The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 423: 423

"You misunderstood grandma. I didn't mean to attempt the property of the Yang family!"

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Chen Ge slightly frowned and said.

"Hum, since your mother's unfilial daughter left the Yang family, she has nothing to do with the Yang family. I have announced to the public that I have cut off the relationship with her mother and daughter. You should understand that!"

The old lady sneered.

Chen Ge is silent.

When the fourth uncle saw that the atmosphere was tense, he coughed and said:

"cough, mom, you can say that Xiaoge is also your grandson. It's good for a child to have filial piety. Don't be frightened by Xiaosong when he enters the house for the first time! Come and sing a little song. It happens that all the elders of the family are here today. Come and present a cup of tea to your grandparents and aunts

The fourth uncle said with a smile.

Chen Ge a look, his fourth uncle is very good.

I remember my mother said that the fourth uncle and the fifth uncle were the best for her.

Now it's time to nod.

Take the teapot from the servant.

He began to pour a cup of tea for the old lady.


The old lady seemed to think of the sad past. In addition, she was angry to hear her eldest daughter-in-law say that Chen Ge came to visit her in order to divide her property.

Just close your eyes.

Chen Ge poured another cup to his uncle.

My uncle didn't drink either.

Next came the second and third uncles.

When it's done for my great aunt.

I didn't expect my aunt to smile coldly, "cut, nothing to pay attention to, either adultery or theft!"

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After that, he poured the tea directly on the ground.

Let's later generation of men and women are looking at Chen Ge.

If you don't drink, just pour it.

Obviously, Aunt Chen Ge is deliberately stepping on her face.

And Yang Ye, in the heart is secretly smile, thought this scene, if only let Qin ya see.

In the audience, only the fourth uncle drank.

"Well, I advise some people not to make up their minds, but they can find the right time. They don't come early or late, but come at this time."

The second aunt sneered at the moment.

"That's right. The dog knows which family's food is delicious! What's the matter? I've had enough of my poor life. I've thought about a few days of rich life? "

My aunt said coldly.

"Well, at the beginning, that woman abandoned the whole family and pushed the whole family into danger. Even more, she almost killed her mother. Go back and tell that woman. It's useless to regret!"

The third aunt also said.

Once this topic comes up, there will be no end to it.

One after another, he criticized Chen GE's mother.

"Enough, enough, don't say it!"

The old lady got up with her blood pressure. She patted the table and drank.

All the people were quiet.

"A Sheng, help me go back to rest!"

"Yes, chairman!"

The old lady left directly.

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"It's your fault. What are you doing back here! You have to piss your grandmother to death? "

The big aunt scolded again.

"Don't talk about cousins, will you? My cousin wants to come back to visit you and grandma. Why are you doing this? "

Yang Xiaobei was crying.

"Hum, Xiaobei, you are a girl who can't talk to you. I wish I hadn't told you. If it hadn't been for your father's help, could his mother escape from marriage?"

My aunt said coldly.

"What do you mean, sister-in-law? Do you talk to a younger generation like this?"

Xiaobei's mother is not happy.

"What's the matter? Five younger brothers and sisters? If you don't know the rules, I can't teach you? Ha ha, don't look at your family now what position is in Yang family? Yang Xiaobei, you just joined the group, right? You're not in the project department. The old lady said at the meeting just now that the most urgent task is to get the project. I'll give you several major projects this year! "

"You girl, don't you have a good mouth? Let me see what you can do? If you can't make a contribution to the family, you can look at the two of you and expect to share some property of the Yang family. "

Big aunt Guo Ru's mouth is like a gun.

The fourth and fifth family had a close relationship with Yang Yuping.

Yang Yuping had a very bad relationship with Guo Ru.

Let's talk about it. It was when Guo Ru was in the company that year that she found out that she had made false accounts.

Yang Yuping reported her to the old lady in person.

Then Guo Ru was slapped in the face by the old lady in public at the family meeting.

From then on, Guo Ru can't get along with Yang Yuping.

Hate the house and Wu, naturally hate the fourth and fifth.

Now she and Yang Yuting hold most of the company's resources.

As vice chairman, he has the right to speak.It is also the reason why the Becks family are not used in a big way.

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"All right, all right, let's talk less. Mom just said that family unity is the most important thing now."

Yang Yuting said.

"What big brother said is, Xiaoge, don't stand up, sit down and eat together!"

Said the fourth uncle.

"What? Let him sit down? Why? "

Some aunts are not happy.

But Chen Ge sees oneself to stay any longer, let them and fourth uncle relations worsen again, it is not very good.

Then he said with a bitter smile, "no, my fourth uncle, I'd better go back first! Take your time

With that, Chen Ge patted Xiaobei on the shoulder, indicating that he should not mind himself, and then left.

"Hum, I warn you, he has nothing to do with our Yang family. If I know who is still in contact with him, I will not kick her out of the company!"

Said the great aunt to a group of young people.

Especially for Yang Xiaobei.

All agreed.

Chen Ge, who came out, didn't expect that the friendship and resentment between the Chen and Yang families were so serious.

However, Chen Ge is not afraid to ease the relationship between her mother and grandma.

Chen Ge believes that as long as he is willing to do it, it is not a problem.

At present, Chen Ge is afraid to get the opposite result in a direct showdown.

It depends on Grandma's birthday tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Chen Ge called Hou Ping.

Let Hou Ping prepare some gifts.

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Then, it was afternoon.

Xiaobei came back, looking glum, and was obviously scolded by Guo Ru.

For his own sake, Xiaobei doesn't know how much wronged he has suffered. Although his fifth aunt didn't say anything, she was not good at looking at him.

"Xiaobei, let's go. My cousin will buy you some clothes."

Chen Ge looks at Xiaobei.

Xiaobei is a good girl, but because of Guo Ru's target, the two years have not been good.

Compared with those cousins, their clothes are not as good as theirs.

Apart from that car, I haven't said anything to Xiaobei!

"Ah? No, cousin

Xiaobei said quickly.

"Let's go. It's just right. You'll go shopping with me."

With that, he let Xiaobei open 7 series and come to a famous brand clothing store.

Stop the car in the parking space.


Lock the car.

"Xiaoya, don't be sullen. Haha, it seems that every family has put on a lot of new styles today. Let's go shopping happily, ha ha!"

Two girls got out of the car.

It's not someone else, it's Meng can, and Qin ya, who she has to pull to , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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