The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 41: 41

A lot of boys are around.

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Even Li Nian looked over there.

Chen Ge is also curious to see, followed by Chen Ge eyelids slightly pick.

That girl has come out, of course beautiful.

And Chen Ge also knew, just met.

It's not who Su Muhan is.

"How beautiful, if only I could be my girlfriend!"

The boy standing with Li Nian sighed.

Like a pig.

"Let your mother fart, be your girlfriend, tell you, this is the girl that our department foreign brother looks after, you just have a look at eye addiction, still be your girlfriend?"

Li Nian directly despised a sentence.

"Ah! Brother Yang, oh, no wonder. He is so handsome. The girl he likes is absolutely extraordinary! "

The man listened to Yang Ge, naturally depressed for a few minutes.

Yang Ge is Wang Yang. He is the vice president of the student union of the Chinese language and literature department. His family is powerful and powerful. He drives an Audi A6. He doesn't know anyone in the school.

He can't afford to offend him.

"Who dares to ask for wechat from this beauty? If wechat comes, I'm willing to pay 100 yuan!"

"It's no use. If someone wants it, she won't give it to her."

"What's more, didn't you hear the boy just now? This beauty is the girl Wang Yang is after..."

"Wang Yang is the one who drives the Audi A6 in our school. He doesn't see his younger brother specially supervising here. Be more restrained!"

Some girls are dissatisfied with saying that, indeed, Su Muhan's appearance has made these beauties pale.

Everybody else is watching.

Chen Ge naturally is no exception to stare at Su Mu Han up and down.


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At this time, a small stone hit his face.

Paralyzed, who?

Chen Ge turned his head and saw Zheng Qianqian looking at himself angrily:

"Chen Ge, you are a poor force. When others look at beautiful women, you also look at beautiful women, and you don't see your virtue?"

Zheng Qianqian first of all because Chen Ge, a poor force, lost his bet with Li Nian and wanted to go to dinner with the goods.

After that, she was jealous of Su Muhan. Could she not even attract the eyes of a poor man?

"Zheng Qianqian, you're crazy. What are you doing?"

Chen Ge scolded.

He really wants to smoke Li Nian and Zheng Qianqian with one mouth.

"Chen Ge!"

At this time, Su Muhan, who got out of the car, saw Chen Ge and said hello unexpectedly.

Su Muhan was in a hurry just now, so he came to learn the car.

But did not expect to come after it, was closely watched by a group of boys.

Although most girls like the feeling of being watched by boys.

However, staring from the beginning to the end, or in their own practice car, still discussed, which makes Su Muhan very embarrassed.

Fortunately, when he was about to stop the car, Su Muhan saw Chen Ge at a glance.

The entire training ground, can say on the understanding, seems to be honest and peaceful Chen Ge a person.

Chen Ge also smiles and nods to Su Muhan.

"I'm going. What's the situation? My sister-in-law knows this poor man?"

Li Nian was a little confused.

Even the rest of the boys are also curious to look at Chen Ge.

"How did this man get to know the goddess when he was so badly dressed?"

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"And you see, he seems to have a good relationship with the goddess, talking and laughing!"

A portion of jealousy and doubt of the eyes toward Chen Ge projection, meaning again, look at you that bad, how does the goddess see you do not look at us?

Chen Ge is really surprised.

"I didn't expect that you are also learning to drive here..."

Chen Ge smiles.

"Well I came yesterday! But we are really predestined. By the way, thank you again for the milk tea money you paid for me at noon... "

Chen Ge and her communication is very simple.

Besides Yang Xue and Ma Xiaonan, two female friends.

Chen Ge hardly ever talked to girls, and he didn't know what to talk about.

That is, when you think of it, you can ask a question, or someone else will ask a question, and Chen Ge will answer it.

But the speaker has no intention, the listener intends.

On hearing that Chen Ge paid Su Muhan milk tea money.

Li Nian on one side frowned.

He could see that they knew each other, and Chen Ge bought milk tea for Su Muhan? What's going on here?

Thinking of this, he immediately sent a message to Wang Yang.

Then he looked at Chen Ge, who was about to chat with Su Muhan, and said, "Chen Ge, are you here to practice driving or to chat? How about collecting enough tuition fees for nothing? Don't you have to look at it and learn more? "One side of a few girls are also some disdainful looking at Chen Ge, thought this person is quite honest, actually met the beautiful woman, what did not know.

Su Muhan couldn't hear Li Nian's insinuation, and said, "Li Nian, what are you doing for others? I've already hung up on subject two twice, and said that others are in vain. You have that Kung Fu. You're good at learning..."


Li Nian's face was black.


At this time, the playground near, suddenly sounded a motor roar sound.

They looked sideways.

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A few girls pointed to the field and yelled:

"that Audi is so beautiful!"

"I'll go. Is he the young brother they mentioned just now? Vice president of the student union of the Chinese language department

"How handsome

A few girls can't help but look at that.

The car finally stops in front of Su Muhan.

The tall Wang Yang got out of the car.

And behind him is Jiang Weiwei.

As soon as Wang Yang got out of the car, his eyes naturally fell on Su Muhan and Chen Ge.

Just now he didn't believe that he received the short message. Now, Su Muhan really stood beside Chen Ge.

"Mu Han, how do you know Chen Ge?"

Wang Yang is a little curious.

He was mainly afraid that Chen Ge had cheated Su Muhan with some things.

"We know each other today. What's the matter?" Su Muhan is not happy with Wang Yang's questioning tone.

"It's all right. Didn't Chen Ge tell you anything? Didn't he say he knew some of his Ferrari friends? I tell you, it's all fake. We've checked it out! "

Wang Yang's matter has been inquired clearly. It is likely that Chen Ge spent 50000 to experience Ferrari and take the opportunity to soak up her sister.

But I didn't expect to pay attention to Mu Han.

Su Mu Han did not know why she frowned.

Chen Ge, on the other hand, is an interesting looking at Jiang Weiwei.

Needless to say, the last time I cheated her, she took it to heart.

And I did ask.

What is this woman for?

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Her own business has nothing to do with her.

"Hum, Chen Ge, I tell you, you'd better stay away from Mu Han. Mu Han is a girl you can't touch in your whole life. In addition, you hypocritical guy, I really despise you!"

Jiang Weiwei recalled that Chen Ge got off Ferrari that day and said it was his friend's nervousness when driving.

I'm so angry, this guy, what are you pretending to be!

Now it's good. Listen to Wang Yang, Chen Ge actually bought milk tea for Muhan.

Don't toads want to eat swan meat?

And Jiang Weiwei's mouth gun is also let Li Nian, they sneer at Chen Ge.

"Weiwei, why do you say that about Chen ge..."

From the last time Su Mu Han can see, Wei Wei to Chen Ge, the mouth is really too poisonous.

"Mu Han, I'm afraid you will be cheated by Chen Ge. He is not as honest as you think!" Jiang Weiwei fiercely white Chen Ge one eye, "by the way, Mu Han, are you free this evening? Ocean do East, want to take you to the home kitchen to eat, but I am stained with your light

Jiang Weiwei said sour.

"I have to practice driving in the afternoon, so I may not have time at night..." Su Muhan doesn't want to go.

"Oh, when can't the car be trained? Is it still necessary for a long time? Mu Han, don't tell me, do you want to accompany this poor force to train together? Isn't it a waste of time to be with him? "

Jiang Weiwei's words embarrassed Su Muhan.

It's not like she's going or not.

Because, if you go, it seems that you don't want to be with Chen Ge, which makes Chen Ge very embarrassed.

He is very good, at least Su Muhan thinks so.

But if you don't go, this is Jiang Weiwei.

Finally, Su Muhan said, "I'll go, but can I take someone with me? He helped me today, so today I'll do business. Shall we go out for dinner together in the evening?"

With that, Su Muhan looks at Chen Ge, who is standing quietly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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