The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 530: 530


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When they heard the speech, they were all stunned and looked at the hospital one after another.

Is to see, a figure, is slowly approaching the house.

Next to him, there was a little dog with dark green eyes.

"Chen Ge!"

Through the moonlight, I finally saw the visitors clearly, and all of them took a breath.

"He ran out by himself. Isn't he in a coma?"

Said the Mo family.

"Whatever he is, he came just in time to save us from looking for him everywhere!"

There are also Mo family members cold drink.

"All the people of the Mo family should be here today?"

Chen Ge asked with a smile, just so smile, with a touch of evil, let people feel cold.

"Boy, I don't believe how arrogant you are. Today I'll show you what the real blood of the Mo family is."

Some young people are unconvinced.

At present, he was the first to bear the brunt, and attacked Chen Ge directly.

However, as soon as his fist arrived in front of Chen Ge, he was caught by Chen Ge.

This man can't move.

Then there was a bang.

Chen Ge slapped him on the face.

The bones were broken and the body flew upside down.

He knocked down more than a dozen tables in succession, and he was dead.


Everyone's eyelids are jumping.

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One step back.

Chen Ge was in the Lu family and killed eight people with his own strength. Now it seems that the rumors are true.

However, Mo Yunshan took a deep breath:

"Chen Shao is indeed a good strength. It seems that Chen Shao has had a lot of opportunities in the past year. But I am here to advise Chen Shao to calm down, because you are clear about the details of the Mo family. The Chen family can't compete with the Mo family on your own. Are you afraid of causing disaster to the Chen family Is it? "

"Ha ha, disaster? The existence of the Mo family itself is a disaster for the Chen family. I have long wanted to settle with you. Now, the time is right! "

Chen GE has a faint smile.

And then he glanced at them one by one.

"Chen Shao's words are too arrogant. I can see that you are very strong indeed. But don't forget that there are hundreds of young masters of Mo's family standing in front of you. It's hard to beat with two fists and four hands!"

Mo Yunshan advised again.

Chen GE's strength, he also has nothing to do.

However, in order to avoid Mo's innocent blood sacrifice, he has to hold Chen Ge.

Try to scare off Chen Ge as much as possible.

After all, hundreds of Mo family masters are here. These clansmen are all cultivated by the master for so many years.

"I don't care how many of you are. In short, today, I teach you Mo's family, none of them will survive!"

Chen GE's idea moved.

Then a violent momentum surged out of his body.

And Chen GE's eyes, it is a flash of scarlet color, hair red, especially infiltration.

"I really think I'm something. I'll kill you on the spot today. I'll see what you're crazy about!"

Mo Yu was furious at the moment.

Since he started his career, he became invincible and won the true biography of his father.

I have never been so humiliated.

Just one person, dare to destroy Mo family, too crazy!

Mo Yu clenched his fists.

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A breath of inner strength is lingering all over the body.

Fly a vertical, a whip leg toward Chen Ge hit.

He's very fast.

But Chen Ge is faster.

Also raise your legs to fight back.


The crackle of bone crack came, and Mo Yu was swept out.

The body directly broke the stone pillars in the hall, and a leg was broken.


Mo Yunshan has been sweating.

He had found it hard for anyone present to resist his blow.

"All Mo family members, let's go together!"

Mo Yunshan a roar, hurried way.

The blood of the Mo family has also risen, and is besieged by Chen Ge.

These so-called masters of the Mo family are not strict masters of the Mo family of the Yin nationality. At most, they have practiced martial arts.

How can it be Chen GE's opponent.

At the moment, Chen Ge is cutting vegetables.

It's killing.

"Too strong! Too strong

Mo Yunshan swallowed his saliva, so many people could not resist his edge.

He took advantage of the chaos and came to Mo Yu, who was badly hit by a blow.

"How are you, second young master?"

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Mo Yunshan shouts urgently.

"Broken, my meridians are broken by him!"

Mo Yu tried to endure the pain."Ah

And the scream, now one after another.

Some of the Mo's family members, although they have seen big waves, have never been slaughtered.

Now holding the child, crying in horror.

"No, we're not Chen GE's opponent at all. He's too powerful. Second young master, I'll take you away first. It's important to keep your life!"

Watching Mo family lie down one by one.

Mo Yunshan was burning with anxiety.

"No! I'm not reconciled to it! "

Mo Yu bit his teeth.

"Not so! The third young master has an accident. You can't have another accident. We will make a decision when the master comes back. Let's go, second young master

"We will do our best to cover the second young master!"

Mo Yunshan shouts.


Mo family members are now red eyes, toward Chen Ge pounced on.

While taking advantage of the chaos, Mo Yunshan carried Mo Yu and ran away.

"I can't go. All the family members of Mo's family are still here. I can't go. I'll kill Chen Ge!"

Mo Yu cried out in pain.

Mo Yun Shan tried to bear it and ran with Mo Yu. Several bodyguards followed him and escaped.

They are all full of fear and pain.

Because at the moment, even the children's screams are coming!

I don't know how long they ran. They took Mo Yu to a mountain.

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Looking back, the whole Mo family is burning a big fire.

Everyone already knows what the result is.

"Chamberlain Mo, your concern is right. We will bring him back and lead the wolf into the house, which will harm the Mo family."

Some bodyguards cried.

And Mo Yunshan did not regret it.

At the same time, there is an unspeakable bitterness in my heart.

Yes, I tried my best to search for Chen Ge for a year, but I found him, but it was the death of the Mo family.

Because this son, too cruel, old and weak women and children, all do not let go.

"Housekeeper Mo, look

There are bodyguards pointing to the burning road of Mojia manor.

Look in the direction of his fingers.

It is to see that there is a large group of people in black, approaching the manor direction.

Three hundred people.

It's blocking the door.

Those who have escaped are doomed.

"It's over! finished! The Mo family is over

Mo Yunshan looked at the Mo family members who ran away, but were brutally killed. They knelt on the ground and grabbed a handful of soil.

"He came with preparation. The people he was taking with him were also experts. Everything was over. If not, please inform the master of the house. The Chen family's influence is no longer the same thing."

Moyun mountain green tendons burst out, hurried way.

"I've tried, but it seems that our communication has been cut off and we can't get in touch at all!"

The people cried.

Mo Yunshan pondered for a while, and suddenly frowned: "no, let's go quickly!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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