The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 467: 467

"Who are you? Is it situ Yang who sent you? "

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Fang Nan could not help but wonder.

Although it was night, Fang could see clearly.

The group, all of them, stood in awe.

It's obviously a family bodyguard with strict training.

Only a few big families can achieve this.

So late, such a big battle, not the people of situ Yang, who can it be?

At the moment, a crowd is also nervous, all standing together.

"Hehe, situ Yang? What is it? "

Unexpectedly, the young leader disdained to smile and said:

"Miss Fang, I was entrusted by my husband to take you out of danger. Come with us as soon as possible!"

Said the first youth.

"Your husband? Who is he? "

Fang Nan could not help asking.

The youth did not speak, but sat in the car.

Two bodyguards came:

"Miss Fang, please get on the bus, we will take you to a safe place!"

Fang Huanan looked at each other.

If the other side had evil intentions, they would have started long ago, and they were so numerous that Fang Nan could not cope with it.

Now she chose to believe.

After nodding, a crowd is on the car.

The car sped all the way.

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It didn't stop until in a big warehouse on the outskirts of the city.

"It's safe here. The people of situ Yang can't find it here!"

Take them in, have already prepared the food, the first youth lit a cigarette said.

"Thank you for saving us. I don't know what to call this young man?"

And the young man's rebellious momentum, but also let Hu Huimin can't help but move.

Asked gratefully.

"Oh, you're welcome. Don't thank me. I'm just following my husband's orders. You can have some food and have a rest. Tomorrow, I'll send you back to Fang's house."

"This young man..."

What did Fang Nan just want to ask.

The young man put the cigarette end on the ground and put it out. He turned and walked out directly.

In the warehouse, only a dozen of them were left.

"Do you know who saved us, my dear? You Fang family is so powerful. Are you a friend of your ancestors? "

At the moment, Hu asked.

Fang Huanan shook her head: "no, don't say that our direct vassal of the Fang family has been captured by situ Hong. Even if it is a family with some origin, it will not be so mysterious. But I really can't think of any other families with such power level!"

Fang Nan frowned.

"But now it seems that they have no malice towards us, they have come to help us!"

Hu Huimin said.

Everyone nodded.

Meanwhile, Fang Jiannan looks at Hu Huimin and Shen Junwen again:

"Huimin Junwen, I think your skills are also professionally trained. You should not be transfer students, right

Fang asked.

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Hu Huimin said with a smile: "yes, we are not transfer students, but our real identity needs to be kept secret. I hope you can understand it!"


"Go home early and have a good sleep. When you wake up in the morning, everything will be over."

Chen Ge put Lin Shengnan on the car, asked the driver to send Lin Shengnan home, and said to the frightened Lin Shengnan.

"Chen Ge, it's too dangerous. Otherwise, you can go with me and stay at my house for one night! They are terrible

Lin Shengnan worried.

"No, I have something else to do tonight."

"But it's thundering, and it's going to rain. We're all saved. Where are you going?"

Lin Shengnan is still worried.

"Don't forget our agreement, don't tell the public what you saw me!"

He patted Lin Shengnan on the shoulder.

Chen Ge winked at the driver, who immediately drove away.

But Lin Shengnan turns from the car and looks at Chen Ge standing in situ through the rear window.

All of a sudden, a flash of lightning flashed across Chen GE's face.

Looking from afar, Lin Shengnan saw Chen GE's face, on his back, unexpectedly for no reason raised a chill.

At this moment, it seems that Chen Ge is no longer the Chen song that he knows!

How terrible!


With the thundering of the earth shaking thunder, dark clouds completely covered the whole earth.

"Crash!" The storm followed.

This night, the rain was torrential and the thunder and lightning flashed.

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And Chen GE's figure has disappearedSitu family.

"What? All gone? The man who bombed the warehouse was not caught, and all our hostages were lost? "

Situhong said angrily to situ Yang.

At the moment, the representatives of the Longmo family are also present.

"Originally, I was about to catch Fang Yannan, but I didn't know what was going on. They just evaporated like the human world and disappeared suddenly. But father, don't worry, I will catch them sooner or later."

Situ Yang wiped the rain on his body and said.

"Hum, ducks can fly to the mouth. Ah Yang, how can I trust to give you all such a large industry in the future?"

Situ Hong was very angry.

He lived most of his life, and for the first time he let others suck his mouth.

I lost face.

"Mr. situ, don't blame Yang Shao. This time, it's obvious that someone is helping the Fang family secretly. However, it's useless even to save Fang Fannan. Now, we have controlled Fang Difu, and we will send more people to dry up the gang. No matter how capable these people are, there will be no trouble!"

The people of Longmo family stood up and said at the moment.

Situ Hong nodded: "what you have said is reasonable. Well, I hope the Longmo family can help you a lot. Forget it, it didn't cause any fundamental loss. Instead, we didn't even drink wine. Come here, I prepared the food and wine again. Let's drink and talk."

At this time, a servant because of confusion, accidentally knocked over a wine glass.


Situ Hong was so angry that he said, "Damn it, don't want to live?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sir!"

"How angry! By the way, what about Madam? Wasn't she there just now? Today, all the distinguished guests are here. Go and call for your wife and drink a toast

Situ Hong shook his head in anger.

The servant immediately covered his face and ran out.

Came out of the chamber of secrets.

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The housekeeper spat at the door of the chamber of Secrets: "the old man, sooner or later, he will not die well."

"Ah Hong, go and invite madam!"

At that moment, he called a maid ah Hong angrily.

As a result, he was yelled, and no one answered him.

In response to him, it was a thunderbolt tearing the sky.

He was so scared that he almost sat on the ground.

"What's the matter? Anyone here? Why is there no one in the living room? "

He was suspicious of his family.

Look around. There's nothing.

Outside the yard, I don't know when the lights were turned off. The yard was dark.

"I'll wipe it. Do bodyguards eat shit? Are they all struck by thunder? "

The housekeeper walked to the door of the villa.


A flash of lightning flashed across.

The whole yard was illuminated in an instant.

And the housekeeper saw clearly the situation in the yard.


The housekeeper instantly uttered a frightful and ferocious scream , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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