The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 513: 513

"Young man, you Are you serious? "

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The old man's eyes widened at the moment.

Chen Ge laughs and shakes his head, and asks for his bank card number, a phone call, less than five minutes, five million direct to the account.

"This, this, this Thank you, young man

The old man was smiling.

After all, he never dreamed that he would sell five million yuan.

The reason why Chen Ge will spend more money to buy it is because he feels a different breath from it.

It's almost the same as when I first saw the sun map half a year ago.

Therefore, Chen Ge believes that this thing is extraordinary.

"I wonder if this friend can show me the iron Certificate in my hand?"

At this time, behind Chen Ge, came a group of people.

This group of people, including foreigners and Chinese, are well-dressed.

Among them, an old man in Tang costume said with a smile.

And this old man, who got so much money, was afraid that others would steal it and didn't dare to stay longer, so he left immediately.


Chen Ge also did not have a good refusal, handed him the iron coupon.

And the old man in Tang Dynasty started to feel it.

His face suddenly changed.

"What do you see, old Shen?"

Asked the leading foreigner.

"This iron coupon is not simple. It has aura on it. It is definitely not a common product."

Old Shen was shocked and his hands trembled.

Hearing this, the foreigner turned to Chen Ge and said, "how much do you pay for it? I can pay 50 times the price."

Chen Ge looked at the old Shen, but he didn't expect that the old man was also a man of knowledge of goods.

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However, let alone 50 times, even if it's 5000 times, Chen Ge doesn't pay attention to it.

"Thank you, but I'm not going to sell it!"

Chen Ge takes the iron coupon back from old Shen.

The foreigner frowned and looked to one side, a young man in gorgeous clothes.

The young man, who is about 26 years old, shakes his head and smiles at the moment:

"this brother, in Xialu Zhongxuan, is the organizer of this event and the youngest owner of the Lu family. My suggestion is that you sell as much as you can and take the money, so you don't have to worry about it for a few years!"

Lu Zhongxuan said with a light smile.

"Thank you, but I don't sell it!"

Chen Ge put away the iron coupon, nodded, and then wanted to leave directly.


And has been following Lu Zhongxuan behind a white haired old man, at the moment suddenly stand out, blocking Chen GE's way.

He has a pair of triangular eyes, eyes slightly squint, like the eyes of a poisonous snake.

Chen Ge also looked at him.

This old man, with extraordinary breath, has inner strength!

It seems that the Lu family, which has been based in Longjiang Province for so many years, is not a simple background.

"Lu Shao? What does that mean? "

Chen Ge turns to look at Lu Zhongxuan.

But Lu Zhongxuan turned his head to one side.


At the moment, the old man grasped Chen GE's wrist, and his hand was full of strength.

Cold way: "50 times the price, little friend is not satisfied?"

The voice did not fall, a dark force, has poured into Chen GE's body.

"Beyond my ability!"

Chen Ge sneered in his heart.

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Understatement a wave of hand, directly interrupted the old man's internal strength.

The old man staggered and took a few steps back.

His eyes were shocked at Chen Ge.

"It's said that I don't sell it. Why bother me?"

When you've finished speaking, take a big step away.

"Mr. Shen, you are sure this is a treasure, but I can't see anything at all!"

The foreigner frowned.

Mr. Shen took out a compass. "According to the compass instructions, it is this iron coupon that leads us here. Now, the pointer still points to the compass direction. I am more sure!"

"As old Shen said, we have to get it anyway!"

Lu Zhongxuan carries his hands.

Only then did he notice that the old man was shocked:

"what's the matter with you, conbo?"


Conrad looked at his hands and was suddenly stunned.

"What, why?"

"Just now, I clamped his wrist with internal force, but why did my internal force suddenly disappear?"

Conrad thought about what he had just felt, and he couldn't understand it.

"Are you thinking too much?" Kang Bo, a mysterious VIP invited by his father, naturally admired by Lu Zhongxuan.

"No This young man, there is a problem

Kang Bo turned his head and looked at Chen GE's back coldly.

As for Chen Ge, he left straight away.

Directly to the Bank of a moat outside.Take out the black iron coupon.

Chen Ge uses internal force.

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The iron coupon is broken directly from it.

Inside, a simple short blade appears in front of Chen Ge.

"It's a good guess. There's a lot of mystery in it."

This short blade is black and black.

The edge line is sharp.

On it, there are also strange lines.

The magic instrument has the spirit of nature.

At first, Chen Ge was influenced by the blade.

In my heart, there is a touch of touch.

A hundred meters away from the river, there is a big rock.

Chen GE's wrist jerked and the blade flew out.


With a very strange wind.

Hit the rock.


The smoke and dust billows, the rocks crumble and the debris flies wildly.

And the black short blade, with a very fast speed, flew back to Chen GE's hands.

Look at the blade again. It's not hurt.

Chen Ge was overjoyed: "this time, I really found a treasure!"

Just about to get up and leave.

Sand and sand!

Next to the grass, eight figures, close at this time.

They gathered around and looked at Chen Ge coldly: "Stinky boy, where are the iron certificates? If you don't want to die, take it out! "

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One of the skinheads came out.

"As I said, I can't sell it. Why do you want to force others to be difficult? Everyone and friendly are not very good!"

Chen Ge advised.

"Stinky boy, you talk in your sleep. Master Shen has determined that this thing is extraordinary. Don't you understand the truth that everyone is innocent and full of guilt? I didn't want to give you money just now, but now, you don't have such good luck! "

Bald head cold channel.

"It's better not to do it. I don't want to kill people this time!"

Chen Ge is very tangled.

In the past few days, Chen GE has lived an ordinary life, and his mind is rapidly recovering.

He finally returned to the kind of life he wanted before, light and carefree.

Even if he knew it was short-lived, Chen Ge was very rare.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Unexpectedly, these eight people smile into a group.

"This man is a fool. He doesn't want to kill any more!"

"I've lived so much. I've seen people who are going to die and are scared to pee, but I've never seen anyone who's scared or stupid!"

"When we were mercenaries, the eight of us had carried out so many tasks. I'll see you for a long time today."

Eight people burst into laughter.

"I'm not kidding. I'm serious. Let me go. Everyone's in peace. It's good!"

Chen Shen took a breath.

"Ha ha ha, OK, don't talk nonsense with him. Kill him, take the iron certificate, and we'll make an assignment."

With a wave of his bare head, his face suddenly became ferocious.

Obviously, these eight people didn't kill a lot of people. They came towards Chen Ge with murderous air in their eyes , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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