The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 487: 487

Chen Ge looks handsome, now suits and leather shoes, naturally easier to let girls favor.

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And this colleague, Shen Meng, seems to have just graduated from university.

Chen Ge nods to her.

Yu Qiang, who is also a young man, seems to be interested in Chen Ge when he sees Shen Meng as a beautiful woman. The core of the topic has always been Chen Ge.

I can't help but frown and feel jealous.

Originally, the two newcomers came at the same time with the same profession and specialty.

It has a certain competitive relationship.

But now, Shen Meng's kindness to him is to belittle himself.

This kind of feeling makes Yujiang a little uncomfortable.

However, he is not a brainless person. He doesn't say a word at the moment. He follows him to watch Shen Meng talk to Chen Ge.

"Mr. Shen Meng, are these two new teachers in our group? They are very handsome

Just then, several young teachers came along.

Say hello to Shen Meng.

They are all girls. They look as big as Shen Meng.

"Yes, this is Mr. Chen Ge, and this one is..."

"Well, I'm sorry, I forgot your name..."

Shen Meng was suddenly embarrassed.

Yes, just now Shen Meng thought that Chen Ge was dressed in a suit and looked handsome.

So I can't help but pay attention to Chen Ge.

As for Yujiang, it is a light smile: "my name is Yujiang!"

At the same time, the heart of a touch of jealousy is emerging.

And these young female teachers also talk to Chen Ge.

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All of a sudden.

All of a sudden, luxury cars came up.

It stopped right in front of a few people.

Let Shen dream and other girls are a small shock.

At this time, several bodyguards in black came out of the car.

"Young master, the boss said today that you came to Tiancheng for the first time, and tonight, I'll take the wind and wash the dust for you!"

The bodyguard in black bowed slightly to a man.

And Yu Jiang gently held his gold glasses: "OK, tell my cousin, I'll go there at night!"

"It's young master!"

Several bodyguards bowed again.

I'm leaving.

And around Chen GE's side of a few young female colleagues, momentarily muddled, directly open mouth.

Looking at Yu Jiang in amazement.

"Mr. Yu Jiang, how can they call you young master?"

Some female colleagues asked in dismay.

"Oh, they are my cousin's people. My cousin has opened several bars and hotels in Yuncheng."

Yu Jiang said lightly.

And Shen Meng, also can't help but look at Yujiang more.

"Teacher Yujiang, but you don't seem to be from Tiancheng. I can't believe you have such a powerful cousin!"

Shen Meng asked with a smile.

"Well, I come from Tagou town. Have you heard of the five forces?"

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Yu Jiang asked lightly.

"I've heard that Tagou town is controlled by five forces! It's very powerful and has a high status in Tiancheng! "

A female colleague asked, suddenly came a great interest.

"My father is one of the five forces in charge of the Cao family!"

Yu Jiang said with a smile.


People were more astonished.

They are all local people in Tiancheng. Affected by the environment, they prefer the so-called gangsters.

Because only mixed well, in order to better live in Tiancheng, unlimited scenery.

This is what all girls want.

Just like the row of cars that just came, it has already made a few girls envious, and this Yujiang is actually a person of five forces!

"So you don't work in your group?"

The girls asked one after another.

"Ha ha, I don't want to do it. Now Tagou town is in chaos. The five forces have been ordered by the newly rising Tianlong Group. My father means to let me go out and make a living first!"

Yu Jiang shook his head with a bitter smile.

Shen Meng smile, did not expect this Yujiang, so mature and stable.

"It's just like this, Mr. Yu, if you are so young and aggressive, you may open up a new world!"

Shen Meng came to Yujiang and said with a smile.

"I think so too!"

Next, everyone listened to Yu Jiang talk about some major events in Tiancheng and Tagou town recently.

It's a lot of fun talking.

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Chen Ge just shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

Such a scene has long been commonplace.

Yujiang, at the moment, a faint glance at Chen Ge, who was deserted, suddenly flashed a touch of pride on his face.There was no trial in the morning.

Chen GE has been sitting in the office.

Soon it was noon.

Shen Di, please go to the dining room and see me

When chatting in the morning, Shen Mengyou told Chen Ge that he would take Chen Ge to the canteen for dinner at noon. After all, Chen Ge had just come and was not familiar with him.

Therefore, Chen Ge simply took the initiative to say, in addition, Chen Ge also had no redundant ideas.

"No, Mr. Chen. I have something else to do at noon. I'm sorry!"

Shen Meng managed her hair slightly.

Chen Ge nodded with a smile, "I'll look for it myself."

And then I went.

Although Tiancheng has always been chaotic, it has all the internal organs, medical and health institutions, education and training institutions.

In this school, there is nothing different except that the students are like little gangsters one by one.

All students.

Chen Ge asked for a portion of rice, plus a meat and vegetable two dishes, and found a seat to eat.

I haven't enjoyed such a life for a long time.

When Shen Wanshan is their boss, it's better to be a teacher quietly in school.

Chen Ge couldn't help laughing bitterly.

But how long can such a quiet and comfortable life last? Oh!

At Chen GE's dinner.

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"Xiaomeng, let's be here. I'll look more spacious!"

A man's voice rang.

"No, it's a VIP area. There's a seat charge!"

"Ha ha ha, it's OK, that is, there will be a meeting in the afternoon. We are in a hurry, or I will take you out!"

The man said with a smile.

And Chen Ge looked up, this is a man and a woman, not someone else.

It is Shen Meng and Yu Jiang.

It turns out that Shen Meng said she had something else to do. She wanted to have dinner with Yujiang. Chen Ge laughed bitterly.

Yu Jiang and Shen Meng obviously saw Chen Ge.

Because Chen Ge is sitting on the side of the VIP area, because the VIP area is a symbol of identity.

The reason why Chen Ge is lonely here is that on this side, it is easy to form a sharp contrast, so generally no one will be here.

Yu Jiang, a contemptuous glance at Chen Ge, who bows his head to eat.

Shen Meng is a little embarrassed.

Obviously, Chen Ge also saw himself just now. He had an appointment to have dinner with him. At noon, he said something was wrong and he came with Yujiang.

This in any girl's heart, more or less will feel a little embarrassed.


Shen Meng quickly cut his hair, took back his eyes, and nodded with a smile.

What's wrong with him

Just then, several female voices began to ring again , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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