The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 323: 323

"It's beautiful, sister. Why didn't you see you just now?"

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Long Shaoyun suddenly squinted and asked.

"It may be that long Shao is too busy. In addition, there was a disturbance just now. Of course, long Shao doesn't care about me."

The girl smiles.

It's more beautiful to laugh at.

With that, the girl will continue to pour wine to long Shaoyun.

But long Shaoyun grabbed his hand. "You see, you just touched the red wine on me. You can't always apologize to me. You have to use a way to make me happy, so that I don't get angry."

"Well What is the way to make you happy

The girl is shy.

"Ha ha, come on, come with me! Go to the back

Long Shaoyun has more than an hour to see the official start, just taking time off.

"Long Shao, now?"

One side housekeeper reminds way.

"I see. Don't worry. I'll be back soon."

Long Shaoyun said.

Then he led the beauty to the back.

"Shaoyun, what are you going to do?"

At this time, a girl in front of long Shaoyun.

"My sister-in-law, I have something to do behind me. I will be back soon, ha ha!"

The person in front of him, of course, is Yang Xue. Yang Xue's younger sister, Yang Lu, and several of Yang Lu's classmates are also called by Yang Lu.

Yang Xue's eyes flashed a look of contempt.

Naturally, we know what long Shaoyun is going to do.

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Even last night, Yang Xue had a fight with long Shaoyun because of something.


That's today's big scene birthday party.

Yang Xue means to call Chen Ge Lai.

The meaning is also very simple, today is her Yang Xue also wants the day of the limelight, must let Chen Ge come.

And where is this?

Hot spring villa, it was here that made itself darkest.

And here, Chen GE's face can't be better.

In fact, it is not enough to slap Chen Ge once and twice. Yang Xue just wants to let Chen Ge lose face in front of him and look at his crazy moment, so as to make him regret and make him feel uncomfortable.

See, how about leaving you Chen Ge? I'm not the same scenery. I'm sorry to go.

It's that simple.

Yang Xue didn't think about anything else.

But long Shaoyun is not the same, because this birthday banquet is here for Chen Ge.

So they had a few words.

Of course, it can't beat long Shaoyun.

At present, Yang Xue left with his sister, and did not care about him.

"Oh, long Shao, what are you going to do? What do you want me to do in the guest room area? There are a lot of your guests ahead? "

Said the girl.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"What do you think I brought you here for? Go in!"

Long Shaoyun grinned grimly, then took the girl's hand and pushed her into a room.

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"What are you doing?"

The girl exclaimed in horror, "help

"Damn it, today the whole villa is Laozi's people. Who dares..."


Suddenly, the door was kicked open.

I saw three or five people coming in directly.

"Sister, damn it, do you dare to touch my sister? Have you recorded it? I don't think you want to live! "

A man came over and said in a vicious voice.

A few people on one side took out their mobile phones and recorded them.

"Ah! Brother, you're here. I'm so scared just now! "

The girl walked up to the man immediately.

And long Shaoyun, startled, stood up in a hurry, and when he saw the face of the man coming in, his pupils jumped.

"Wait Hou San? Why it is you? How did you get in? "

Long Shaoyun's cold sweat came out directly.

"So coincidentally, it's long Shao. Well, you dare to insult my favorite sister like this. I'll kill you in the hell!"

With that, Hou San jumped up, straight in the chest of dragon Shaoyun.

Long Shaoyun flew from the other end of the bed to the other side.

Cover the chest, feel the blood to kick out.

"Hold him down for me!"

Hou San ordered his men.

Immediately, several people held down long Shaoyun.

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Long Shaoyun's face was white with fright: "come on, come on, come!"

At the moment, the voice hissed and roared as hard as possible.

"Shout, shout hard. In this room, no one can hear you even if you cry out your throat. You first sent someone to kill me, and now you do this to my sister, long Shaoyun. I am at odds with you!"

With that, another slap in the face."Three Third master, I was wrong. When did you have a sister? I don't know! "

Long Shaoyun is convinced directly.


A heavy slap in the face, "you still dare to ask me, you do this to my sister, you still have to deal with you!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong! Hou San, although we have a grudge, I know you want to revenge me. Frankly speaking, you just want money, don't you? Today is my birthday. The elders of our dragon family have come. We have a talk to discuss. I'll give you how much money you want. "

Long Shaoyun is not stupid. How can you not see that this is a god jumped.

I deliberately hurt myself.

I'm sorry I didn't hold back.

"In addition, Hou San, you know my identity. It's not good to offend me, is it? And I've heard that there are security monitoring facilities in the whole villa. If you stay here for a long time, you will be found out by my people. When they rush to come, you will not be able to finish. Just take the money and leave! "

Long Shaoyun is busy.

"OK, long Shao, it's time to scare me. Besides, we came in through the back door, and you know who supervised the installation of this set of monitoring and security equipment?"

Hou San gave a cold smile.


"It's me

Hou Sany roared, another slap in the face.

Long Shao swallowed his saliva.

"What do you want?"

"What I think is simple. You insulted my sister today and let me catch a current one. In this way, I don't want your stinky money. You kneel down and call me grandfather three times. I'll spare you if I'm a brute."

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Hou San sneered.

"Don't think about it!"


It was another slap in the face and said, "today I'm Hou sanhuo. I'm going to die with you. Anyway, you son of a bitch can't spare me!"

With that, Hou San wanted to take out his knife.

But looking at Hou San's eyes are red, he also knows that he and Hou San are life and death feud, really anything can do.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No

At present, long Shaoyun was scared to kneel down: "grandfather, I am an animal!"


Three calls in succession.

And this scene was recorded by others.

And when long Shaoyun shouts for the third time.

He suddenly raised his head, pulled the sheet from the side and threw it at Hou San.

Then he got up, opened the window and jumped out.

"Damn it, don't let this boy run away!"

Hou San is also a Leng, hurry to chase.

But as long Shaoyun ran and yelled, the bodyguards in front of him heard the news.

"Long Shao!"

I saw Chang Mao running directly with a large group of bodyguards , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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