The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 413: 413

"What I want to talk to you about today is this matter. You are so old. You should know a lot of the secrets of the Chen family."

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Chen Jindong patted his son on the shoulder.

"This kind of sign is just like a magic spell. Some people call it the symbol of the sun alliance. But anyone who gets this sign will definitely have an accident within three days."

"Twenty years ago, your second uncle was like this. Twenty years later, it was the same with Muhan."

Chen is near east road.

"Forbes said that this kind of magic spell appears once in 20 years. Once it appears, there must be someone missing, and as long as it is obtained, all of them will be spared!"

Chen gedao.

Chen Jindong shook his head: "Ah Fu, he's only half right. Indeed, all the people who got this kind of sign should be missing. However, Dad later found out that someone received the sign, but finally came back alive!"

Chen GE's eyes brightened.

"The man was rescued, and he provided me with some clues, and it was just these clues that I judged that your second uncle and Mu Han were more likely to have been arrested!"

"Captured? Who on earth has such a great ability? "

Chen Ge seems to see hope again.

"I don't know, but since this kind of thing happened again, and there is no trace, if we want to investigate, we can't rely on the strength of our Chen family!"

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Chen Ge nodded, "I understand father, are you looking for the person who survived?"

Chen Jindong shook his head and said with a wry smile: "no, actually, after that life, he only lived for 15 years. Six years ago, he had already died. If you want to find a good assistant to help us, you have to ask the family that rescued him from the tiger's mouth!"

"As long as they are willing to help, it will be like adding wings to the tiger!"

After that, he looked at Chen Ge and said:

"son, who is the largest family now?"

"The Fang family used to be prosperous, but I heard from Fu Bo that now we Chen family is the largest family."

"Mm-hmm, not bad, but our Chen family is only the largest economic family now. But when it comes to comprehensive strength, there are still several places that are better than our Chen family."

"For example No family in Yanjing

"Mo family in Yanjing?"

Yan Jing Long family, Qin family Chen GE has heard, but Mo family, never heard.

Chen Ge was surprised.

However, it was this conversation with his father that made Chen Ge know a lot that he had never thought of before.

"Yes, that man was saved by the people of Mo family in Yanjing, and the most powerful thing about Mo family is that they have many family blood beyond ordinary people's imagination. The people of Mo family are stronger than normal human beings. Most of them are active in the military and the most mysterious dragon group in China! This is incomparable to any economic family! "

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"Because if they want to, they can kill people invisibly, including our heavily guarded Chen family! Over the years, the Chen family has been trying to get rid of the threat from the four sides. Ha ha, but the gap is getting bigger and bigger! "

Chen Ge was stunned. If it wasn't from his father's mouth, Chen Ge couldn't even imagine that it was true.

But Chen Ge is not too surprised.

Like the dragon and the tiger, and Qin Bufan and Qin Bo, all belong to the realm that normal people can't imagine.

"How are the two brothers of Tianlong and Dihu compared with the people of the Mo family?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Tian Long Di Hu? Hehe, a 12-3-year-old child randomly selected from the Mo family can abuse both of them with one hand! "

Chen Ge couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

I don't know. What will happen to Qin Bo compared with Mo family?

However, this problem is obviously not what Chen Ge wants to tangle with. If this powerful Mo family can come forward to help, it is indeed a great power.

"The Mo family belongs to the hermit family. As a last resort, dad doesn't want to be involved with them. But your second uncle has an important secret about our Chen family. If something happens to your second uncle, we Chen family will not be prosperous for a long time. Maybe we will end up in your generation! So, Dad can't help it

Chen Jindong naturally has his own worries.

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It is not only the driving force of family affection that has kept Chen Jindong from seeking for so many years. One of the reasons is the Chen family's Qi.

"Chen family Qi pulse?"

Chen Ge doubts again.

"Well, let's not talk about it for the moment. I heard what your grandfather told me at the beginning. Now, the top priority is to find help from the Mo family."

"Dad, do you want me to come?"

Chen Ge asked.

"If it's just a trip, my father would have gone long ago, and I still have to wait for so many years. As I said, the Mo family is a hermit. In reality, they never interfere. However, there is a person who can ask the Mo family out of the mountain!""Who?"

"That's your grandmother!"

"My grandmother?"

Chen Ge is stunned. From childhood to adulthood, Chen Ge also knows that her parents seem to be particularly sensitive to the topics of her grandparents and grandparents.

They even asked too many people who were easy to be beaten.

The last time I was beaten, I was seven years old. I remember, Chen Ge asked everyone else to have grandparents. What about their own?

The mother, who has always been very gentle to herself, immediately slapped her face so that she could not ask again.

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After that, it was like a shadow. No one, including my sister Chen Xiao, would mention anything about the previous generation.

"Yes, she is now at the helm of the Yang family in Yanjing. In the past, your grandmother had some contact with the Mo family. If your grandmother can come forward this time, she is most likely to persuade the Mo family!"

Chen Jindong said with a frown: "it's not convenient for me and your mother to see her, but you are not the same. Our gratitude and resentment will not come to you, so it's up to you whether we can persuade her."

Later, my father called her mother Yang Yuping in.

It can be seen that my mother seems to be very sensitive to grandma. After hearing this, her face is a little gloomy.

However, this time Chen Ge bravely asked, what happened at the beginning, and listen to Fubo said, grandfather seems to be still alive, what about grandfather?

What happened then?

And the mother, this time also did not get angry, but some wet red eyes told some things of that year.

"It's all because of the damn rules of the Yang family!"

Mother said with a sad face.

It turns out that when his father was still at the end of poor education, it was the period before Chen Ge was rich, but he could not reveal his identity.

At that time, my father met her mother, who was the eldest miss of the Yang family in Yanjing , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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