The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 305: 305

Chen Ge is walking with Qin ya.

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Suddenly, I received a phone call from Li Zhenguo.

"Chen Shao, there's a celebrity party tonight. I hope you'll go there. There's a treasure expert coming from Nanyang. You can ask him to identify the jade pendant. This time, some celebrities from Jinling City and the province will also come!"

Li Zhenguo is now helping himself to find out the whereabouts of Yang Xue.

Li Zhenguo had mentioned this meeting to himself a few days ago.

Every year, Jinling City holds a celebrity banquet.

Celebrities from all walks of life will be here.

It's not good for Chen Ge not to go.

So he agreed.

In the evening, Chen Ge came to the venue.

Sure enough, many people came.

And those who follow Chen Ge are Huang Yonghao and Bai Xiaofei.

The place of the banquet is called Shanshui manor.

In addition to the hot spring villa, Jinling City is another large manor gathering place.

The owner of the villa is called Qi Wei.

He was a middle-aged man in his forties. He had seen him several times before.

Because he was too glib, Chen Ge had a bad impression on him.

"Oh, it's Chen Shao

When Qi Wei saw Chen Ge and Huang Yonghao and his party, he trotted over.

In the manor, many rich merchants also came towards Chen Ge.

Say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Qi!"

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Chen GE has a faint smile.

It's a greeting.

Then Huang Yonghao found the first seat of the round table in the manor and sat down.

I just sat down.

Qi Wei trotted over: "Hey, Huang Shao, Bai Shao, you can't sit here today!"

"Well? Qi Wei, what do you mean? "

Huang Yonghao was stunned.

Huang Yonghao has attended such celebrity parties many times.

Usually this position, is dry elder sister Chen Xiao sits.

As a dry brother, he sat with his sister.

Now Chen Ge is the richest man in Jinling. Naturally, Chen GE's position is Chen Ge's.

"Haha, it's not interesting. In the past year, you can sit in this position, but this year, the pattern has changed. Of course, you can't sit!"

Qi Wei sneered.

This year's celebrities are all over the province.

At the moment, seeing the situation here, many big boss and rich businessmen belonging to Chen GE's camp came over.

"Hum, you can't sit if you don't sit. Xiao Fei, we'll take another seat. Chen Shao, you can sit here!"

Huang Yonghao naturally has to think about his brother.

Chen Ge nodded.

Just about to sit down.

"Wait a minute!"

Qi Wei spoke again.

"What happened?" At this time, Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing also came.

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"I'm afraid Chen Shao can't sit in the first seat this year."

Qi Wei said with a smile.

"Damn it, Qi Wei, did you eat the leopard gall with bear heart? What did you say? Tell me one more word if you have seed

Huang Yonghao grabbed Qi Wei by the collar.

This grandson is so irritating today.

Qi Wei still looked at Huang Yonghao with a sneer. "Huang Shao, don't be so impulsive. Again, Chen Shao can't sit in this position."

"What do you mean?"

The rich businessmen on Chen GE's side quit and asked directly.

"It doesn't mean much. It's just that today, more important guests will come. I'll keep this position for them!"

Qi Wei shook off Huang Yonghao's hand.

And this scene, is also let the whole audience is one Leng.

Because the location of the first seat must be very conspicuous.

"What's going on?"

"It seems that Chen Shao wanted to take the first seat, but Qi Wei drove him out!"

"Crouch, is Qi Wei so bold? In the past years, Mr. Chen Xiao sat in that position. Chen Ge is the brother of Mr. Chen Xiao and inherits the property of Mr. Chen Xiao. How can Qi Wei be so bold? "

"Hum, who knows, Chen Shao is disgraced today!"

People began to talk.

And this is the time.

Outside the manor, suddenly came seven or eight vehicles of extended labor Les phantom motorcade.

After that, a dozen bodyguards in black stepped down and consciously stood in two rows.

This huge battle immediately attracted the attention of most people.

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Even Chen Ge looks out of the manor.

Naturally, a driver got out of the car and respectfully opened the door of the phantom.I saw a rich young man coming out of the car in a small suit and pockets in his hands.

The bodyguards in black, all of a sudden bend down 90 degrees.

"Who is he? What a show

Everyone was shocked.

And Qi Wei Ran to him quickly: "long Shao, your arrival makes our landscape manor resplendent!"

After that, Qi Wei bent down 90 degrees with excitement on his face.

"What? Long Shao? He is the dragon of Yanjing! The dragon family, which has been passed down for hundreds of years

"I'll go. No wonder Qi Wei ate bear heart and leopard gall today."

"It was long Shao who gave him the confidence."

The discussion whispered.

At the same time.

Many people in the meeting hall suddenly and spontaneously all went to the side of long Shao.

"I've seen long Shao!"

The crowd cried out in unison.

"Hello, uncles and elders! Hehe, today is really flattering me

"It's the first time I've come to Jinling formally, and it's also my first time to attend a celebrity banquet in Jinling. I didn't expect that everyone was so enthusiastic about me!"

Long Shaoyun said with a smile.

"If you don't speak to me, please take your seat!"

"Yes, long Shao, it's very suitable for you to take the first seat."

Many rich merchants, including the local rich merchants in Jinling, also changed their original appearance and echoed the way one after another.

Although in Jinling, there are some families called Liu family and Wang family, but they can not be compared with Yanjing dragon family.

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It is said that since the Qing Dynasty, the dragon family has occupied a very strong position.

Not to mention now.

"It's very kind of you, but today, obviously it's not my main character. I just accompany my sister-in-law to join in the party. Ha ha!"

Long Shaoyun said with a smile.

"Sister in law? But master long Shaofeng's fiancee? Some time ago, I heard that master long Shaofeng has a fiancee and has made a marriage! "

Qi Wei ran forward and asked with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Qi. I'm really troubling you."

Long Shaoyun smiles faintly.

Then he got out of the way.

Then, naturally, a driver opened the door.

From another car, a girl dressed like a lady came down.

She had a lovely little dog in her arms.

And beside her, there were two little girls, just like maids.

"Sister in law, please!"

Long Shaoyun said with a smile.

And girls, in full view of the public, slowly walk towards the first seat.

When they saw this girl, they were all staring at each other.

Then he looked at Chen Ge.

Chen Ge, however, has been confused for a long time.

This girl is not someone else. It is Yang Xue who she has been looking for , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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