The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 431: 431

"Who is it?"

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The crowd looked at each other.

"Manager Hu!"

At this time, manager Hu also took advantage of this gap to come to the VIP reception area.

Yang Yuting immediately said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yang. There are so many things to do today. I'm not well entertained. I'm more tolerant."

Hu said.

"You're joking. Xinfeng is so busy every day, and you've taken time to come here. Thank you very much!"

Yang Yuting road.

"Oh, but Mr. Yang, I also asked about the matter you said. If the bidding proposal is put forward, Mr. Zhao of our head has no time to look at these days. I'm afraid we have to wait!"

"All right, everything is up to manager Hu!"

Yang Yuting had to be humble.

Manager Hu looked at his watch.

Can't help but wonder: "strange, Zhao always said that this time should have arrived, how did not come?"

Manager Hu looked at the door.

"Manager Hu, who are you waiting for?"

Asked Xiao Liu, the receptionist.

"Yes, I'm looking for you right now. Please go to the front desk to check if Miss Yang Xiaobei has arrived?"

Manager Hu suddenly remembered that Miss Yang had already arrived?

That's the question.

"Miss Yang Xiaobei?"

Liu Xiaobei stands at the front desk and looks at him.

Yang Yuting and Guo Ru are even more surprised. I'll go. What's manager Hu looking for Yang Xiaobei?

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"Manager Hu, she Her name is Yang Xiaobei

Liu pointed to Xiaobei and said.


Manager Hu's face changed in an instant and hurried to Yang Xiaobei.

"You are Miss Yang. General manager Zhao Kang and you..."

"Mm-hmm, yes, I'm looking for Zhao Kang, general manager Zhao!"

Yang Xiaobei nodded and said.

A big stone in my heart finally landed.

Yes, how can my cousin make such a big joke on himself? He said that if there is a way, there must be a way.


Manager Hu patted his thigh, "Miss Yang, I didn't expect that you had come in advance. I was specially ordered by Mr. Zhao Kang to meet you!"

This time, everyone was stunned.

Guo Ru's mouth can be stuffed with eggs.

"Manager Hu, are you sure you are right? There is really a name of Zhao Kang in the group?"

Guo Ru had difficulty in establishing channels.

Yang Yan and Yang Ye are also jealous and look at Yang Xiaobei.

"That's one of our boss, usually not high-profile, in addition, Mrs. Guo, I'm afraid it's not very good to call our boss's name directly?"

Manager Hu's face was stunned.

There are several managers of the group. They certainly will not disclose their identities to the bottom employees casually.

This is how the so-called boss behind the scenes comes.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! I just want to remind you not to make a mistake. This Yang Xiaobei is just a small employee of our company. Why should manager Zhao Kang specially receive her

Guo Rudao.

"I have to ask Mr. Zhao. Miss Yang, are you here to talk about the project?"

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Manager Hu said with a respectful smile.

Yang Xiaobei nodded heavily.

"Ha ha, that's OK. Mr. Zhao Kang has prepared a signing ceremony for you upstairs. If you're OK, let's go up and sign the contract."

"Ah? Sign the contract now? "

Yang Xiaobei is also a little silly.

Originally, it was because my cousin had such a classmate relationship as Yang Ye. After he came, he had to work hard to elaborate and negotiate.

I didn't expect it to be so smooth.

What's more, his cousin's relationship is actually one of the boss of Xinfeng?

A Miss etiquette has come to take Yang Xiaobei's bag, and then a group of people go upstairs directly.

"Mom, are they wrong?"

It is difficult for poplar leaves to set channels.

"That's right. It's Chen gotuo's relationship. Chen GE has such a relationship? How could it be? "

Yang Yan is also jealous.

Obviously, now people look at their own two families' eyes with some banter.

Because of this face, it's too hard to fight!

Guo Ru, however, was thinking of Chen GE's direct contribution of 7.6 million yuan yesterday.

And some of the things that Yang Ye said.

Chen GE's dress problem.

Now, Chen Ge is directly related to Xinfeng.

Even if you are a fool, I think Chen Ge is not simple at this time!

"Wait a minute!"

Guo Ru interrupts Yang Yan's mother and daughter, who are like being trampled on their tails.

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"Do you think that Chen Ge was wrong in our investigation before? Could he not be a poor man? Otherwise, how could he be so rich and have such strong connections?"Guo Ru is serious.

This sentence, the public also all did not speak.

Although I don't want to believe it is true, the fact is in front of us.

"It's impossible. I don't believe it anyway!"

The second aunt shook her head.

"Yes, we don't believe it either!"

Yang Ye Yang Yan said.

But Guo Ru, belongs to that kind of human spirit like person.

Right now, she doesn't know what she's thinking.

In short, after thinking for a long time, I suddenly covered my mouth, as if I was scared by something.

They were also frightened by Yang Yuting and Yang Ye.

"Mom? What's the matter? "

Yang ye asked.

"Yes, sister-in-law, why are you so surprised? Maybe Chen Ge may have been kind to others and they will repay him. It's also possible, isn't it?"

The second aunt said.

"No!" Guo Ru shook her head abruptly. "You must not forget what happened today. The old lady received nearly one billion gifts at her birthday party."

Guo Ru said with fierce eyelids.

"A gift from Chen Shao, the mysterious Chen family?"

Several people suddenly stopped talking.

"Yes, Chen's family is Chen Shao, and Chen GE's surname is Chen. If Chen Shao is Chen Ge, everything can be explained."

Guo Ru was frightened by this conjecture.

They were silent again, and their faces were ugly.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

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Said the second aunt.

"But Yang Xiaobei must know something. I think you should stop guessing. Chen Ge is so good at guessing. If Yang Xiaobei can't talk about it, it will be clear!"

Yang Yan said.

"OK, then we'll wait for Yang Xiaobei to come down!"

Forty minutes later.

Yang Xiaobei came out.

It's just that I have five more file bags than before.

"Yang Xiaobei!"

At the door, Auntie and they were still waiting for her.

When they saw Yang Xiaobei holding five contracts in his hand, they were stunned.

"You You signed it all? "

Guo Ru had difficulty in establishing channels.

"Mm-hmm, we have won five major projects of Xinfeng group this year and next year!"

Yang Xiaobei is also excited.

Think, see how you still bully our mother and daughter.

With that, Yang Xiaobei wanted to leave regardless of the surprised aunts.

"Stop for me

Guo Rudao.


"Oh, don't think you'll be upset if you take so many projects. I ask you, where does Chen Ge have such a big network? How could he know Mr. Zhao Kang? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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