The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 507: 507

Youth is Chen Ge.

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And this woman is not yu'er who follows Chen Ge.

At present, yu'er cried and ran to Chen Ge.

And Chen Ge, looking at not less suffering yu'er, the heart is also can not help but flash a touch of heartache.

"Jade, you suffer, don't be afraid, I'm back!"

Chen Ge said, pulling her into the cabin.

Yu'er takes Chen GE's arm and refuses to give up.

But I don't know why. I haven't seen her for half a year. Yu'er thinks about it day and night. But seeing her husband this time gives her a strange feeling.

But now she has no time to think about it.

"Sir, Vincent has come back. They have captured Zhang long, Zhang Hu, and Shen, and they have also taken our assets. Lan'er and they have also been taken away. These are our final industrial documents."

Yu'er is holding a file bag, and she desperately wants to keep the assets for Chen Ge.

"Just now I asked Wenbo to check it. It's known that I'm not good. It's gone for half a year!"

Chen Ge wiped away his tears.

"Damn it, it's Tianlong's boss. Don't yell at me. It's just that when you come back, you'll clean it up together, and you'll do it together."

At the moment, a big man said coldly.

But he didn't lose his voice.


Chen GE's men have been mobilized.

And the big man's eyes were wide open.

Then his head fell down.


Yu'er looked and covered her mouth in a hurry.

Wen Tao, however, panicked.

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This group of people, people feel terrible, and very strong.

And he Wentao is no match at all.

"Chen Mr. Chen, there are some misunderstandings. I think I'd better call my father and you can talk to him in person! "

Wen Tao responded very quickly.

"After all, I only work for my father. It's useless for you to kill me. I can report it for you and let my father talk to you in person."

He said again.

However, Chen Ge did not answer.

He was more and more frightened.

I knelt down with a thump.

"Mr. Chen, spare me!"

At the moment, Wen Tao is completely flustered and spits wildly.

Chen Ge slowly poured a glass of red wine, "just now I was still thinking, see your father, I would like to prepare a meeting gift for him, I see you have a few people, also with a camera, suddenly have inspiration!"

Chen gedao.

"Mr. Chen, what What inspiration? "

Originally, these cameras were specially used to shoot those videos. He Wentao has this abnormal hobby. Every time he finishes, he takes a video as a souvenir.

So the men, they used to bring cameras.

"I want you to cooperate with me to shoot a video for your father to see, as a gift to meet!"

Chen gedao.

"Of course, I'm willing to cooperate. I can, Mr. Chen!"

Wen Tao is busy.

Chen Ge winked at one of his men.

The fuel is then removed from the cabin.

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Wen Tao seems to know what they are going to do.

"Don't kill me, Mr. Chen!"

He got up and wanted to run.


A stone hit the chest, a blood arrow has been shot out.

Wen Tao lies on the ground, convulsing all over.

He didn't dare to move. He stood next to him.

So I watched him covered with water.

"Yu'er, close your eyes!"

Chen Ge covered yu'er's eyes and said to his subordinates: "point him!"


The shrill cry suddenly resounded through the whole wilderness

"Where's Vincent?"

First returned to the manor, let jade son lie down to rest.

Chen Ge asked Wenbo.

"I have just found out that he is holding a banquet in Tiancheng restaurant, and invited many famous people in Tiancheng district to let them learn from him! Although Zhang long, Zhang Hu and Shen Wanshan have suffered torture, they are not in danger at present. "

"I also learned that this Vincent had been to a Southeast Asian country to study arts for half a year, but he had practiced a good skill!"

Winbur said, with a wry smile.

"Well, it's time to solve it, or something might happen in the future."

"Wenbo, you stay and take care of yu'er for me. I'll go and get them back!"

Chen gedao.

"But, Shao Dian Lord, you have not taken spiritual blood, and your mind is not stable I'm afraid... "

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Winbur worried.

If he is bloodthirsty just after leaving the mountain, he is worried that Chen Shaohui will become more indifferent."I can control it!"

At night, Chen Ge took more than 30 people out.

At the moment, Tiancheng restaurant.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

The weather was suddenly chilly and biting.

"You girl, what are you running about? Mom can't find you anywhere. Today, Wen Zong is back. And now there's such a big problem in Tiancheng, you should be more careful!"

The entrance to the restaurant.

Two women are making a scene.

Small, in her early twenties, exquisite and beautiful.

The big one, about 24 years old, is mature and sexy, quite a bit of intellectual beauty.

At the moment, the older woman cut her hair: "go, go back with me!"

"Oh, well, I'll go back by myself! You go in first, and I'll go back when I get out and breathe! "

The girl said.

"Well, don't lie to me. Go back soon!"

The woman left now.

Obviously, the girl is not in a high mood. She grabs a stone from the ground and smashes it around from time to time.

May also feel bored, then pout small mouth to walk in again.

As she walked into the hall, through the mirror on the wall, she saw a group of people coming through the door.

And the leader, instantly let the girls surprised.

"Ah? Isn't that

I haven't seen you for half a year. She turned around in surprise and was about to say hello.

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"What do you do?"

There are many bodyguards of Vinson group at the door. At the moment, they are all surrounded.

But this group of people did it directly.

Clean and neat, directly broke the son of Vinson group bodyguards.


The service staff in the hall screamed with fright.

The girl's face was white, and she ran upstairs in a hurry.

After they went up, they were still in shock.

"Here we are. Sit down quickly."

She came to her family and was terrified.

"Well, as soon as general manager Wen comes back, Tiancheng will change again. We Yu family must seize the opportunity. You two sisters are born so beautiful with me. When Wen Shao comes back, we will have to do a good job! If we are favored by Wen Shao, we Yu's family will be able to soar

Yes, the mother and daughter are Su Hong and Yu Jinfei.

For more than half a year, yujinfei looks more mature and stable than before.

She's looking at her sister now, and she's not in the right mood.

Some worried asked, "Jinxiang, what's the matter with you? How do you turn pale? "

Tulip swallowed her saliva: "I was downstairs, downstairs I think I saw him

"He? Who is it? "

Su Hong asked.

Yu Jinfei, however, is very sensitive. She can't help but be careful. She seems to have guessed something.

"Jin Xiang, who did you see?"

Tulip suddenly cried and was obviously scared: "he! He's back , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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