The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 416: 416

"Brother Zhou Bao in our area!"

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The woman looked like she was going to call.

Guo Caifeng was a little flustered when she heard the name.

Baoge is very famous in their area. Several night shows are his.

And if this woman had anything to do with brother Bao, she would have been in big trouble.

It is reasonable to say that as a member of the Yang family, you should not be too counselled.

But there is no way, something really want to find the Yang family, although the Yang family to do, but no doubt will be scolded by the old lady bloody, to the family trouble and so on.

So sometimes, you have to be dwarfs.

After all, Guo Caifeng now, also did not have the courage to take Yang family to Yang Wu Yangwei.

But now, it is obvious that they first hit their daughters and then blackmail them.

Guo Caifeng has lost the following.

"Then you will fight and let him come!"

At this time, Chen Ge stood up and said.

The woman was stunned.

What do you mean? Don't believe it. OK, I'll call you now

The woman did dial the number.

Guo Caifeng was nervous when she heard this.

"Shut up, you know what, stand aside!"

After yelling at Chen Ge.

Guo Caifeng promptly dissuaded the woman, "if you have something to discuss, you can discuss it! You can tell me how much money we'll pay for it! "

The woman said, "it's almost the same! In that case, I'll give you ten thousand yuan. "

Guo Caifeng bit her teeth and said, "OK, we'll give it to you."

"Why, Ma, you can't give it to them!"

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Yang Xiaobei was crying.

"No, I'll call right now!"

The woman took hold of Guo Caifeng, and was more proud at the moment.

After all, how can you fight with me, a BMW driver?

"Give it, give it now!"

Guo Caifeng said helplessly.

Now I want to start transferring money by mobile phone.

"I'll go. You see, this new car is so handsome."

At this time, the crowd around pointed to a new BMW 7 series outside the gate of the community, all exclaimed.

"It looks like it's an overseas version, or is it a top-level luxury match, which costs 8.9 million!"

"I'll go. It's a great car!"

They said.

Chen Ge also looked at the car and couldn't help thinking that Hou Ping was really efficient.

It was delivered so quickly.

The car stopped at the gate of the community.

From the car, down came a middle-aged man in his forties and suits.

See a lot of people at the gate of the community.

"Hello, how can I get to unit 2, building 12?"

He asked a passer-by.

"Unit 2, building 12, we're right here!"

Guo Caifeng said.

"That's great. I'm here to deliver the car. If it's convenient for you, please show me the way."

Middle aged people are polite.

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"Are you president Fang?"

At this time, the young couple looked at the middle-aged man and said in surprise.

"I am!"

Mr. Fang nodded and laughed.

"Why, do we know each other?"

Mr. Fang asked.

"You don't know us. We know you. Mr. Fang, you are the general agent of BMW car series in Huaxia district. Our 5-series is the relationship between tobergo and we found one of your deputy store managers to buy it!"

The woman said with a quick smile that, after all, Fang is too powerful. He is definitely the number one figure in Yanjing. He can't reach him at the level of brother Bao, but the woman still mentioned it. What if he knew him?

"Thank you for your support

The middle-aged man nodded slightly.

Obviously, he has never heard of Baoge and so on. Let alone the Deputy store manager, he may not even know who it is.

"Was it Hou Ping who asked you to deliver the car?"

At this time, Chen Ge put one hand in his pocket and asked lightly.

And Fang was stunned immediately.

Then he looked Chen Ge up and down, and his eyes showed a respectful look and said, "yes, yes, I want me to deliver a car to a young lady named Yang Xiaobei. I have handled all the procedures on my behalf!"

Mr. Fang heard that the young man actually said the very mysterious Mr. Hou. It must be in the phone. Mr. Hou said to himself. You don't have the right to know who he is, right?

At the moment, he said with a smile.

"Ah? Yang Xiaobei? Unit 2 on the 12th floor, isn't it our home? "

And Guo Caifeng was even more surprised.

"Oh? Are you Yang Yuxing's family? "

Mr. Fang asked."That's my father!"

Yang Xiaobei said.

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"That's it, Miss Yang. Someone asked me to give you this car. Here are all your procedures and certificates. I've finished all of them. Would you like to see if it's your information?"

Mr. Fang handed Yang Xiaobei the key and a bunch of documents.

Yang Xiaobei is really himself.

"Ah? What's the matter? Who gave us such a luxury car? "

Guo Caifeng is so excited.

Mr. Fang did not say much, but looked at Chen Ge and said, "Hello, sir. This is my business card. If you need any help, please call me!"

Mr. Fang can see that Chen Ge is not an ordinary person.

Naturally, there is a desire to ingratiate.

Then he left with a fight.

"My God, it's really ours. That's great!"

Guo Caifeng said excitedly.

The couple, however, were staring at each other, and their faces turned pale at the moment.

I wanted to blackmail people today, but I didn't expect people to know big people.

Now I want to open the door and leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Ge looks at the couple with a sneer.

"That's how you want to go?"

"What else do you want? We don't have to pay for it!"

Said the coquettish woman.

"Don't we pay? How about that? We have to pay for it, but we have to change it. You pay us! "

Chen Ge stepped forward and said.

"It's not much. You've rubbed our electric car. Let's pay 100000 yuan."

"One hundred thousand"

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The people around were shocked.

The husband and wife both widened their eyes.

"Ha ha, of course, you can choose not to pay, but I think the party should not be far away. I'll call him right now. You can find your brother Bao, I'll find him, and we'll judge together!"

Chen Ge sneered and took out his mobile phone.

"No, we'll discuss it, we'll discuss it again!"

And the man immediately counseled.

The woman was pale, too.

Yes, Mr. Fang is a person who covers the sky with only one hand, and he has been so kind to the family just now. If he comes back this time, he will certainly not spare them both.

At that time, it is estimated that Baoge will only be taught when he comes.

"Can we..."


As soon as Chen Ge listened, he immediately began to dial the number.

"Here, we give it!"

Yes, the boy on the other side obviously wronged them, but what can we do?

At present, extremely embarrassed hit 100000 to Guo Caifeng's account, but also had to say sorry to Yang Xiaobei.

Chen Gecai let them go.

"Xiaobei, you go downstairs to put the electric car, I'll drive the car downstairs!"

And Guo Caifeng is so happy today that she takes her car key and is going to drive.

Pro also a general Fang card from Chen GE's hand to seize.

"Hum! Fang is always our family's relationship. You don't want to show off your power! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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