The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 397: 397

This girl is not someone else. It's Zhao Yifan.

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Chen GE has not seen her for a long time. After all these things happened, I heard that Zhao Yifan had gone to Nanyang. She was from the Department of broadcasting and hosting. Naturally, it is more appropriate to go there to study and practice.

But did not expect, this etiquette team, unexpectedly has her!

Chen Ge was surprised.

"By the way, little brother, can you help us clean up the things on the ground? Thank you

At the moment, another girl does not return to say.


Chen Ge himself came in as a handyman. I don't know how aunt Fang arranged it. Tianlong and Dihu are idle jobs.

And he Chen Ge, running errands and doing chores, is this his life? ha-ha.

But it doesn't matter. Chen Ge is used to it.

"Yifan, when you come out this time, you should be relieved. Alas, it's really not easy for you to leave the sad place of Jinling. Originally, you wanted to have your own sky in Nanyang, but I didn't expect that such a thing happened again. Alas! In fact, all that should belong to you! If that's the case, we can follow suit

The girl said as she removed her make-up.

Girls, a day is not two things, day makeup, night off.

"Don't mention it. Although I'm tough on the surface, Xiaohan, you know, I really regret it in my heart, and I regret it all the time, because at the beginning, I had a good impression of him. He was beautiful, honest and kind to others, but he was too poor, so for a while, I didn't know what happened and began to hate him!"

Zhao Yifan doesn't take off her make-up any more. At the moment, he lies on the makeup removal table and scribbles with an eyebrow pencil.

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Obviously, I'm worried.

"But Xiaohan, sometimes our girls feel strange. It's not just that I begin to change to him after he has money. How to say that, just like when he mixed up a little bit, I didn't know he was rich, but I just knew that he was not poor and hungry as before, so I began to slowly try to accept him and do with him My friend

"Until that day, my roommates and I went back to our department for class. He stood at the entrance of the corridor, holding flowers in his hands. You don't know, I was moved in my heart and promised to be with him. I thought, ah, I could have a good love affair!"

"But you know, he played a trick on me. Ha ha, I was wondering why it was so difficult for me to start a good relationship. I was really angry and even wanted to kill his heart. He played with my feelings like this!"

Zhao Yifan said and cried.

Another girl did not take off her makeup, patted Yifan on the shoulder and said, "in fact, we girls are often helpless. Sometimes we are doomed to be cheated by these boys, especially rich boys like him! I reckon that he may have retaliated against you

"Revenge me for what? Revenge on me for looking down on him before? Not with him? Xiaohan, just ask, which girl in the world doesn't want her other half to have some money. Even if it can't be too rich, at least it's OK to be happy and well fed? After all, only when the economy is stable can we have a sense of security. It's not that I worship money, but I think that's what I think, and the reality is the same! "

Zhao Yifan said, "I never regret that I looked down on him before, because at that time, he really had no characteristics."

"Oh, but Yifan, I have to say that your hope is dim. That Chen Ge seems to be very committed to Su Muhan! Alas, it's uncomfortable for anyone to miss a chance like this! "

Advised the girl.

"But I still want to work hard. If I don't try, how can I know if I don't have a chance?"

"Well, the more you say it, the more you say it, the more annoying it is. Xiaohan, I want to drink. Would you like to have a good drink with me?"

"Well, I'd like to have a drink too, to celebrate our early departure from these damned youth! That little brother, you go and get us some bottles of red wine, three grams of oil! "

Xiao Han looks at Chen Ge and says.


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Chen Ge didn't dare to speak. He nodded and went out.

At the beginning of Chen Ge, listening to Zhao Yifan's story, she felt very interesting. She thought that Zhao Yifan had already started a new relationship.

But to Chen GE's surprise, after talking for a long time, it turned out that he was talking about himself.

To Zhao Yifan, at the moment, Chen GE's heart is a little guilty.

All blame oneself didn't say words clearly at the beginning, let Zhao Yifan misunderstand oneself pursue is her.

As a result, they told her the truth.

This is a strong blow to a girl, especially a girl with strong self-esteem like Zhao Yifan.

And I did not do it properly.

Chen Ge shook her head and went to get two bottles of red wine for them.

Unexpectedly, when they drink, Xiaohan asks Chen Ge to help them pack their suitcases.

I owe them.Fortunately, Zhao Yifan has something in mind, and his eyes are not on him at all.

By the time they finished cleaning up, they had already drunk two bottles of red wine.

Zhao Yifan also came to drink, a strong also want wine.

Chen Ge had no choice but to give it to them.

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But Zhao Yifan soon drank too much.

Just when Chen Ge was ready to leave.


Zhao Yifan a bout of retching, and then directly tilted in the ground.

Xiao Han, however, had been sleeping unconscious in bed.

"I want to drink, and I want to drink!"

Zhao Yifan said while crying.

Chen Ge stops at the door.

Looking at Zhao Yifan, Chen GE's heart appeared a touch of unbearable color.

"If it wasn't for his appearance, Zhao Yifan didn't know how happy life was?"

But because of some things, although I have no feeling for her, but, to see her like this, if you don't help, Chen Ge also really can't bear it.

Now I came back.

"All right, don't drink. You have to do something tomorrow. Go to bed early."

Said a word, Chen Ge directly picked up Zhao Yifan, put her on the bed.

I'm going to cover her.

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Chen GE's hand was suddenly seized by Zhao Yifan.

"Chen Ge, is that you? Is it really you? "

Zhao Yifan has dim eyes.

"It's not me. You're wrong!"

Chen Ge broke her fingers.

"You are willing to see me at last. I have a lot of things to explain to you. Don't go and listen to me!"

I don't know if Zhao Yifan is talking nonsense.

At the moment, he grabbed Chen GE's arm.

"I know we can't, so I try my best to forget you. Even, I try to find a new boyfriend and start a new relationship to forget you. However, although I don't say it, I still think of you in my heart. I hope you can change your mind one day."

"I'm not the kind of girl you think. I'm not casual. In order to have a chance to be with you in the future, I'm still a virgin. Really Chen Ge, give me another chance!"

Zhao Yifan said, holding Chen GE's arm.

When he heard that Zhao Yifan was still in charge of his own affairs, Chen Ge was moved even though he didn't like Zhao Yifan any more , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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