The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 336: 336

Chen Ge is waiting anxiously outside.

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After a while, I saw old man Qin and doctor Hu come out.

Only this time let Chen Ge feel a little surprised is that doctor Hu seems to respect the old man Qin, and he is poor to help him.

"How about it?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Hehe, it's almost done. Go in and have a look."

Old man Qin said.

Chen Ge walked in to have a look, Su Qiang's face looks really good many, also ruddy.

"Chen Ge, don't worry, grandfather Qin's medical skills are really excellent!"

Su Qiangwei is also afraid that Chen Ge is worried about herself.

"That's good!"

Chen GeChang breathed a breath.

That's when I put my heart down.

"Uncle Qin, please

Chen Ge nods to Qin Yifan.

Again and again to help themselves, although at first very tired of this old man, but now, Chen Ge is sincerely grateful.

"No trouble, grandson. If there's nothing else, let's go."

Qin Yifan is talking about taking him back to his hometown in Shuchuan.

It's about going to Sichuan.

Chen GE's face is a little dim.

There is one thing he has not solved. Mu Han misunderstands himself now, and he is angry and doesn't listen to his explanation. What can I do?

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"Wait a minute. I'll take care of this and we'll go."

With that, Chen Ge asked Su Qiang to rest first.

Then he went out and called.

But after a few hits, Su Muhan all directly hung up.


"Muhan, take it. Why not? Maybe he has changed his mind again

The Su family.

Su Mengmeng and they sit together, watching TV, watching TV, eating snacks, see Su Muhan angry hang up the phone, Su Mengmeng eating potato chips, can not help but persuade.

"No answer!"

Su Muhan threw his cell phone aside.

I'm just angry.

Ding Dong

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Su Muhan sat up.

Yes, my parents are not at home. Who can come now?

It must be Chen Ge.

Some things get angry, but Su Muhan doesn't want to see Chen Ge.

But the person who opened the door was su Mengmeng.

"Well, you know Yeah? How is it you? "

After summond opened the door.

The facial expression is very ugly say.

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"Is Miss Su Muhan there? I want to talk to her about something! "

Outside the door, there was a beautiful girl's voice.

And this girl, not someone else, is Qin ya.

"What are you doing here?"

For Qin ya, Su Muhan certainly doesn't like Qin ya.

Yes, it's all hate.

Even if Chen Ge really has no other relationship with her, why does she hold Chen GE's arm and why does she have to make an engagement with her?

"Miss Su Muhan, I think we can talk alone, OK?"

Qin Yadao.

She went back today, how could she feel uneasy.

Therefore, she would like to have a good talk with Su Muhan.

"Talk about what, you can say it!"

They came to the side of a park.

"I'll tell you the truth. Although, from my original intention, if you and Chen Ge really break up, it's a good thing for me, and I won't hide it from you. Indeed, I like Chen Ge and have pursued him!"

Qin Ya said.

Su Muhan twisted his head to one side and did not speak.

"But, I just like him, I can see how dedicated he is to you. Really, from the beginning to the end, his heart to you has never changed. No matter how good I am to him, he turns a blind eye to it. I think that if the two of you break up because of our misunderstanding, he will be very sad and painful, because he is kind-hearted and likes to help others This time, it's really just helping me! I didn't do what I'm sorry about you! "

Qin Ya looks up at Su Muhan and says.

Then he told Su Muhan about Chen GE's experience with himself since this period of time.

And Su Muhan didn't expect that so many things happened to Chen Ge during this period of time.

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But to be honest, Chen GE has helped Qin Ya many times. Su Muhan is still a bit jealous.

Can think about it, Chen Ge did not do anything.

"I understand what you mean. Is that you have more experience with Chen Ge than I have with Chen Ge?"

Su Muhan asked again.

"I don't mean that, but since you said that, you can also think about what you have done for Chen Ge since you were with him? Where were you when he was in trouble? "Qin Ya didn't mean anything else. She just wanted to talk it out completely.

What did you do for Chen Ge?

Where were you when he was in trouble?

These two words made Su Muhan speechless.

Yes, I just thought I was in love with Chen Ge, and they had to go a long way, but Su Muhan never wanted to do anything for Chen Ge.

Chen GE has been helping himself and taking care of himself.

He did not give him anything, this time back, also indiscriminately misunderstood him.

He must be busy, but he has to distract himself.

After talking with Qin ya, Su Muhan went back.

Throughout the afternoon, Su Muhan didn't chat with his partner any more, instead, he was sullen in his room.

But they are worried.

"What's wrong with Mu Han? Did that woman talk to Mu Han? After all, they talked for more than an hour. Something must have happened! "

"Yes, since I came back!"

Su Mengmeng is eating potato chips.

"Hum, let's go and ask together. If something really happens, we'll go to find the man named Qin ya to settle accounts!"

All the roommates came to the door of Su Muhan's room.

"Muhan, open the door, open the door!"

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Su Mengmeng said worried.

Soon, the door opened.

But when they saw it, they were puzzled.

Because Su Muhan has packed his bags.

"Muhan, what are you doing? We just came back less than a day ago. Are you?"

Wu Wenwen asked.

"Well, let's go back to Hong Kong Island."

Su Muhan said.

"Ah? Now? "

They were surprised and said, "but mu Han, what can Chen Ge do? It's not easy for you to come back. It's just that you want to see him and talk with him. Now you two misunderstand, but I feel that Chen Ge didn't do that kind of scum man thing! "

"I know, I know Chen Ge won't, but I want to go back to Hong Kong Island!"

Su Mu Han said with wet red eyes.

Just now she thought over and over a lot.

Yes, I didn't really hate Chen Ge this time. I just wanted him to cajole myself. It was so simple.

However, Qin Ya's words are not something Su Muhan didn't think about.

I can't do anything for Chen Ge. I can only support him by his side. So Su Muhan wants to go back and try to enrich himself.

Only in this way can the relationship be balanced.

The sisters didn't say anything. They packed up quickly and went back with Mu Han.

Only Su Mengmeng quietly took out his mobile phone and sent a short message to Chen Ge.

"Go to the airport quickly. Muhan is leaving!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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