The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 474: 474

One night later.

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Nanyang Chen family.

"Master, good news, good news!"

The housekeeper came in a hurry.

Chen Jindong is reading in the study. With the housekeeper's coming in, Chen Jindong rubs his eyebrows and puts down his glasses.

"What's the good news?"

Chen Jindong asked.

"It's Mo Changkong. Over the past six months, Mo Changkong has been against the Chen family everywhere, especially that Mo Jian. But we just got the exact news that Mo Jian has disappeared!"

"Well? Is mo Jian missing? "

Chen Jindong couldn't help standing up.

To be honest, although Mo Jian is mo Changkong's third son, he has established his power in the past six months and has been against the Chen family everywhere.

Although Chen Jindong doesn't take Mo Jian seriously.

But the fly is small, but it is disgusting.

It did make Chen's family exhausted.

It's a knife inserted in the top of Chen's house.

And now, Mo Jian is missing?

"Yes, not only have they disappeared, but most of Mo Changkong's men and horses have also been evacuated. They left a clean place last night. This time, we Chen family can have a good breath of breath."

The housekeeper said happily.

Chen Jindong also nodded with a smile.


The housekeeper frowned again: "Mo Jian is mo Changkong's favorite son. He has an accident now. I wonder if Mo Changkong will anger our Chen family or even suspect our Chen family?"


Chen Jindong threw down the book in his hand, "Mo Changkong is not a fool. Mo Jian is very skillful. Don't say that we Chen family can't move Mo Jian. Even if we do, we Chen family dare not take Mo Jian. Mo Changkong knows this in his mind. Now, Mo Changkong has withdrawn his men and horses. Obviously, it is their own side that has a big problem!"

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Chen Jindong laughs.

I was relieved.

"The owner is right. His subordinates are worried too much."

The housekeeper said with a smile.

"However, Mo Jian can be easily captured in Jinling. I think he must be a master among the experts, Ah Fu!"

Chen Jindong suddenly looked serious.

"Master, you say..."

"I give you a secret mission, that is, at all costs, to investigate this matter for me, the best way to know the whereabouts of this master's forces, if you can invite this master to help us Chen family, the difficulty of Changkong may be solved. Remember, it is at all costs!"

Chen Jindong patted the table.

"I understand. I'll do it!"

"Wait a minute, go to invite the eldest lady and his wife, ah LAN, and they have not had a meal for a long time. Today, have a family dinner!"


When the housekeeper saw Chen Jindong so happy, he was even more happy.

Chen family banquet, since the accident of Chen Ge half a year ago.

I never ate it again.

Even Yang Yuping has said that she is rarely around Chen Jindong for the past six months.

He is used to locking himself in his study.

This family dinner, see father so happy, Chen Xiao and Qin LAN are also a kind of mood.

"Dad, what's so happy about? Can't it be that the song has gone? "

Chen Xiao asked.

Chen Dongdong shook his head dejectedly: "Xiaoge is still missing..."

The people looked pale.

"Today, however, is indeed a good day. I have got the exact news that Mo Jian has disappeared. There is a tragedy in Yundingshan villa. Mo Chang has been killed empty handed!"

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Chen said.

"What? Is mo Jian missing? "

Chen Xiao stood up and said with a smile.

"Yes, this mysterious master who captured Mo Jian, intentionally or unintentionally, has helped us Chen family a lot."

Chen Jindong said with a smile.

"That father, besides the Mo family, are there any other clans?"

Chen Jindong shook his head: "I don't know. In a word, we still urgently need such a master to help the Chen family. If we find this master, I will use one third of the Chen family's assets as a condition."

Chen Xiao and others all nodded

South of the west, Yunnan Guizhou area.

A bus to Yunnan and Guizhou Province.

At the moment, the bus has been on a mountain road.

The road is deserted, surrounded by mountains.

"It's said that there are a lot of robberies on this road!"

A little fat man looked at the dull road and said.

"Last time I watched the news, it was said that a group of robbers robbed a bus, and all the people in the bus were killed!"

Seeing everyone looking at him, he said again.

"No? Why didn't I see the news? "A middle-aged woman asked nervously.

"Soon after the news came out, it was gone. It's impossible to publicize this kind of thing and make panic!"

Said the little fat man.

"Well, even if there are robbers, we will beat them to death!"

A big man sneered.

"But they have *"

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Little fat man helpless way.

This time, the people in the carriage did not speak.

I was also very nervous by the little fat man.

Then the little fat man stopped talking and took out a packet of biscuits and ate them.

"Well, it's said that there are robbers. You are still in the mood to eat! You are so fat that they are the first to rob you

A woman complained.

"I eat to decompress, only when the teeth are not moving, people's mental state is the easiest to relax!"

Said the little fat man.

"True or false?"

"Try it if you don't believe it! Ah! Here is a packet of biscuits

The little fat man was divided among several people.

"I want it too!" Someone on the bus said with a smile.

"No, my biscuits are precious. Don't you buy snacks? If you want, three yuan for a bag

The little fat man hugged his luggage.


All the people on the bus laughed. The little fat man was a biscuit seller. Everyone could see that.

However, no one cared about a few yuan, and they took out money to buy some.

"Gentlemen, you didn't talk all the way. Are you hungry? Why don't you eat some and relax?"

The little fat man distributed it all the way.

When I got to the middle position, I saw a man wearing a hat and mask, but I couldn't see how old he was.

Behind him were two very weak young men.

It's kind of strange for a long time.

The man in black, however, shook his head at the moment.

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"Make a friend, and I won't ask you for money!" Said the little fat man.

The man in black turned his head out of the window.

What a strange guy.

Muttered the little fat man.

Then he turned to the left side of the black windbreaker, wearing a leather suit and leather pants, a bit like a beauty like the black widow in the movie.

The beauty has long hair, but her face is cold.

I'm closing my eyes.

"Beauty, would you like some?"

Said the little fat man with a smile.

The beauty shook her head.

"This biscuit is slightly sweet, just to relieve the lack of food!"

Said the little fat man.

The woman may want to make the little fat man shut up and say impatiently at the moment: "give me a bag!"

After the little fat man gave it to her.

I've been waiting for the girls to pay.

But when the girl opened the biscuit and was about to pay for it, she suddenly remembered something.

I couldn't help frowning.

"I have no money with me!"

"What? You don't have any money? Who can believe it? Not three dollars? "

The little fat man said in surprise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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