The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 350: 350

"What opportunity?"

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Su rose surprised way.

Chen Ge thought that the black tour guide he met today might be an opportunity.

Chen Ge was going to trouble him at that time, but Wang Wen called him out, but he didn't.

But Chen Ge feels that the old boy should know something. Listening to his meaning, he seems to have received the girl twice.

So Chen Ge decided to ask him.

It is not difficult to inquire about his whereabouts.

In the afternoon, Chen Ge directly drove people to find the black tour guide's home.

The black guide happened to be at home.

Seeing Chen Ge, he was obviously nervous.

After all, his one thousand yuan is really a person from other places, deliberately black.

Now it's good. They come to the door with a group of bodyguards in black.

"Haha, I said, you What are you doing? "

The middle-aged fat man said nervously.

"Nothing, come and see you!"

With one hand in his pocket, Chen Ge, without waiting for the man's comity, walked directly into the house and sat on the sofa.

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Looking at a group of bodyguards, each one is not easy to provoke.

And Chen Ge, sitting on the sofa, with the remote control to watch TV, the whole as his own home, not a word.

The middle-aged fat man swallowed his saliva, and his heart became more and more bottomless.

He came over and said with a smile: "that big and little, cough, I don't want that thousand yuan. You can see the situation of my family. There are old people and small ones. I'm anxious to make money. To tell you the truth, the thousand yuan is indeed black to you. I didn't move it, and I gave it back to you!"

After all, he is a veteran in the world. It goes without saying that he knows the rules of these scenes.

Chen Ge rubbed his nose and said with a smile, "you are wrong. I'm not here to ask for money today. On the contrary, if you are willing to tell me more, I will give you another sum of money!"

The middle-aged fat man said with a smile, "do you still want to ask about the big daughter? What do you want from him


Waiting for Chen Ge to reply, one of the bodyguards glared at the middle-aged fat man.

"Oh, I understand. I don't want to ask questions. Well, although I have met her once before, I just know that she is very rich and powerful. I really don't know her origin. But I also know that she is about the same age as you, and she studies in the same school as my son, and my son knows her !”

The middle-aged fat man looks at Chen Ge is not easy to provoke, so it is quite magnanimous.

Then he stood up and called out to the room: "Mount Tai, come out! This time it's not our family's fault! "

"Ah? Come on

Then the door of the room opened, and Chen Ge saw a little fat man who was similar to the middle-aged fat man to open the door and come out.

It's also funny. Listen to this, many people have come to trouble him before.

"Tell Mr. Chen about the big money in your school

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The middle-aged fat man said.

The little fat man nodded. She really began to say:

"she is very mysterious and powerful in our school. She is in the class next to us. Every time she goes to the union hall, she will go. However, she never talks to us. The students are afraid of her, and no one dares to speak to her, because she has many powerful bodyguards around her every day, even the teachers are afraid of her!"

"Haha, but sometimes I sit in the row next to them and eavesdrop on her conversation with her partner, because I find that she and her partner love to play around. After listening, I ask my father to wait for a special scenic spot!"

The little fat man is also a smart man. Obviously, he has done similar things in school to help his father.

After listening to Chen Ge, he became more curious.

In this way, the girl is really very mysterious.

Combined with the clues obtained before, Chen Ge feels that, as Master Wu said, the fangs are still powerful, but they seem to be hiding something.

But now, if you ask rashly, you may be able to frighten the snake and achieve the opposite effect.

"Does she go to school on time every day now?"

What does Chen Ge want to start with.

"It can't be said that every day, she and one of her little friends often attend classes! Are you looking for her? Oh, but don't blame me for my bad speech. It really doesn't work. In the past, there were many rich and powerful people who thought they had money and power and wanted to chat up with this girl. In the end, they didn't know why. They were honest and honest! Therefore, we usually take the initiative to avoid her, she is an iceberg beauty. "

"What's her name? Is it Fang? "

Chen Ge finally asked.

I don't know her name, but I don't know her name"All right."

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Chen Ge shook his head helplessly.

To be honest, Chen Ge is not afraid of the power behind the girls.

Of course, fortunately, as long as you can see her again.

At present, Chen GE's mind is already had a train of thought.

"What class are you in?"

Chen Ge asked the little fat man.

Then the little fat man told his family and age.

Finally, Chen Ge motioned to his men to leave a part of the reward money, which left.

Since she can't frighten the snake, Chen Ge thinks it's better to take a detour and enter the school to find a chance to get in touch with this girl named "Nan".

As long as you don't let her lose it, you can find the woman who is called dream.

That's it!

After going back, he immediately arranged for Zhu Ming to dredge up his relationship at school.

Zhu Ming naturally has no problem with this.

At the same time.

Hong Kong Island.

The TV conference is over.

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Chen Xiao left after sitting for a while.

As Chen Xiao once said, let him go to her after the meeting, so Su Muhan naturally dare not neglect.

In the evening, I took a taxi to a sea port.

Chen Xiao arranged for someone to say, let himself wait here.

Can look, in front of the vast sea, also did not see a boat in ah.

"Let's wait here. You don't know what kind of energy Yang Shao used to receive us this time. Ha ha!"

And at this time, burst out a burst of girls happy discussion sound.

Su Muhan looks aside.

That is to see four or five girls, also toward here.

It seems that they are very excited.


When Su Muhan saw one of the girls, Su Muhan was stunned.

As for the girl, obviously also saw Su Muhan standing in the port, and stopped at the moment.

The look on the face is also some wonderful , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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