The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 338: 338

The capital of Sichuan is the central city.

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Nature is very prosperous.

And this line of motorcade, is in the crowded station exit, appears to be particularly eye-catching.

Here we are.

Chen Ge stood up and took Su Qiang to get off with the old man Qin.

But this time, passing by Hu Huimin and their side, Chen Ge walked by indifferently.

There was no greeting.

"Hum, virtue, who seldom pays attention to you!"

Hu Huimin didn't expect Chen Ge to be so tough and dare not take the initiative to say hello to herself.

Yes, because of Hu Huimin's strong sense of superiority, I can ignore you when you say hello, but if you don't, especially people like Chen Ge, it's like being humiliated by a pig.

But it doesn't matter. They get off the car one after another.

"Junwen, didn't you say that when we got to the station, someone would come to pick it up?"

Hu asked.

Several people came out together and looked around.

Drop ~ drop!

Just then, a large Land Rover came and honked its horn.

Then the window rolled down and a handsome young man said hello to Shen Junwen.

"Junwen, this!"

"Wang Jian!"

Shen Junwen also waved his hand.

"What are you doing, my friend

One side of a few girls can not help saying.

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"At the beginning, we were all classmates from the police academy, but after graduation, he didn't take this road. His father called him back to inherit the company. Ha ha!"

Shen Junwen said.

One side of the girls can not help but cast some small worship of Shen Junwen.

Why are excellent people always like this and know people with extraordinary status.

"By the way, Huimin, didn't you say that there are still many good high school students in Shudu, and you also said to come to pick us up! If we go by car now, your classmates will run away! "

One girl said.

"Huimin, how did your high school classmates do at that time? Didn't you say you started your own business? "

Shen Junwen asked as he walked towards the other side of the car.

"Yes, at that time, we were all from the high school competition team. Many students came to Shudu, and their abilities were very strong. Anyway, our task still had a few days to start. I also wanted to find them to play with! But it's not as good as your friend Wang Jian! "

The way of humic acid.

At present, I came to the front of the car and introduced each other.

Drop ~ drop!

Just then, there was another trumpet.

A BMW 5-series is coming.

The window fell down. This time, a man and a woman were sitting on the co pilot.

He waved to Hu Huimin: "Hi! Huimin

"Wang Wen, Liang Meng!"

Hu Huimin also said with a happy smile.

Seeing Hu Huimin's classmates, they all drove luxury cars to pick them up.

Next to the two girls are very envious.

After all, they don't have so many classmates and friends, and they haven't been in touch for a long time.

Another round of greetings and mutual introductions.

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There is a lot of language among successful people.

"Huimin, I haven't seen you for years. I miss you so much! This is a good time to get together

Wang Wen is also very beautiful, holding Hu Huimin's hand at the moment.


Suddenly, Wang Wen looked at Hu Huimin's back.

"Well Isn't that Chen Ge? Not really? "

Wang Wen looks at Chen Ge and them coming out of the station.

Big and small.

"Well, why not, it's him!"

Hu Huimin was speechless.

"Chen Ge!"

Wang Wen suddenly called out.

Chen Ge is also stunned. How can someone call his name?

Turn a head to see, just see Wang Wen Liang Meng them clearly.

Although I was not very familiar in high school, I had no contact with him in private except for competitions.

However, Chen Ge had a good relationship with Wang Wen at that time.

As for Liang Meng, his family belongs to the kind of rich people who don't often talk to Chen Ge.

But it's better to be with Hu Huimin.

At present, with a bit of surprise walked in the past.

"Wang Wen, Liang Meng, are you?"

After all, I'm still in love with you.

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Liang Meng looked up and down at Chen Ge, and nodded with some disdain, which was a greeting.

Wang Wen is a small jump shot Chen GE's shoulder.

"Hey, Chen Ge, it's been a long time since I saw you. You didn't even contact us!"At the beginning of the competition, Chen Ge and Wang Wen were in a group and won the place at the same time. Therefore, they had some feelings of comrades in arms.

"Yes, we haven't seen each other for a long time!"

Chen Ge is also Tao.

"By the way, Chen Ge, is that beauty your girlfriend and family? Well, where are you going? I'll ask Liang Meng to send you there together! "

Wang Wen said.

"I'll have to pick someone up later."

Liang Meng said suddenly.

Wang Wen, with a smile of embarrassment, quickly turned the subject aside and said, "by the way, Huimin Chen Ge, you don't know. Liang Meng and I are about to get married and have been pregnant for three months."

"Well, Congratulations!"

Hu Huimin smiles with surprise.

I don't know how this Ni Zi thinks, actually saw Chen GE's expression at the moment.

It seems that she is only happy to see from Chen GE's face that she can't compare with others.

"Well? I didn't pay attention to it just now. I'll go. Look at the team! "

At this time, Wang Jian suddenly pointed to the side.

"Well? Yes, a lot of luxury cars? "

Several girls also have to look at, can't help but be surprised in the heart.

"The leader, it seems to be Zhu Mingzhu, a famous entrepreneur in our province?"

Liang Meng also recognized, at the moment surprised way.

"It's really Mr. Zhu. It's strange. How can such a person come out to meet people in person? I remember when I was very young, my father took me to a large chamber of Commerce. Then I was ignorant and ran around. As a result, I almost ran into Mr. Zhu and he touched my head! "

Wang jianpo said with some glory.

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"I'll go and say hello! I see a manager under Mr. Zhu is also there. I know my father! "

Wang Jian said, and really walked past.

Everyone was surprised and admired.

I saw that Wang Jian had really said a few words to a manager in the past, but he came back soon.

"How about Wang Jian?"

Shen Junwen worshipped.

"He said hello. Hey, they came to pick up a big man today, so they didn't talk to me much. Just now, president Zhu just looked back at me, and I didn't dare to talk to him!"

The crowd chatted eagerly.

Chen Ge is embarrassed to stand.

He said hello to Wang Wen and left.

Wang Wen now also did not detain, indeed, let Chen Ge continue here, let him embarrassed.

"It's strange. Why hasn't Chen Shao come yet?"

Over there, Zhu Ming looked at the time, and now he was sweating.

Li Zhenguo did not arrange Zhu Ming to meet Chen Shao, but said that Chen Shao would arrive today and wait for Chen Shao to call at any time.

After all, Chen Ge said that there was no need to put on any ostentation.

But the speaker has no intention, and the listener intends.

Where can Zhu Ming neglect.

But I didn't wait.

Besides, Chen Ge saw that it was late, so the three people first found a hotel to stay.

Just after settling down, Chen GE's mobile phone suddenly rings , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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