The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 421: 421

"Come here!"

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At this time, a big five and three thick men wanted to take advantage of Chen GE's conversation and seize Qin Ya from the side.

It's just that his hand just came out.

The wrist is directly caught.

Then there was a clear click.

The man's whole wrist was bent at a very twisted angle.


Let out a pig like scream.

Then, Chen Ge grabs this person's hair, the strength consistent!

The whole person's head had a close contact with the marble wine table in front of him.


A sound, the marble wine table was smashed by the man's head.

All of a sudden, blood was flowing all over his face and he was lying on the ground with convulsions all over his body.


And Baoge's wine, suddenly wake up three points.

I didn't expect the hairy boy in front of him to be so powerful. This is one of his more powerful thugs.

But he was just like playing with a chicken. It took a second.

What's more, he's too cruel!

"Ah! Chen Ge

And Qin Ya is also scared, especially to see that person's face full of blood, nose is crooked, scared to death!

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When was Chen Ge so cruel!?

Qin Ya's heart is pounding.

"Your name is Zhou Bao. Li Jun is your elder brother?"

Chen Ge asked coldly.

"You Who are you? "

When Zhou Bao heard this, he felt a sudden thump in his heart.

Junge is a man with a big background, and he used to be the driver of Hou Ping, the boss of Yanjing Xinfeng group.

Therefore, after his debut, he was in Yanjing.

He was also taken care of by military brother and got some jobs.

Military brother's background is strange, so no one dare to call his name.

And this kid, he knows the truth!

Speaking of it, it was last night, and I don't know how Hou Ping knew that Xiaobei was nearly blackmailed.

He called and asked, saying that the man's backer was the younger brother of his driver's younger brother, and he was Zhou Bao naturally.

Ask Chen Ge if he is going to be Zhou Bao and the couple, and vent his anger on Chen GE's cousin Xiaobei.

Chen Ge said it doesn't matter if it's a trivial matter.

"You don't deserve to know who I am! If you have a chance, go and ask Li Jun! "

With that, Chen Ge walked over and pushed Zhou Bao away.

He took Xiaobei's hand, gave Zhou Bao a warning look, and then left.

And Zhou Bao, let is a cruel man, but at this moment, the atmosphere is not dare to come out.

One was frightened by Chen GE's striking skill just now.

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The other is that he seems to ignore the military brother.

Let Zhou Bao feel that this person seems extremely difficult.

After all, what do they mix with? Do you mix up? Definitely not, to put it bluntly, it's not a mixed relationship!

Layer by layer.

Usually pinches does not have the back to pack also to calculate, really must encounter has the background, they are the atmosphere does not dare pant.

"Brother Bao, he beat our brother like this and let him go

Said a little brother.

Zhou Baoning said: "hum, I was scared when this boy mentioned military brother. It's OK. Yang Ye told me that this boy is a poor 13 from Jinling. But for the sake of insurance, I still ask military brother. If this boy dares to cheat me, I will let him not see the sun tomorrow!"

Yes, this is exactly what Yang Yegang just called to set up a game.

Prepare to humiliate Chen Ge from the countryside.

At present, Zhou Bao is still holding the mind of carefully driving the ship for ten thousand years, and makes a phone call to military brother.

Let's talk about Chen GE's information briefly.

Then a group of younger brothers saw Zhou Bao's face more and more white, more and more white!

"You don't deserve to know who he is. If you want to live now, if anyone touches Miss Xiaobei, you can chop off whose hand. Maybe you can still live!"

After finishing the last sentence, he hung up the phone with sympathy.

"Brother Bao, what's the situation? What do you say

Seeing that Zhou Bao's face was not right, the younger brothers asked in a hurry.

"Damn it! Yang Ye stinky boy has done me a lot of harm

Then, Zhou Bao smashed the mobile phone to the ground.

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Besides, Chen Ge takes Xiaobei's hand and goes straight out. Xiaobei goes to the box and says to his cousins that it's OK.

She was really scared, so she didn't want to play. She was ready to leave with Chen Ge.

Qin ya, however, was not interested.

What's more, Chen Ge came and then left again. It's meaningless for her to stay.

Just follow Chen Ge.Yang Ye was so jealous that he was even more frightened.

"What's the situation?"

According to the agreement, Chen Ge is not in a mess now, and then take people to see Chen GE's predicament?

What's wrong with Zhou Bao? How do you do it?

At present, Yang Ye with a bit of anger, directly came to Zhou Bao's box here.

"What are you doing?"

Yang ye asked in a cold voice to Zhou Bao.

See lying on the ground, shed a local blood of a subordinate, immediately stunned.

"What's going on?"

Yang ye asked.


The answer to Yang Ye is Zhou Bao's red wine bottle, which directly explodes Yang Ye on the ground.

"Yang Ye, let's settle this account slowly in the future! Let's go! And you guys, go to Tangkou tonight and carry out the family law! "

Zhou Bao finished and left with a cold sweat on his face.

Just because the military brother in the phone said a word, and it was this sentence that made Zhou baomang stab in the back, and lost two souls and Five Spirits in an instant!

"His identity, you and I don't deserve to know. You just need to remember that even when general manager Hou Ping saw him, he would bend down to speak."

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After going back with Xiaobei.

Because Qin Ya followed her, Chen Ge sent Qin Ya down the stairs again.

Neither of them would take the initiative to speak, so they walked forward together.

"Chen Ge, you have changed!"

Qin Ya suddenly said.

"I changed? No

Chen Ge said with a smile.

Chen Ge felt that although he returned to the family, but really did not change, not as extravagant as her sister, he is still the same as before, like to live some plain light life.

No change!

"It's changed. Maybe you can't feel it, but I can feel it from your eyes. Really, you are really different from before!"

"In the past, when Zhao Tongtong taunted you, you just lowered your head, but now it's different! What's more, you started to beat people just now, which really scared me. I felt that what stood in front of me was not Chen Ge, but a stranger! "

Qin Ya can't say what it feels like.

If you have to say that, the only change for yourself is that Chen GE has found a sense of security from the previous one to now.

"I haven't changed. It's just that we didn't get along enough before."

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

Qin ya, however, did not speak. She raised her eyes carefully and looked at Chen Ge carefully. Then she stopped and said in a soft voice:

"Chen Ge, what happened to Mu Han?"

Although she knew that it would make Chen Ge feel down.

But Qin Ya wants to know , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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