Ge drove to the campus.

Sure enough, today seems to be the first day of new military training, with many new faces in military uniform.

"Wow, it's said that Jinling university is rich, but it's really ah, look, what kind of sports car is that?"

As soon as Chen Ge drove to the door, many girls immediately attracted attention , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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