The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 471: 471

The sound of the ambulance was getting closer and closer, and Fang Yi felt her consciousness more and more blurred.

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"Ah San..."


"What's the matter?"

On a general express train.

Seeing a young man by the window, he suddenly covered his chest and shivered.

The girl asked with concern.

"It's OK. It's just a little palpitation. It's strange."

Young people smile bitterly.

Then he turned his head and looked at the girl: "by the way, you can take this and go back to Jinling. You can settle down and find a job first. The money in the card will naturally be enough for a lifetime of food and clothing."

The young man handed the girl a bank card.

"Xiaoge, I can't take it. You are short of money now. If I get a job, my life will be good too."

And girls, not others, naturally it is Ma Xiaonan.

At present, Ma Xiaonan quickly gives the card to Chen Ge.

"To Xiaoge, you need more money than we do. You saved my life, and we give you money."

Ma Xiaonan's mother also said.

"Oh, it's OK. In the future, I don't need much money. I've done so much Ha ha

Chen Ge smiles bitterly.

"What's the matter, little song? What's more, you haven't told me why you have nothing to do with the Chen family? "

Ma Xiaonan worried.

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"It's OK. Xiaonan, you'd better not know about it!"

Chen Ge patted Ma Xiaonan on the head.

Back in Jinling this time, Chen Ge not only wants to see his old friends, but also wants to do another thing

Money, on the contrary, is a burden to oneself.

Think about it. Life is so wonderful.

In the past, I also took a green car to Jinling, thinking that when I arrived in Jinling, I could treat my new university life with a different attitude.

No longer like junior high school, high school, all day living in no money in the inferiority complex.

But when I went to university, I found that it was the same everywhere I went without money.

At that time, I was eager for money. When I had money, I must live like a person. Wherever I went, I was complimented.

All of a sudden, Chen Xuanfu couldn't do it.

Because the desire was gone, he still wanted to live a peaceful life, get along well with Su Muhan, and then get married and have two children, preferably one male and one female. Live a carefree life.

Now that Mu Han has left, the life of the rich second generation has disappeared like a dream.

But strangely, Chen Ge is not so eager for money now.

"Little song, you have changed!"

Ma Xiaonan suddenly said.

"Ah? I've changed? "

Chen Ge takes back her thoughts.

"Well, as soon as I saw you, I found you were so different! But one thing you haven't changed is that your friendship with me has not changed, and you are still good to me

Ma Xiaonan road.

"Of course, you are my good friend, all of them!"

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"That little song, if you think I'm a friend, can you tell me if you've met something? You're worried too much! I know that you are no longer the rich second generation in the past. When you return to Jinling, you will feel different. However, no matter whether you are the rich second generation or not, I will take you as my best friend. If you don't say it, I won't ask, but we are good friends, both of them! "

Xiao Ma Nan said.

"So, I can't ask for the money. You can take it and make a comeback in Jinling! I'll be your assistant

Ma Xiaonan took the card to Chen GE's hand again.

"I really can't use the money, and I don't know if I can come back in the future."

Chen Ge smiles bitterly.

"What do you mean? What are your plans for the future? "

Ma Xiaonan lost his heart.

"It's OK. You're afraid. Don't ask!"

But Ma Xiaonan is eager to say but stops. After all, he doesn't say anything.

Soon, Jinling station arrived.

Chen Ge stopped a taxi and asked Ma Xiaonan to sit on it. As for the bank card, Chen Ge had already slipped it into Ma Xiaonan's pocket. Ma Xiaonan also knew the password of her bank card, which was her birthday.

"Chen Ge, don't you come with us?"

Ma Xiaonan rolled down the window and called to Chen Ge.

"No, goodbye Xiaonan!"

Chen Ge waved.

The car started.

And Ma Xiaonan stretched out her head and cried:

"Xiaoge, shall we be together? It doesn't matter whether we have money or not. If we get married, we can work in Jinling for a living

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"If you don't like Jinling, we can go to the countryside! Find a small place, set up a home and live a dull life. Do you hear that? ""What do you say?" "Slow down, have a good life!" Chen Ge yelled

Chen Ge waves.

"I said," are we together? Is that all right? I want nothing! "

"Driver, you stop!"

Ma Xiaonan shouts to the driver urgently.

But the driver didn't listen, covered the money Chen Ge gave him in his pocket, and suddenly stepped on the gas pedal and drove away.

Chen Ge waved.

Listen, of course.

But Chen Ge knew that he could not live the life of ordinary people.

Mu Han couldn't find it for a day, and he didn't want to start another life.

And this farewell, why Chen Ge is so reluctant to give up.

Because of this farewell, many old friends may never see each other again

Chen Ge, dressed in a black sweater, put on his hat and mask at the moment.

Stopped a taxi.

"To where?"

"Go to the hospital first!"

I got to the hospital soon.

Through the glass of the ward door, Chen Ge sees Hanfei Er, who is still lying on the hospital bed, with a ventilator and a pale face.

Think about how lively hanfei'er was.

If she didn't meet her, she might have a good life. Maybe, with her beautiful face, she could become a net star by herself.

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Every day happy life, how good!

But in order to find out her whereabouts, she was caught and thrown down from upstairs.

Chen Ge imagined that Han fei'er was looking for her scene that day. She was downstairs with Xiaonan, looking worried.

I thought I saw hope, but it turned out to be the beginning of bad luck.

How cruel is mo Jian.

Chen Ge stood at the door and pressed the door of the ward tightly.

Five finger prints, now deeply imprinted on it.

"Hello, Hello, you are blocking the door. Are you going in or not?"

The little nurse asked angrily.

This person is really, stand at the door shed tears, just don't go in.

And the youth is looking back.

Tears of tears, instantly swept away.

He was wearing a mask.

But the eyes seemed to be able to speak, with a breath of breath.

It made the little nurse tremble.

The tray almost missed.

"Here you are. There is a specific needle route and a herbal formula on it. No matter you or the doctor understand it, save her!"

With that, the young man threw the secret recipe onto the little nurse's tray.

Then he put his hands in his pockets and left , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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