The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 318: 318

Before that, the bracelet that Qin Yuge gave to Chen Yuge was that.

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"In the future, we will have nothing to do with each other. Ha ha, I still keep this jade pendant. I thought that we would not be together. I took it and it was also a thought. But now, there is no need to return it to you!"

Qin Ya is indifferent and hands the jade bracelet to Chen Ge.

"That's fine!"

"In addition, Chen Ge, I hope you also deleted my contact information, you now have su Muhan, I also have Shaoyun, after this deletion, we two have no relationship at all!"

"All right."

Chen Ge did not say much. After taking the jade bracelet and nodding to Zhao Tongtong, he left the Qin family.

"Why, Qin ya? You let Chen Ge go like this? What happened to you? "

Zhao Tongtong said with a puzzled face.

"Nothing. Don't ask. By the way, Shaoyun just gave me a very valuable gift this afternoon. I'll show it to you."

Said, Qin Ya wiped tears from the corners of her eyes, and tried to squeeze out a happy smile, "you wait, I'll get it for you!"

And see Qin Ya forced to smile.

Zhao Tongtong, they can't eat and drink any more.

"Xiaoya, don't do this. Since you don't want to say it, we won't ask you what happened, but don't torture yourself like this. We know that you don't like long Shaoyun, but like Chen Ge. What are you doing to deceive yourself like this?"

Zhao Tongtong said.

"Poof! No, you really think too much. I just understand now that I don't like Chen Ge at all. Maybe I thought he was poor and poor before, so I had pity on him. Now, I found that I didn't love him at all! "

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"What's more, I'm really happy and relaxed now. You know, I don't have to worry about a person in the future. I can stay with master long Shaoyun and become the third young grandmother of the dragon family. Hum, to tell you the truth, are you jealous of me?"

Qin Ya said with a smile.

But Zhao Tongtong and they looked at each other and did not speak.

As for Chen Ge, she finally broke up with Qin ya.

To tell the truth, I don't know what it's like.

I can't say I'm happy.

Sorrow is not sorrow.

All in all, it's like knocking over a bottle of Schisandra.

After returning to the hotel with Tianlong Dihu.

Li Zhenguo called.

It's about looking for the man who's hiding in the hotel today.

The man, as he had guessed, had some skill, was good at climbing, and was very cunning.

Li Zhenguo used a lot of strength to find him.

Although Chen Ge was framed this time, with Liu community director to clarify, there are not many things.

But that man, Chen Ge, has to be found.

See Li Zhenguo remorse, Chen Ge advised him, let him not too anxious.

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That night, Chen Ge had an early rest.

And it was that night, although it seemed calm, it was rough.

There is a man sitting by a river.

"Master long, I've already done it, but the money you promised should be in place hasn't come?"

Said a man who was a bit of a thief.

"Hum, what's your hurry? I told you to find a place to hide. Don't worry, I won't lose your money!"

On the phone, a voice snorted coldly.

"The problem is that I am not at ease, master long. This time, for your sake, I have not only offended Ouyang family, but also provoked Chen Dashao. Today, Chen Dashao's people almost turn over Jinling to look for me. In case miss ouyangru thinks about it in the future, I will be finished!"

The man then said, "I Hou San is going all out for you this time, so give me the money quickly. I have to leave this land of right and wrong. Otherwise, I believe Ouyang family will soon know who made the decision to move Ouyang Ru. Haha, it was really lively at that time. Your long family and Ouyang family have so many business contacts!"

Do you dare to threaten me

Long Shaoyun snorted coldly.

Indeed, in order to find a good helper, long Shaoyun really moved Ouyang Ru's idea to bring Chen Ge down this time. After all, the Ouyang family's power is similar to that of the long family. In this way, Chen Ge fell.

It's not just a matter of getting the beauty back.

It can also help the family to recapture the property in Jinling.

For the family, Chen Xiao was expelled from the Jinling market.

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Pave the way for future inheritance.

Obviously, the relationship between the gratitude and resentment of Hou San is clear.

Long Shaoyun has been able to gather so many helpers in Jinling in a short time. It is precisely because the dragon family has set foot in Jinling before. It has a certain relationship."It's not blackmail. I can't live without money! What's more, Chen Dashao's sister hasn't come back yet. Hum, if her sister comes back and knows that you colluded with me to get her younger brother, why did Chen Xiao play the dragon family to death in Jinling, don't I need to remind you? "

Said Hou San.

"Yes, where are you? I'll send the money to you, take it, shut up and get out of here as soon as possible! "

Long Shaoyun said coldly.

Now, Hou San talked about the location.

Before long, two maybachs stopped on the shore.

From the car, down came an old man and several bodyguards in black.

The old man carried a box in his hand.

He came to Hou San.

"Haha, that's right. It's no problem to find our ghost Housan for planting booties and setting up this kind of thing. I'll make sure they don't have any evidence. Ha ha, I'll count it!"

Hou San took the money with a smile.

"It's right to look for you. You Hou San has great skills, but your mouth is too big. This matter is for the sake of the Chen family's brothers and sisters, which implicates Ouyang family. Therefore, my young master is worried that you can't control your own mouth!"

The old man who looked like a housekeeper gave a faint smile.

"Don't worry. My mouth is very strict."

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Hou San smiles.

The housekeeper, however, winked at his subordinates, especially the long haired scorpion.

In an instant, several of his men moved.

He jumped in and caught Hou San.

"Lying trough, you want to kill people, damn it!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Hou San. In order to make the Ouyang family and the long family work together to deal with the Chen brothers and sisters, I can only give you! Besides, you should never blackmail young master long! Do it

Finish saying that, one hand hits the poisonous scorpion of bandage, the hand pinches Hou three's neck.

"I'll fuck you!"

Hou San raised his leg to kick away the scorpion's hand.

Then he struggled to open, ran away and jumped directly into the river.

"Damn it, you guys are so careless. This boy belongs to loach. If you can't catch him, you won't have such a chance in the future!"

The housekeeper scolded.

Hou San stayed in the water for a long time before he came ashore.

At the moment, he scolded fiercely: "Damn it, this dragon Shaoyun is really not a good bird, almost fell in his hand, but let me hou San can't make money, don't even think about it. If you move me, I'll move your woman!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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