The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 301: 301

It was a big blow to Yang Xue, but did it kill her?

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Chen Ge really didn't think of it.

"Hum, that day, can be said to be the darkest day in my sister's life, because you used to be a well-known poor man, who looked down on you and nobody paid attention to you. But my sister walked with you, took your hand in the campus, went shopping with you and ate with you. Do you know what other people call my sister?"

"Look, it's not Yang Xue, our poor girl friend!"

"Did you hear that? They called her that, taunted her, and then, she felt nothing. But in the end, a girl's self-esteem is always necessary. My sister is fed up with it. She feels more and more unfair. Yes, she abandoned you and broke up with you

"But dare you say that my sister did something wrong?"

Chen Ge is silent, this matter, Yang Xue of course is not wrong, who does not have the right to choose.

But later Yang Xue's transformation made Chen Ge unexpected.

"Do you remember how sad it was that my sister begged you that day?"

Yang Lu was full of resentment.

"As a result, you just ignore it. My sister feels that she has no face to study and to see your former classmates, so she chose to drop out of school. You know, you will graduate in a few months at that time. As a result, you hurt my sister. From primary school to University, her cold window of more than ten years is in vain!"

"After she left, she wanted to hide in a place far away from you and never heard from you again. She went to Yanjing alone! Prepare to find a job. "

"I didn't expect that on the first day I went there, my wallet was stolen. What do you want her to do in Yanjing, where there is no money to walk? At that time, she happened to see a bar recruitment, so she had no money to eat and live, so she went! I've settled down for a while

"But a few days later, when a boss saw that my sister was beautiful, he had an irreconcilable desire. Moreover, my sister was angry and slapped him. Because of this, my sister almost lost her life, and the boss was so fierce, you know?"

"Next, my sister offended him, and it was even more difficult to get along. I couldn't find a decent job at all, and the man didn't know what means he used to keep my sister from going out to Yanjing, and he couldn't even buy a ticket to go home! Make my sister obey me

"How scared a girl is every day, you know?"

"At last, my sister went to wash dishes for other people's restaurants. Instead of giving money, she only gave them food and accommodation. But that's how it is. She has not been beaten and bullied by the boss's wife!"

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"Just when my sister thought of suicide, a miracle happened. It was the housekeeper of the dragon family. Seeing my sister, it happened that the second young master of the dragon family wanted to use a maid and needed someone to wait on her, so my sister went. Then, it was my sister's good fortune. The second young master of the dragon family fell in love with my sister, and they were engaged later. Ha ha

"Chen Ge, I didn't expect it. Maybe in the first half of the year, my sister's sad life is exactly what you want to see. But you will never think that my sister will have this day, and I am my brother-in-law, and I listen to my sister very much! In the past, all those who bullied my sister were suddenly rich. The middle-aged boss who forced my sister was also badly punished. Of course, this is not the main thing. My sister's biggest enemy is you

Yang Lu said with a cold face.

Chen Ge didn't expect so many things happened after Yang Xue left.

In fact, I almost killed her.

However, what's more, Yang Xue has made a marriage with the second young dragon family. In this way, the rights of Yang Xue's brother and sister are not difficult to understand.

"Well, then tell me where she is now?" Chen Ge asked.

"OK, no problem. If you want to see my sister, come with me!"

Yang Lu snapped her finger.

Then he left with his hands behind.

Chen Ge slightly frowned, or follow her.

Yang Lu has been taking Chen Ge to a bar box.

When I went in, I found that the box was empty.

"Where's Yang Xue?"

Chen Ge asked Yang Lu.

"You really want to see my sister, don't you? Well, then I'll let you see you! "

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With that, Yang Lu clapped her hands.

Boom! Boom!

There was a rush of footsteps outside.

The box door then opened and a group of bodyguards in black rushed in.

More than a dozen people.

Surround Chen Ge.

"Ha ha ha, Chen Ge, do you really think I will let you see my sister? Bah, my sister hates you so much that she won't see you. You're so stupid. You know I'm going to deal with you, but you're still obediently sent to the door! "

"Well, hold him down!"

Yang Ludao.

Immediately several bodyguards in black moved and firmly grasped Chen GE's arm."When are you going to take revenge?"

Chen Ge asked calmly.

"Hum, I don't know when. Anyway, you don't want to go back tonight!"

Yang Lu said with a sneer.

"Yes? Yang Lu, didn't your sister tell you that this street was originally called Jinling commercial street, and all the shop owners in the street knew me! "

"Of course I know, ha ha, but this bar has been bought by my sister. Now the owner of this bar is just my dog! Well, you didn't think of it? "

Yang Lu said triumphantly.

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Then he went to Chen Ge.


A slap in the face of Chen Ge.

"Hum, this slap is for my sister. It's you who made her suffer so much! Today, I will torture you to death

Yang Lu said maliciously.

In fact, today, even if Chen Ge doesn't look for her, she must also find Chen GE's trouble.

"It's a pity that you're going to torture me today, I'm afraid not yet!"

Chen Ge said coldly.

"What are you talking about, son of a bitch!"

A bodyguard said coldly.


Then his voice dropped, and immediately he let out a scream.

Then he covered his neck and lay on the ground directly, convulsing all over.

"What's the situation?"

Yang Lu was also surprised.

She couldn't see what was going on. She felt that a figure had just flashed by.

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I'm wondering.

My neck was pinched.

It turned out that two people did not know when to rush in.

One of them held that kind of long silver needle in his hand. In a blink of an eye, two of Chen GE's men had been put on the ground, foaming at the mouth.

"Chen Shao, we are late!"

But two people, not others, naturally have been protecting Chen GE's Tian Long Di Hu.

Now, respectfully.

Chen Ge nodded.

He followed Yang Lu himself, so he naturally wanted to keep an eye on him. After all, he knew that Yang Xue's sister was not the same as before.

If not, Chen Ge will not go alone.

So before they came, they had already informed the dragon and the ground tiger, and through the family specific communication equipment, they naturally knew where Chen Ge appeared.

Yang Lu was caught, and those people were afraid to move.

"You'd better tell me where Yang Xue is, or do you want to taste the taste of foaming on the ground?"

Chen Ge said coldly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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