The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 343: 343

Then, in the eyes of people's astonishment.

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The door opened slowly.

But out of the inside, is a gorgeous dress, eyes are very small, body some fat little white fat.

He waved to everyone.

"Is he Chen Shao?"


"Of course not. I know him. He is Huang Yonghao and Huang Shao, the son of the richest man in Suzhou city."

"Ah? It turns out that Huang Shao came instead of Chen Shao? "

The crowd began to discuss.

And to see Huang Yonghao, the faces of the leaders are also very disappointed.

But I also pay attention to it. After all, Huang Yonghao is one of the distinguished guests.

Su Muhan did not know Huang Yonghao, but was surprised and disappointed.

Why didn't Chen Ge come?

I can hide in a corner and not recognize him, but let me see him.

Although Su Muhan is not a show off person.

But on such a beautiful occasion, her boyfriend is very popular. As a girl, she is very happy.

But unexpectedly, it's not Chen Ge!

As a result, Huang Yonghao did not know Su Muhan.

It is with the tour group to the top of the steps.

"Ah? What's going on? Why doesn't your boyfriend say hello to you

Yang Huali was really scared just now.

But now, with a look of schadenfreude.

"Oh, I'm so anxious. He's not Chen Shao. Chen Shao hasn't come!"

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Su Mengmeng said regretfully.

In this way, Yang Huali will be proud again.

"What's 13? I said how good my boyfriend is! It's disgusting. I think your slap is light! "

Yang Huali felt that he was being teased.

At the moment, he said with a little anger.

However, after a brief commotion in the meeting hall, it was not long after silence that there was another thunderous roar.

"My God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God

Someone yelled hysterically.

"What kind of car is that?"

"My God, this seems to be the exclusive homemade luxury car of Lamborghini company. It is specially designed for the top customers. It was exposed on the Internet three years ago. Each car costs more than 10 billion yuan, and it is equipped with super artificial intelligence. Moreover, this car is much more solid than the ordinary bulletproof car, so it is needless to say about the configuration model!"

"Gee, a car costs more than a billion yuan. This is One two three four five It's more than 20! "

"20 billion motorcade! Ah

Don't mention the young men and women present. At the moment, even some rich businessmen can't resist, and the blue veins on their faces are exposed with excitement.

How much money can you earn? And this big guy has a fleet of tens of billions.

Many people are so excited that they look pale like paper.

This is absolutely unprecedented.

The leader of the welcome group is now looking at the head of the Taiwan Strait.

He took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself down.

"Director, is this the big guy today?"

Someone asked excitedly.

"It's her! Tell everyone, at this moment, you should give me a 120000 spirit! If you make any mistakes elsewhere, you will die! "

The head of the station trembled.

Then step by step toward the stop of the car door in the past.

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"Who is it?"

And Su Mengmeng and Yang Huali can't afford to fight, because they are a few girls, all shocked.

Even Su Muhan felt incredible.

Chen GE has a lot of money, but there are still many people who have more money than him.

For example, this is a fleet of tens of billions of dollars!

What about the house she lives in and what else?

Oh, my God, it's a luxury!

It's incredibly extravagant.

Su Muhan was shocked.

And now, the door is open.

I can see that the head of the station, as well as many big men, automatically stand in two rows.

Then the standard bend is 90 degrees.

A young woman, chewing gum and wearing expensive clothes, came down.

The woman was wearing dark glasses of luxury brand with snow-white skin and a small suit on her shoulders.

A little shoulder movement.

The suit will slide down automatically. A bodyguard will come and pick it up!

Look at the bodyguards behind her.

Looking from afar, each of its eyes, through the decisive murderous gas, and each look, is that the body contains a strong explosive force.

All kinds of situations can be dealt with at any time.Women's aura is so strong that many people dare not breathe.

And this woman is also very beautiful.

About twenty-six or seven.

His eyes swept slightly.

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At this time, the eyes fell on a big flag outside the scene.

With a smile in his mouth, he pointed to the flag and said, "hang it higher for me!"

What she pointed to, of course, was Chen GE's banner.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Did not dare to straighten up the head of the channel, a wave of hand, immediately have a subordinate to run to deal with.

And the door is full of rich merchants.

There's no one breathing at the moment.

All stooped as if they were meeting the queen.

Even some of them looked more than 50 years old and didn't do anything, but their faces were white and their legs were shaking like electric shock.

Obviously, there was something in my heart.

And watching Chen Ge bring the flag, was pulled to the highest.

The smile on the woman's face became more intense.

At present, he handed his bag to Su Muhan, who was welcoming the guests.

And Su Muhan.

Looking at Chen GE's flag curiously, why does this female boss only want to raise Chen GE's flag?

What does she have to do with Chen Ge?

Because I know that Chen GE has many female friends now, although I know that Chen Ge is very attentive to herself.

But Su Muhan is also a little nervous.

After all, this woman, too strong, frightening!

Therefore, Su Muhan has been in a trance.

For the handbag handed over by the woman, I didn't notice at all.


The woman frowned slightly.

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The head of the station was so scared that his eyes were bleeding.

"Su Muhan! What do you want to do

The head of the station roared wildly in his heart.

Thousands of exhortations and instructions, don't make mistakes, but there are mistakes.

"New comer?"

The woman is chewing gum light way.


Su Muhan is also a reaction, nervous bad is also.

"Yes I'm sorry! I'm sorry

Su Muhan's face turned white.

"I I'll let her go at once, and she'll be punished along with her family! "

The head of the station said in a panic.

Su Muhan didn't expect that because he was a little slow, even his family would be implicated?

How overbearing!

However, Su Muhan is also really afraid, she is overbearing, naturally have overbearing capital.

"Did I say let her go? Talk a lot

The woman gave the director a look.

"I'm talkative! I'm talkative! Talk to me

When he stepped down to his face, he took three mouths, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

Yang Huali, on the other hand, lowers her head, but her heart is full of excitement.

Because she knew that Su Muhan was finished! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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