The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 402: 402

With situ Hong's voice landing.

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It is to see a few people, with a girl came up.

The girl lowered her head and didn't say a word, but her beautiful face was enough to amaze everyone present.

"it's as like as two peas!"

"Yes, I thought it was Fang mengheng who came back in those years!"

"We were all cheated. Maybe the master of the Fang family already knew where Fang mengheng was, but for so many years, all our vassal families didn't know about it!"

There was a direct discussion on the spot.

The rose is not the girl.

Rose face is very ugly, she has just been injured, very weak.

"It's really my aunt's daughter. My grandfather has already found her!"

Fang Huanan was also suddenly enlightened.


Fang dif erent is also a tight face.

Originally, he sent someone to send Su Qiang away quietly this morning, but unexpectedly, the Fang family now had an agent of the situ family and was taken away by situ Hong instead.

"Mr. Fang, now that there are both human evidence and material evidence, what else can you say? Where is Fang mengheng? Please hand over Fang mengheng as soon as possible! "

The whole family gathered together.

At the moment, the angry look is different.

Fang Butong has nothing to say.

His face was tense.

He wanted to save Su Qiangwei, but faced with the instigation of the situ family, he had to give an account to a number of vassal families.

And he was in a dilemma.

"Why should you embarrass the Fang family? I'm here!"

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A voice sounded behind the crowd.

Then I saw a woman coming from the door.


"Who is this? How did you get in? "

"I'll go. Look at this woman's face. It's ugly!"

"No, I'll have goose bumps in my body for a second."

There was an uproar.

And Yang Xuegang's eyes have been in Su Qiang's body, she thinks Su Qiang is very familiar, but just can't remember where to meet her.

At the moment to see the new woman, Yang Xue is disgusted with a glance at the mouth.

But Fang is different, the whole body is suddenly crazy shock.

Because he was so familiar with the sound, he had been waiting for it for more than 20 years.

But in front of the people, is really let Fang different incredible, this is his original, the daughter of the Qing Dynasty dream?

"Dream? You Are you a dreamer

Fang Bu asked, shaking his hands.

Old two old three is surprised looking at Fang mengheng, and then in the past to help Fang Difeng.

"Father, it's been 20 years, and my dream has come back!"

Tears in her eyes.


The second and the third were completely confused and looked at each other.


Rao is situ Hong and others, all can not help but take a breath of cold air.

"It turned out to be Fang mengheng, the eldest lady of the Fang family. My God, it's no wonder that the Fang family couldn't find her for so many years. The original beautiful Fang mengheng, which made countless people fall in love with her, has become like this!"

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"But no, even if you see it on the street, it doesn't have to be recognized."

The crowd sighed.

"Miss, how did you come out?"

The servant aunt Xia ran towards Fang Menghuo.

"Aunt Xia, in order to save the rose, I will not show up! Aunt Xia, after all these years, I've done you a disservice

Fang mengheng said apologetically.

Then he looked at her daughter, rose.

"Rose, I negotiated with your brother before, so I cheated you, I am your mother!"

Fang Menghuo took Su Qiang's hand.

And Su Qiang finally understood.

Why did I think aunt Fang was kind when I saw her before.

It turns out that she is Fang mengheng, her mother?

Su rose suddenly complex mood, she did not know at the moment the call in front of her own feeling extremely kind woman mother or aunt Fang!

"I see! No wonder we couldn't find any clues from my aunt some time ago! "

Fang said.

"Hum, it's not your meeting today. Fang mengheng, since you're out, you have to give us an account of what happened then? You've been hiding for more than 20 years. We've tried our best to find you! "

Situ Hong said coldly.

"Situhong, I know what you want to do. You don't have to take me to threaten the Fang family. Even if the round is not enough, you can't take charge of the property. Well, since you want to find me, now that I'm here, I can go with you and let you handle it!"Fang mengheng said.

Situ Hongdeng's face turned green.

Even if he had been pursuing Fang mengheng, but today, the love between men and women in the past has long been gone.

If Fang mengheng doesn't come out, it's OK, but Fang mengheng appears, and his plans are all in vain.

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Even if Fang mengheng was killed, those industries would not be obtained. What's the use of this?

For so many years, situ Hong is also looking for Fang mengheng's whereabouts, trying to find her under house arrest.

But I couldn't find it.

It's like a time bomb.

But unexpectedly, it exploded at this critical time.

Si Tu Hong and his colleagues became anonymous teachers.

"Well, you don't want us to let you go. Somebody, take her away from me!"

The heads of several vassal families were also enraged.

Just yell.

Fang Butong is also about to stop.

"Master, there is a birthday present from outside!"

At this time, a housekeeper like man, panting over, look a little nervous.


"All the birthday gifts are valuable!"

The housekeeper seemed frightened.

"What? Who sent it? "

Today, different parties have invited all of them.

They don't even know the value of these gifts.

What's more, even if it's ordinary, it's impossible to frighten your housekeeper like this.

The housekeeper swallowed his saliva and said, "he said they are old friends with you. They are from the Chen family in Nanyang."

"What? Nanyang Chen family

Fang did not shake his hand and dropped his crutch on the ground.

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And all the people in the audience were shocked.

Nanyang Chen family, who belongs to the Fangs' vassal or lineage, is the most clear.

Now the super family.

It was the Chen family in Nanyang that led to the Fang family's fear of rising for decades.

The existence of absolute terror.

And the gratitude and resentment of Chen Fang's two families are obviously known to all.

Fang Huanan also came to her grandfather's side.

It was the Chen family who killed their parents.

Now, do you finally want to see this mysterious enemy?

Stu Hong's face is a little pale. Today's attack is not the right time. Now that the Chen family is here, where is the picture of him.

What do you usually say to the Chen family as the enemy and so on, that is to say, who dares to really face the enemy with the Chen family.

Even if the Chen family had harmed many of them at the beginning, in the face of great power, the head of the vassal family, such as situ Hong, did not dare to fart.

And Chen Ge is watching, some muddled.

Your family?

Yes, I did tell you the location of the family below, but I didn't expect that it was for the purpose of the Chen family in Nanyang?

Who's coming?

Chen Ge is curious.

At this time, the housekeeper said again:

"it's the young master of the Chen family in Nanyang, Chen Shao!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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