The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 372: 372

In fact, Chen GE has the intention to have a little more talk with Fang Huanan.

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But after Fang Nan finished, she turned her head to one side.

Obviously there was no interest in speaking.

Chen Ge did not continue to say more, ran behind them and sat down.

Fang Yi turns her head and looks at Chen Ge from time to time.

Indeed, I thought Chen Ge was an honest man, but I didn't expect that he was not only rich, but also very skilled.

You should know how powerful she is. She was easily defeated by him.

If Fang Fannan had not said that she would not let herself find Chen GE's business, she would have let her compete with Chen Ge again.

Originally is the normal waiting for class, but wait for a long time, also did not see many students come in.

Only a few girls came to the next class.

If it had been this point before, it would have been overcrowded.

"What about your classmates? Why didn't anyone come? "

At this moment, the teacher has come, saw a few students sitting in the classroom, can't help but ask the female students who just came in.

Fang Huanan and Chen Ge are also curious. They look up.

"It's such a teacher. There seems to be something wrong with the monitor of class 3. Now many people are blocking the door of their class. I don't know why. Many boys in our class are watching over there!"

Said the girl.

Chen Ge and Wang Xiaohua look at each other.

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This morning, they came here early and directly, and didn't go back to class.

Feelings, there are really things.

It's still about Xu Yangyang.

"Classmate, what's the matter?"

As soon as Wang Xiaohua heard of Xu Yangyang's accident, he was somewhat gloating.

"I don't know exactly. It seems that Xu Yangyang had a fight with someone. It's not her. It should be because she fought with others. In a word, that's it. Isn't she your monitor? Why don't you know?"

Asked the schoolgirls.

"O'ao, we come to the United classroom directly, of course, we don't know!"

Wang Xiaohua laughed and sat down directly.

I also made a special call to ask the class.

After putting down the phone, Wang Xiaohua slapped the table excitedly, "ha ha, God has eyes. Finally, someone can cure Xu Yangyang. Let her knock!"

If you want to say who in the class is not good to Wang Xiaohua and Chen Ge, it must be Xu Yangyang.

Now Xu Yangyang accident, Wang Xiaohua naturally very happy.

"What's going on?"

Chen Ge was just a little curious and asked.

"Brother Chen, it was Liang Fei who lost the game yesterday. It was Liang Fei who made a big show. As a result, Xu Yangyang was angry. Today, she came to class with Li Wentao, Shen Junwen and the girl around him. As a result, several rich people pointed out to them! Laugh at their shame yesterday

"Xu Yangyang is really angry. Without saying a word, he used to have a big mouth on that rich young man's face."

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"Ha ha ha, then people must fight back. Shen Junwen and Li Wentao all went up and beat the rich and the young. Guess who they hit? He is the son of Mencius in Shuchuan! Meng Chuan is a dandy. He has always been arrogant and arrogant. From childhood to adulthood, he let others beat him like this. Then he called people and stopped Xu Yangyang in our class! It is said that more than a dozen cars have arrived! "

Wang Xiaohua road.

Chen Ge nodded.

This kind of thing happened to Chen Ge.

However, it is not always necessary to help themselves.

Although this happened in his own class, Xu Yangyang got into trouble. To be honest, Chen Ge was still a bit eager to let Meng Chuan teach her a lesson and help him out.

If not for fear of bad influence, Chen Ge would like to go back to see the excitement.

Ha ha!

"Really, brother Chen, the Meng family is said to be the vassal of the situ family, a super family in Sichuan Province. It's not too much to describe it with one hand!"

Wang Xiaohua told Chen Ge about Sichuan.

And Fang Yi and Fang Nan obviously heard it in front of her.

Especially when referring to the situ family, Fang Huanan also slightly side face.

And it didn't take a while.

There was a sudden burst of footsteps outside.

It turned out that all the students came in.

Xu Yangyang came in last.

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With Lin Shengnan holding her, it can be clearly seen that there are two bright red palm prints on both sides of Xu Yangyang's cheek, and he is crying very much.

While crying, he said, "I didn't notice it was him. I didn't mean to hit him!"

"Well, fortunately, the head of our department and the instructor all rushed to stop us. We asked you to come to class first, or we would be doomed to argue with them today!"

Lin Shengnan is also a sad way.Indeed, the Meng family is too powerful. Although Lin Sheng's family is rich, it can not be compared with the Meng family.

Even Liang Fei's family is not good enough.

So just now, when Xu Yangyang was slapped by Meng Chuan, all the people were watching and did not dare to stop him.

If it wasn't for the director of the Department to find an excuse to argue with Meng Chuan and let Xu Yangyang come to class first, he would be really miserable.

In fact, it is to let Xu Yangyang take advantage of this opportunity to launch relations.

And the teacher, also know that this class can not, after all, Meng Shao, is not the ordinary teacher dare to deal with.

After a phone call, I didn't come back.

"What to do? What should I do? I called my family just now. My mother cried and told me that my father was picked up by the Meng family directly in the company and called my father several times. What should I do? "

Xu Yangyang really realized what fear is this time.

Even his father was beaten because of himself and was called away.

Now I really call every day should not, so that the earth is not working.

Lin Shengnan and Liang Fei are silent at the moment.

Apparently, they all got a call from home, warning them not to meddle.

After all, it was Xu Yangyang who beat people first.

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And in the campus in public whipping, can be said to be a hard face!

After that, Meng Chuan and several of them were beaten by Shen Junwen and Li Wentao.

Although Meng Chuan first provoked, but from the overall point of view, Xu Yangyang side more or less reasonable.

Liang Fei didn't dare to take care of it. He simply sat aside and lowered his head.

"Scum man, NIMA is disgusting!"

A girl looked at Liang Fei with anger.

Now, Xu Yangyang has no time to care about Liang Fei. After all, she is scared.

At this time, several students came to the door of the classroom.

Chen Ge looked up and saw Shen Junwen, Hu Huimin and Li Wentao.

At the moment, their faces were all ugly, and it was obvious that something had happened to them.

They came straight in.

"Brother Tao, brother Junwen, what should I do? My family is under threat

Xu Yangyang asked.

Li Wentao pinched his waist and lowered his head.

But Hu Huimin and Shen Junwen had no way out. Shen Junwen was also impulsive at that time. However, if this matter was done properly, Shen Junwen would pay many times the price.

After all, he and Hu Huimin , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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