The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 425: 425

The shopping guide was shocked by Chen GE's tone.

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Chen's aunt was scared to live.

Although the voice is not big, but the tone of Chen GE has a kind of chilling feeling.

"Hum! You have to buy 10 pieces. The minimum number of clothes here is more than 40000. If you buy ten pieces, how can it cost hundreds of thousands? It's up to you? "

They hate the feeling of being awed by Chen Ge.

And he wanted to buy ten?

Ha ha!

The sneer at the moment.

Yang Xiaobei also pulled Chen GE's arm and said, "cousin, forget it. The big aunt is right. We can't afford the clothes here. Let's go!"

"It's OK. I'll buy it for you if I say it for you! Just in time, I think you just tried a lot of pieces are very suitable for you, so, I bought them all! Shopping guide, calculate how much money, I swipe card

Chen Ge immediately took out his bank card.

The shopping guide nodded as quickly as garlic.

"Wait a minute. I'm not calling you. I'm calling you. Go and help me wrap my clothes!"

Chen Ge pointed to the other side, a shopping guide standing there said.

"Yes, sir."

The shopping guide went to pack the clothes immediately. There were ten pieces in all.

The total price is 760000.

"Ha ha ha, this fool, 760000, he can't die!"

"That's right. It's the first time that 760000 people buy clothes for the first time in history."

Meng can on one side is happy to bloom.

And Chen GE's cousins can't help but despise the way.

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"Hum, I'll see how this Chen song ends!"

And the big aunt and they looked at each other, holding their shoulders and sneering at Chen Ge.

Boss machine quickly brought over.

Chen Ge is familiar with the password.

But when Chen Ge pressed to the last number, the shopping guide suddenly exclaimed.

"Wait a minute, sir. I made a mistake!"

Shopping guide, I was really nervous just now. After all, the sales of 760000 RMB and the bonus of RMB 340000 in one day can't you be happy!

And I didn't even move my mouth, so I got this big order.

With so many people around, it's exciting.

Accidentally pressed an extra zero.

However, by the time she finished calling, Chen Ge had already input the password, and the boss machine showed that it was reading

"I'm sorry, sir. I lost 760000 to 760000. I'm so sorry!"

The guide bowed repeatedly.

"It's OK. You don't have to apologize. Even if you lose one zero, seventy-six thousand, he can't afford it!"

The third aunt laughed.


All of a sudden, the boss sounded a light sound.

It shows that the transaction was successful.

And then the bill was typed out!


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My great aunt and my cousin, and Meng can, are all shocked.

Did the deal work?

Chen GE's bank card? Unexpectedly 7.6 million?

Sleeping trough! I didn't dream, did I?

Meng can's mouth is wide open and his face is unbelievable.

And the big aunt, they are looking at each other, the face is very ugly.

Chen Ge was poor since childhood, but now, how can his bank card have 7.6 million?

"Sorry, sir. I'll refund the extra money to you immediately! I'm really sorry! "

"Forget it, you don't have to return it. You don't have a membership card. Do a membership card for my sister and flush the rest of the money in it."

Chen Ge takes back the bank card, can't help but smile bitterly.

If the big aunt just ridiculed her, she would not say anything. Chen GE has some resistance.

However, it is not right to say that Xiaobei is like this.

Because the fifth uncle's kindness to his mother was not simply measured by money.

Therefore, Chen Ge wants to speak for Xiaobei.

But I didn't expect it. It directly cost 7.6 million yuan.

But it doesn't matter. 7.6 million and 76 million are meaningless to Chen Ge today except that there is a gap between them.

"Cousin, this It's too expensive! You must return the money

Xiaobei jumps quickly.

"What's the refund? Since he's given you a card, let's do it. Ha ha ha, this fool. I think what do you do in the future?"

Although she was shocked.

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But it was more of a vengeance.Because this money flushes to the member card, besides buying clothes, can't do anything.

Let's make you a singer!

But the heart is still quite stimulated, is surprised, when Chen Ge so rich?

At present, even the mood of shopping for clothes is gone.

Meng Meng bought his own clothes for a long time, but he didn't want to buy them for a long time!!!

Meng can goes out in a depressed mood.

At this time, Qin Ya also happened to walk out of the store.

Seeing Meng can't help but smile and say, "Oh, what's wrong with our cancan? Are you in a bad mood to go shopping? "

Meng can took a deep breath:

"Xiaoya, do you believe in fate?"

"Ah? What fate? "

"It's a very poor person who suddenly becomes rich, especially rich!"

Meng can is anxious.

"What's the matter?"

"I just See Chen Ge

"Did you see Chen Ge?"

Qin Ya Dun felt nervous.

"Yes, Chen Ge! Xiaoya, you don't know, Chen Ge, he is now Now it seems different from before. In the past, he was the poorest in our class. At that time, everyone bullied him, and I bullied him, but now, he seems to be very rich? Do you know that? He's not. He's 13 years old in high school! "

Qin Ya looked around and did not see Chen Ge.

Just nodded and subconsciously replied, "Chen GE's money is not what you can imagine!"

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"Ah? Xiaoya, what do you say

Meng can doesn't hear clearly.

"Ah? I I didn't say anything

Qin Ya came back to her senses and shook her head.

"Don't think about it. You can be nice to Chen Ge in the future. After all, you are classmates."

Qin Ya said.

"Mm-hmm, Xiaoya, indeed, Chen Ge just showed me another side of him, especially when he swiped his card. It seems that in the future, we should treat him better!"

When Qin Ya looks at Meng can's mouth with a smile, she feels a little bit uncomfortable

"I'm so angry, I'm so angry!"

On the way back, Guo Ru smashed the steering wheel.

"Why is that woman's son so rich? 7.8 million? Where did he come from? Did you win the lottery? "

Guo Ru murmured all the way.

Like most people, no one wants their opponents to become powerful.

"Yes, 7.8 million, even for us, it's a lot of money, sister-in-law, but you can see that boy doesn't even blink when he spends money!"

Said the second aunt.

"Auntie, Ma, auntie, we thought that when we met Chen Ge for the first time, he pretended on purpose and paid attention to ostentation, so we went to rent some things. But now it seems that what happened in the bar last night may be true!"

At this time, a cousin spoke.

"What do you mean? What happened at the bar last night? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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