The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 348: 348

Liu Yuxiang was angry and wanted to be aggressive. He put one hand in his pocket and taught Yang Yufei a lesson.

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But I didn't expect it.

At the moment, blood flowed down his forehead.

It scared the bodyguards.

Neither of the two sides started.

Yang Yufei was pale at once.

There was a bloody incident, and it was in the capital of Shu again. It's hard to say.

"Don't let this woman run away, she beat Liu Shao!"

A bodyguard pointed to the side of Hu Huimin said.

"I I didn't do it! "

Hu Huimin is also confused. She just wanted to argue, but she didn't do anything at all. But now, it is obvious that these bodyguards have identified themselves.

And the staff of the scenic spot, hearing about this, immediately went out to disperse the crowd.

And sent medical staff to cover the wound for Liu Yuxiang.

Some managers of the scenic area also come out to negotiate.

Now, there are not many people on the scene.

As for Wang Wen and Chen Ge, they are together with Hu Huimin, and naturally they can't leave.

"Liu Shao, we will send you to the scenic area hospital to bandage first!"

"Don't let them go!"

Liu Yuxiang covered his head and was carried to a stretcher by medical staff.

At the moment, he cried out in a rage.

"I didn't do it again. Why can't I leave?"

Hu Huimin airway, Liu Yuxiang is too overbearing.

Now turn around and want to leave.

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"Miss, you all have to wait and see how to deal with this matter. If you leave like this, we can't explain to the people of the Liu family in the scenic area!"

"I can testify that she didn't do it, she just pulled me away!"

Yang Yufei looked at Hu Huimin with gratitude and nodded, then said to the manager of the scenic spot.

"Miss Yang, we really can't help it, but we will prevent another fight in the scenic area, but how to do it depends on the attitude of the Liu family!"

The manager said helplessly.

Although things happen in the scenic spots, some of them can be resisted, and some things can't be resisted at all.

Wang Jian on the side of the head is scared is sweating, this Liu Yuxiang seems to have never suffered from a loss.

Now, I've got a knock on my head.

And confirmed that it was Hu Huimin who started it.

I am with Hu Huimin, and I will be targeted.

Offending the Liu family, they're just Wang's.

So at the moment, when he called his father, Wang Jian stammered nervously.

Wang Wen has never encountered such a thing.

I was scared to cry.

After all, she is just a girl who just graduated and started to do business together.

I haven't been in touch with such a big guy.

Obviously, she knows about the Liu family.

So of course I was afraid.

Don't talk about him. Liang Meng is afraid to cry now. Call his father.

"Don't be afraid of it. You didn't do it anyway. I'll carry it for you."

Yang Yufei looks like they are both in their 20s and just graduated from university.

This time it's just for fear of being hurt.

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How can I make them resist things.

Besides, Hu Huimin didn't do it. Yang Yufei knew it.

Therefore, in order not to let them be frightened, so Yang Yufei dispelled their concerns.

Although Yang Yufei looks ok.

But to tell you the truth, I'm really afraid. How to solve it.

After saying that, Yang Yufei immediately contacted the company and told the whole story of the matter.

"Ah? Well, I see! "

After saying that, Yang Yufei's look is slightly gloomy.

"What's up, sister Yufei?"

Hu Huimin said with concern at the moment.

A group of people gathered around.

Yang Yufei shook his head: "the company told me that they were in a hurry to find a way to contact Zhu Mingzhu, but Liu Yuxiang was so seriously injured this time, so the company was worried that Mr. Zhu might not be able to suppress it. After all, he would not fall out with the Liu family for the sake of an artist like me! Although Liu Yuxiang is looking for something, it is Liu Yuxiang who has been hurt. It's a bit tricky! "

Yang Yufei is not calm.

If Liu Yuxiang is not injured, Zhu Ming can suppress this matter, but after he is injured, it is two things.

Moreover, we can't let Zhu Ming bother the Chen family in the headquarters because of this. Then they can resign completely.

So no one will be stupid enough to fight against this beam for the sake of an artist and his fans, which is very embarrassing.

"Well What about that? "

Wang Wen cried.

"Don't worry, I can only find my own relationship now! Sister Liang, who do you want to talk to? "Yang Yufei asked her agent, sister Liang.

"I don't want to talk about it. I think there's a person you can find. As long as you can get his help, it's no problem. Besides, he's just a matter of words."

"Ah? Who is it? "

Yang Yufei asked.

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"The last time you performed, Huang Yonghao and Huang Shao, who wanted to get in touch with you. When he held a large-scale party, he said that he could find him if he had something to do!"

Said Sister Liang.

"Ah! Huang Yonghao, rich in Suzhou city but few in Huang Yonghao? "

Obviously, Hu Huimin and they have heard of Huang Yonghao's name. When they look at each other, their faces are beaming. If Huang Shao is willing to help, it would be better!

"It can only be like this. Huang Shao knows a lot about big and young. In fact, Huang Shao held the last performance for a mysterious young man. Therefore, Huang Shao must have many ways. He needs to be able to make a phone call."

"Well, well, I'll have a try."

Yang Yufei nodded.

He sent a voice call to Huang Yonghao.

It wasn't long before it was connected over there.

Yang Yufei was very surprised, and then told the whole story.

After hanging up.

Yang Yufei said with a smile: "OK, OK, Huang Shao said, he will help in this matter, dredge the relationship!"


Hu Huimin and they were all happy.

In particular, Hu Huimin still has a task in the body, most afraid of extraneous twigs.

While waiting for Huang Shao to call, Hu Huimin and they are surrounded by Yang Yufei.

Listen to her talk about the last time Huang Shao opened a part.

The first time I talked so much with idol stars, I also experienced things together. Don't mention how excited we are.

Chen gedai is at a loss here.

Even just now they are all ready. If Wang Wen and they are really in trouble, they can help themselves.

After all, Yang Yufei is half of his own.

You can't see them doing something.

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But now it's all right, and so is little Hawken.

But before long, a message came to my wechat.

It was Huang Yonghao who sent it.

"Brother, I need your help! Hey, hey

Chen Ge can't help but smile bitterly, also guess what matter, still asked the mouth.

Sure enough, Huang Yonghao wants Chen Ge to help him say something to Li Zhenguo, and exert a relationship to pacify the Liu family.

Some things, Huang Yonghao does not look for his father, like to look for Li Zhenguo.

But he was a little embarrassed when he searched too much.

Now, I have to find Chen Ge.

"All right."

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile, and then told Li Zhenguo about it, and Li Zhenguo immediately went to do it.

About half an hour later.

Yang Yufei, who is still anxious to call back, is preparing to send a message to Huang Shao.

As a result, the manager of the scenic spot came running.

"Miss Yang, I'd like to tell you something. Liu Shao said just now that this matter is even, so let it go! You can go, too

Scenic Area Manager road.

"OK, thank you, manager!"

Yang Yufei finally took a long breath.

And Wang Wen and Hu Huimin look at each other, excited

Huang Shao, it's amazing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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