The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 314: 314

Chen Geyue thought that something was wrong.

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At the moment, I opened the door directly. When I saw it, I was even more surprised.

I saw a strange man in the room.

At the moment, I'm going to go to Ouyang Ru's clothes.

It's no wonder Ouyang Ru struggled so hard that her face was covered with tears.

And that man, after seeing Chen Ge, he coldly smiles at Chen Ge.

And then he jumped out of the window.

This is the seventh floor!

Chen Ge rushed over to have a look, and saw downstairs, where there is a little shadow?

Where have you been?

Chen Ge was stunned.

Looking back at Ouyang Ru, Chen GE's face is almost red.

I want to go over and cover her.

As a result, there was a sound of feet outside.

"Oh, you are not bothered. My cousin has Chen Ge to take care of you. You people are really attentive to nothing."

Then came the voice of Wei Mengjiao.

And the group that just drank.

Obviously, when Wei Mengjiao went out to buy a wake-up drink, this group of people had to follow up.

Sleeping trough!

What can I do?

Chen Ge is a little confused.

You must know that Ouyang Ru's clothes are not neat now. You will definitely misunderstand him.

Chen Ge wants to dress Ouyang Ru, but Ouyang Ru opens her eyes and asks for help.

It means don't come here and call for help.

I wipe!

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"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Chen Ge, is it in there? Open the door? "

Cried Wei Mengjiao.

"Well? elder female cousin? What's the matter with you? "

Obviously, Wei Mengjiao outside heard her cousin's cry for help. She was surprised and asked, "Chen Ge, Chen Shao? Are you in there

Chen Ge quickly called out: "in it!"

Come and open the door.

"Chen Shao, why did you open the door so long? You won't be Ah

Wei Mengjiao is joking about what she wants to say.

But when I saw what I saw in front of me, I screamed.

And then many students came in.

Some also gave a cry of surprise.

All looked at Chen Ge in disbelief.

Chen Shao looks very elegant, but he didn't expect to be so dirty.

"Chen Shao, you What have you done to my cousin? "

Cried Wei Mengjiao.

"I Don't get me wrong, it's not me

"Not you, but my cousin herself?" Wei Mengjiao said.

"There was a man, a man in this room, and he jumped out of the window!"

Really, Chen Ge is really hard to argue with now.

"This is the seventh floor."

Some boys rushed to the window, "lying trough, so high to jump out, not dead also disabled?"

Wei Mengjiao has covered Ouyang Ru with a quilt.

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"Chen Shao, I believe you so much. I didn't expect that you are such a dirty person. Thanks to my grandfather, you are so dirty and disgusting."

Cried Wei Mengjiao.

"Yes, I didn't expect Chen Shao to be like this. Other rich and young people are straightforward. I didn't expect him to disguise himself so well!"

Some girls despise the way.

"It's really not me. You misunderstood me. If you don't believe it, just look at the monitoring. I was outside all the time!"

Chen Ge said.

Then, immediately someone informed the manager, and the manager came up immediately.

"I want you to tune this layer of surveillance right away!"

Chen Ge said.

"Ah? Chen Shao, I'm really sorry about the monitoring on this floor. Yesterday, our monitoring was broken. No, I'm in a hurry. I haven't repaired it yet! "

Said the manager.

"How do you know me?"

Chen Ge looks at the manager.

The manager said with a smile: "Hey, Chen Shao, I met you at a chamber of Commerce, and your elder sister, Mr. Chen Xiao, paid close attention to me before. Of course I know you!"

"Hum, Chen Ge, don't act. Jinling, who doesn't know which businessman can't give you a little face? You're all in a gang. Why didn't the monitoring be bad before? It needs to be overhauled now."

Wei Mengjiao said angrily.

Wei Mengjiao's voice is quite loud.

At the moment, all the customers in other rooms are out.

The whole floor, surrounded by a lot of people.

"What's the situation?"

Some people gossip.

"It's like a rich woman who is drunk and drags people into the room. As a result, Qiang * fails and is found by the woman's cousin. The sleeping trough is an animal!""My God, I thought I could see this kind of thing on TV, but I didn't expect that in reality, it was so disgusting!"

There was a lot of discussion.

Even better, they called the news hotline directly.

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Brilliant hotel is a hotel integrating entertainment, leisure and catering.

Now, on the third floor, in the splendid restaurant.

Long Shaoyun is having dinner with Qin ya.

Qin ya just took a few mouthfuls.

"Hey hey, did you hear that something happened to the guest room on the seventh floor upstairs?"

At this time, a new table of guests came and sat down beside long Shaoyun. They discussed the way.

So I told you what happened upstairs.

"There are such filthy people

After hearing a sip of red wine, Longyun smiles.

Qin Ya also frowned.

"And then what happened? Is it still going on? Who is the rich and the young? What a dandy

"Wocao, when it comes to the rich and the little, it seems that it has an important meaning. Some people say that it is Chen Shao in Jinling!"

The man said in surprise.

"What? Chen Dashao in Jinling? Is it impossible? "

"Of course not, he would not do such a thing!"

Qin Ya yelled directly to the people nearby.

"Oh, what are you so anxious about us? We're chatting here. If you go up and have a look, you will know!"

Said a man.

"What's Chen like? Handsome or not? Oh, he is so mysterious that I have never seen him! "

"He looks pretty handsome, but he's not a person. I heard people call him Chen Ge or something, but Chen Shao can't be wrong!"

Man way.

Hearing this, Qin Ya's body trembled slightly.

"What do you call his name?"

Qin Ya stood up.

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"Chen Chen Ge

The others were startled.

"No way, how can it be!"

Qin Ya could not set up a channel.

Later, someone wanted to go to the seventh floor to watch the excitement.

Qin Ya also ran up.

And long Shaoyun, with a bitter smile, took a sip of red wine.

Then he took out his mobile phone and made a phone call: "you can come up!"

He got up and went up.

"Let's go, we're journalists!"

At the moment, the seventh floor is very lively.

Reporters from the Jinling times are pouring in. If there is no accident, today's events will make headlines tomorrow.

And Chen Ge was also blocked, a hundred difficult to argue.

Qin ya, standing on the side at the moment, looking at the scene in front of her, saw that it was really Chen Ge, Qin Ya couldn't believe that she stepped back a step.

"Impossible, impossible, Chen Ge is not such a person!"

Qin Ya whispered.

"What is not such a person? He has been caught and tried to commit murder while he is drunk. Now all the other parties have identified him!"

A tenant on one side, hearing Qin Ya's murmur, immediately retorted.

"Sister Jiaojiao, why are you? What's the situation? "

At this time, long Shaoyun came with a group of bodyguards.

After seeing Wei Mengjiao.

Long Shaoyun asked.

"Ah? Brother Shaoyun, it's so nice of you to come. It's not me. It's cousin Ouyang who has an accident! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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