The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 399: 399

"However, the absence of Chen DIANCANG does not mean that the engagement has ended in this way. In fact, from then on, even though Chen Dongdong was hostile to the Fang family, he did not come to ask people to tear up the engagement. As long as you don't tear it up, the engagement will always exist! Whether the Chen family will recognize it or not

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Fang said.

Looking at situ Hong, he said, "ah Hong, do you understand what I mean?"

"I can't imagine that there is such a past between the Chen family and the Chen family, but the Chen family is still fighting. Master, this engagement has automatically ended!"

Situ Hongxin was unwilling.

"Although Chen Jindong had a big conflict with Chen DIANCANG once, I think that if I lend him ten courage, I dare not change the rules set by Chen DIANCANG without permission."

"Well, sir, let me not mention this matter. However, after so many years of fighting between the Chen family and the Chen family, Fang Mengzhu's incident in those years hurt our families. We will never forget our hatred against the Chen family."

After a warning, situ Hong left directly.

"He is more and more presumptuous

Fang Nan said coldly.

But then he ran over and rubbed his grandfather's shoulder and said, "but Si Tu Hong is not as good as his grandfather again. He even came up with such a thing to cheat him. Ha ha!"

"Ha ha..." Fang Butong patted Fang Danan on the back of her hand and said, "Yunan, my grandfather didn't cheat her. You really have an engagement with the young master of the Chen family!"


Fang Nan was stunned.

"How could that be possible? Are you serious, grandfather

Fang Fannan could not imagine that such a thing would happen to her.

"True, of course!"

"But granddad, I don't understand. Since the Chenfang family and Chen Fang family had a marriage, why did so many people object to her aunt and Chen Ping'an at that time?"

Fang Huanan said doubtfully.

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"You are not the same as your aunt. When you were born, Chen DIANCANG was in power. When you were one year old, Chen Jindong was in power. Chen Jindong sent Chen Ping'an to our Fang family to steal a family treasure of our Fang family. Once we lose this thing, our Fang family will collapse, so Chen Jindong has a sinister heart. Grandfather doesn't want to lose his daughter and his family! "

"Ah? What is that? "

Fang Huanan exclaimed.

"You don't know yet! I'll tell you when you do what your aunt did

Fang diferent said with a smile.

"But grandfather, can I count my engagement now?"

Fang asked her most worried question.

"To be honest, my grandfather didn't know whether to count. Oh! Sometimes, it is very helpless! "

"That grandfather, how come the young master of the Chen family hasn't heard from him for so many years?"

Fang asked.

"The young master of the Chen family was naturally raised by Chen Jindong in poverty and left him scattered among the people. Although Chen Jindong has covered many aspects, I still find some clues. If I guess well, Chen Shao, who was very famous in Jinling some time ago, is closely related to the young master of the Chen family."

"Chen Shao in Jinling?"

Fang Huanan was surprised.

"Yes, but whenever I send someone to further investigate, Chen Jindong will immediately give a response and wrap Chen Shao firmly, so that I can't go on a detailed investigation!"

Fang Yuannan hears this.

I've learned a lot.

I had a engagement with Chen Shao in Jinling.

Ha ha, it makes Fang Huanan feel unreal.

I hate the Chen family and everyone in the Chen family.

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Because of them, they killed their parents.

But now, I feel that God has made a joke with myself

"Grandfather, what about Chen DIANCANG?"

Fang asked again.

"He's gone into seclusion, he hasn't appeared for 20 years!"

"The Chen family's affairs are very complicated, not as simple as our Fang family's!"

Fang diferent explained.

They talked for a long time in the study.

In the twinkling of an eye, many guests arrived at the conference.

The second son of the Fang family is responsible for the reception outside.

"Mr. situ, you are here so early

Most of them came to say hello to situ Hong.

Obviously, the two brothers of the Fang family were not as good as situ Hong in the eyes of all.


And the second, looking at the scene in front of him, also shook his hands indignantly.

All of a sudden.

Someone yelled: "yanjinglong's house, send a white jade statue!"

"Well? The dragon family in Yanjing

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People were surprised.

How did the dragon family come to this kind of activity?Although the Fang family and the dragon family also have some friendship, the dragon family has once attached to the Fang family, but so many years have passed, there has been no dragon family.

Now that the old man is on his birthday, most of the people invited are the direct descendants of the Fang family.

And the dragon family belongs to the external department.

There was a lot of discussion.

The second and the third looked at each other.

"It seems that we have not invited Yan Jinglong's house?"

Two people are surprised to say.

"Ha ha, two young masters and three young masters. The dragon family came with us. When I heard that the old master was on his birthday, the dragon family sent a special representative here, which shows the respect of others!"

At the moment, situ Hong spoke with a certain coldness.

"Situ Hong, you are so bold. You are also worthy to bring guests to our Fang's house? What are you? "

It's different from that of the old man.

"Second uncle and third uncle, don't be angry. Since you are here, it's the guests. The situ family is also an affiliated family of our Fang family. The people he invited and our Fang family are all the same family, right, uncle situ?"

At this time, Fang Nan came out and said with a faint smile.

"Ha ha ha ha, my niece is still sensible. I think some people go back more and more as they live!"


The second and the third were indignant.

While speaking, the representative of the dragon family has arrived.

"Well? Why a woman? "

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People were surprised to find that there were about a dozen people in the dragon family, but the first one was a girl about 22 years old.

"She should be the fiancee of the second young master of the dragon family?"

"I went to the engagement banquet of the second youngest of the dragon family."

Now someone said.

It was clear to all.

It's also true that the second child of the long family can't participate in this kind of occasion.

"Welcome, Miss Yang Xue!"

Situ Yang and they went up and said with some respect.

"Good Yang Shao, good uncle situ, a little gift, no respect!"

It's Yang Xue, of course.


All of a sudden there was a sound of the glass falling to the ground.

Chen GE has been busy here.

Chen Ge was stunned when he heard from the dragon family.

When he saw the dragon family coming in, Chen Ge was a little surprised and didn't hold the tray.

Yang Xue, why is she here? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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