The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 511: 511

Please eat?

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Chen Ge is going to dinner.

It's better to be invited than to spend your own money.


Chen Ge agreed.


Zhang Min is almost speechless to the little brother in front of her.

However, girls worship heroes. Although Chen Ge is not a hero, he really helps himself.

In addition, people do not want to be close to Chen Qingxiu.

So Zhang Min took Chen Ge to a hotel.

They talked to each other and gradually got familiar with each other.

"It's a coincidence that you came here to travel."

Zhang Min said.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. Starting tomorrow, Lujia of Longjiang Province will hold a three-day Treasure Exchange Conference! It's a month earlier than the last one, but you've caught up with it

"Every year, there are too many people from all over the world, even from abroad, to the treasure exchange conference, which can dazzle people."

Zhang mindao.

"O'ao, I've only heard antiques exchange conference, but I haven't heard Treasure Exchange Conference!"

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Chen Ge smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

"What is the antique exchange conference? This exchange conference is all inclusive. It covers not only antiques, but also treasures in various forms. As long as you have treasures, you can show them. For example, a jade bracelet is usually sold by yourself, which can sell for 100000 yuan. However, once you have passed the appraisal process, you can Sell it for a million dollars or more

"I see, but it's all for the rich. If I want to go, I'll have a good time! Besides, those antique treasures and so on, no, that's all. I don't have much research on them! "

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Pooh! You are very clever. You can say such a thing. I'll tell you a secret. It's not an insider. You don't know it! "

Zhang Min suddenly lowered his voice.

Chen Ge put a mouthful of boiled fish in his mouth and took a sip of his drink, indicating to Zhang Min to talk about it.

"At the exchange conference four years ago, there was a magic instrument, and it was an ancient one with a light on and an inscription on it!"

Zhang mindao.


Chen Ge almost blew out his drink.

"Are you really or not?"

Zhang Min was angry again by Chen GE's attitude:

"I lied to you, but you didn't know what to do. It was a piece of floating dust, which was used by a Taoist a long time ago. Anyway, it was put at home, and it can resist all kinds of evil. However, it was bought by a Japanese at a high price. It took less than half a year to buy it home Well, his mother was 98 years old four years ago, but now 102 years old, she is still healthy

"What's more, in the last session, an ancient Dao was also auctioned off. It is said that it is also a magic weapon. In short, there are too many things like this. On the surface, they are antique treasures. In fact, these are the main plays. Those foreigners are all aiming at these things!"

Zhang Min said.

Chen Ge put down his glass and frowned.

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Look at what Zhang Min said. It doesn't look like a fake.

Indeed, although Chen Gegang just didn't say anything, there are magic tools. He just wants Zhang Min to say more information.

My grandfather's sun map, in a word, is a very old pattern instrument.

Since ancient times, the rise of every big family must rely on some mysterious power.

After listening to my grandfather, I knew that the Fang family and the Chen family were fighting for half a jade pendant.

The jade pendant, which is the magic weapon of the Chen family and the Fang family, represents the luck of the two families.

If it wasn't for sneaking into Fang's house to find the half jade pendant, the second Uncle Chen Ping'an would not have happened later.

"How do you know so clearly that all this is not true?"

Chen Ge pretended to be surprised and said, "I find that you can deceive people, can't you do sales work? Ha ha

"You Fart, I tell you, I'm the accountant of a company under Lujia. Our company is the organizer of the annual exchange conference. Do you think what I said can be fake

"What's more, I told you so much because you saved my life. Don't pass it on, but even if it is, I'm afraid no one will believe it!"

Zhang Min took a drink.

"Well, you seem to be interested. Do you want to see it?"

Zhang Min asked.

"It's like I can go if I want to. It's not easy to get a ticket, isn't it?"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Yes, but let's see who I am. I Zhang Min is a person who never likes to owe others. You have helped me so much. I can give you an admission ticket! However, we are even clear! All right? "Zhang Min said with a smile.

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Then, from his bag, carefully took out an admission ticket and handed it to Chen Ge.

"I tell you, never look down on people, especially beautiful girls like me! You look like you have never experienced a big occasion. In this way, some of my friends from other places will come to play tomorrow, and I will take you with me and lead you around! "

Zhang Min said.

"Well, thank you! By the way, which Lu family are you talking about? "

Chen Ge collected the ticket and asked again.

"Of course, it's the Lujia of Longjiang. There is only one Lujia in Longjiang!"

Cough, the clothes of the three brothers and sisters are ordinary goods at first glance, but in fact they are more than ten thousand pieces.

Chen GE has long known that the three brothers and sisters are different.

Longjiang Lujia? It's not Lu Han's Lu family, is it?

Chen Ge thought.

No matter what, Chen Ge is obviously interested in this exchange conference.

If there is a magic weapon, I really have to go and have a look. If someone else takes one of them, one will be less.

That night, Chen Ge stayed in a hotel.

When the next morning, Chen Ge left early and arrived at the exchange conference.

It's nothing else. It happens to be at Bernard hall.

Chen Ge thought he had come early enough.

But when I didn't expect to go, it was also a sea of people.

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Luxury cars are everywhere.

According to the agreement, he will wait for Zhang Min at the door.

Just waiting.

It is to see a luxury car coming.

From the car, came down a group of gorgeous men and women.

All the security guards around bowed respectfully.

Chen Ge stood in a corner and could see clearly.

Among these men and women, three Chen Ge knew each other.

It's not yesterday's three brothers and sisters.

Sure enough, the three are really famous families.

At present, Chen Ge put on his hat and lowered its brim.

I'm not afraid of Lu Han's girl, but I'm afraid of Lu Xue and Lu Chao. Once I recognize myself and drive myself out, it's not good to implicate Zhang Min again.

After seeing them laughing and talking, Chen Ge was relieved.

"Chen Ge, it's early enough."

At this time, Zhang Min came and patted Chen Ge on the shoulder with a smile.

And behind her, there are several young men and women , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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