The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 498: 498

Chen Ge is clear about the purpose of Su Hong's bid.

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More and more big forces are involved.

Fight to the death.

In the end, the Yu family took advantage.

Obviously, Xiaolan thinks that this is the only time for Xiaolan to bid with Jane.

I didn't expect that the more mysterious they were, the easier they were to be watched.

"You two girls, what are you doing in this muddy water?"

Yes, the person outside the window is Chen Ge.

At the moment, Chen Ge looked at his feet, lying two bodies, can not help but worry about the dark way.

Qin LAN this time, is obviously low-key travel, did not take many people.

This also makes Chen Ge worried.

To protect them secretly.

The two bodies, also do not know which side sent to investigate, Chen Ge met, directly to solve.

Although the mysterious man in black sent four guards to himself.

Chen Ge can use them to protect Qin LAN.

But for them, Chen Ge is really worried.

In this way, listen to LAN elder sister and Xiaobei two dialogue.

Chen Ge sits outside the window.

"Well, the disappearance of myself for half a year has really broken many people's hearts, but I can't help it. I can't go back."

"What's more, what I'm most sorry for in my life should be sister LAN. After all this time, she still regards herself as her fiancee, but it's impossible for her to be with her."

Chen GE has always stressed this point in his heart.

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Gradually, it was late at night.

Xiaobei goes back to have a rest.

And Qin LAN, crying, also slowly fell asleep.

Chen Ge slowly walked into the room.

With a touch of moonlight, Chen Ge looks at LAN elder sister's cheek, still hanging a tear mark.

Raise your hand and gently wipe it off for her.

Help LAN elder sister cover the quilt again.

"Xiaoge, since I was very young, I have decided that I am your wife. Don't hide, you can go home, OK?"

LAN elder sister dreamy way.

"Home? I don't know when I'll be able to go back? "

Chen Ge sat down beside the bed and said with a bitter smile.

"Sister LAN, I know your love for me. I also swear that I will never let you suffer any harm!"

Chen Ge said in his heart.

Touch a face tired, LAN elder sister's forehead.

Suddenly, the door opened.

It was a girl who came straight in.


When the girl saw a man sitting by the bedside of LAN elder sister, she couldn't help but be frightened and cried out loud.

But saw that figure direct flash, came to own in front of.

I'm gagging my mouth.

"Don't be afraid, baby. It's me."

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Chen Ge reached Xiaobei's ear and whispered.

When Xiaobei heard the sound, his eyes widened.

"Don't make a noise. Let's go out and talk."

Chen Ge took Xiaobei's arm and went directly to Xiaobei's room.


Xiaobei cried, shocked, excited, excited, not enough to express his emotions.

Directly into Chen GE's arms.

"Brother! Is it really you? I'm not dreaming, am I? "

Xiaobei cried.

Holding Chen Ge tightly, I'm afraid it's a dream.

"It's not a dream. I'm here. I'm fine!"

Xiaobei wiped his tears and laughed.

"Brother, you are strong, and it seems to be turning black. Brother, where have you been in the past six months? I feel like I am dreaming. I saw you again!"

Xiaobei cried.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you later. In short, you just need to remember that I'm ok!"

Chen Ge said with a smile that her eyes were red.

"By the way, how are my parents now?"

Chen Ge asked.

"My aunt cries all day. My uncle is getting older now. They worry about you all day long."

"Where's my sister?"

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Chen Ge asked again.

"My sister's temper is getting worse now. She used to be a good opponent. Now, she always beats her subordinates. She doesn't like to see anything. She asks her hand to look for you every day."

Said Becky.

Chen Ge shed two tears.

"But brother, it's very good that you are back now. I think if you tell aunts, aunts and cousins, by the way, and sister LAN, they will be happy and bad!"

"Especially elder sister LAN, she has been thinking about you all day. Now almost all the family affairs are pressing on her. I know that she is very tired, but she said that she should take care of the home and wait for you to come back. She will be happy. I will call her here! By the way, and call your uncle! "Xiaobei is too excited to know what to do.

"Wait for Xiaobei. In fact, I didn't hold back today. I just met you. Xiaobei, you have to promise me one thing. I don't want to tell anyone about tonight's affairs, OK?"

Chen Ge wiped her tears.

"Ah? Brother, why? "

Xiaobei didn't understand.

"Because I killed Mo Changkong's third son and destroyed his influence in the southwest. Now it's a critical juncture with Mo Changkong. Once my news is exposed, the Chen family will be severely damaged and I can't live, do you understand?"

Chen gedao.

"What? Don't Is mo Jian your brother

Xiaobei covered his mouth and stood up in shock.

"But I heard that Mo Jian was taken away by a mysterious expert, and is still in the missing state! The people of Mo's family are going crazy to look for him, and there is no clue up to now! "

Xiaobei is surprised.

"Well, Mo Jian didn't even have hair left. He died completely. I'm afraid it's still early for the Mo family to find him."

Chen Ge smiles bitterly.

"How did you kill him, brother? Even the top experts in the family are not Mo Jian, not to mention Mo Jian

"Little mojian, I don't pay attention to it. In a word, Xiaobei promised me that you've seen something about me. Don't say it. Besides, this auction meeting is very dangerous. You should be careful. If you have any activities, you should inform me at the first time. Your cousin will help you secretly!"

Chen Ge holds Xiaobei's shoulder.

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Xiaobei nodded heavily: "I understand. I won't tell anyone. Anyway, cousin, you're OK. I'm so happy!"

"Silly boy, by the way, I am now the chairman of Tianlong Group. In this bidding meeting, Xiaobei, you should help me get the king Shen! Anyway, it's useless for you to bring it back to the Chen family! "

Chen gedao.

"No problem, brother! But cousin, I can keep your affairs confidential, but can I tell sister Lan that I have to be with sister LAN every day. I can't bear to see her thinking about you every day! "

"When the time is right, I'll come out to meet you. Don't talk about it!"

Chen Ge again admonished.

"I see..."


All of a sudden, Chen Ge made a silent gesture to Xiaobei.

"Somebody's coming. Don't make a noise!"

Chen Ge frowned and whispered.

Xiaobei was scared to speak.

Chen Ge, with a flash of light and shadow, leaves the room directly under Xiaobei's surprised eyes.

At the moment, outside the villa, there is a masked man in black slowly approaching.

Chen stepped on the branch and looked at it.



The man in black was on the alert for an instant, and quickly withdrew with a quick lunge.

"So good! It seems that none of them are ordinary people this time! "

Chen Ge took out the mask, put it on and ran after it , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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