The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 543: 543

Chen Ge immersed in it, imperceptibly has passed seven days.

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With the crack of a big stone.

The broken army kept circling in the sky.

Chen GE's idea moved again, it just flew back to its own hands.

"Breaking the army itself has a strong attack power, and its strength is not weaker than that of a master. Now, with my half master, if I meet Mo Canglong now, I believe we can have a war with him!"

Chen Ge said in his heart.

As for the use of the three types of long blades evolved from breaking the army, Chen GE has mastered it, but Chen Ge doesn't like long blade weapons very much, so he doesn't pay much attention to it.

It's been so long in the mountains.

Chen Ge is going to look for the coffin.

There was no further delay, and we continued our journey to the northwest.

Fortunately, in the evening, Chen Ge finally walked out of this endless mountain forest.

Came to a small town.

Here, there are traces of the desert. Ask the talents in the town and find that they have come to the edge of the northwest desert.

Similar to Chen GE's predicted position.

After all, when the helicopter crashed, it was about to arrive in the northwest, not to mention the fact that he had been walking for so long.

Chen Ge found a hotel in the town, ready to buy a few suitable clothes, temporarily rest.

I just bought it.

But I heard a cry in a corner of the town.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing, two beauties from other places. We just want to invite them to have a drink and express our admiration."

"Keep away from me!"

One of the girls pushed aside a few men and wanted to go.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't go, beauty

It's blocked by some men again.

Obviously, this is because they saw the two beautiful women, and they came from other places, and had a different idea.

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Such things can be said to be common.

But Chen Ge stopped at the moment.

"How does it look like her voice?"

The more I listen to the song, the more I think.

Chen Ge followed the voice and came to this corner.

Under a look, eyelids can not help but slightly jump.

"It's really her! How did she get here? "

Chen Ge was surprised.

But I saw a few men moving.

Chen Ge frowned and went straight up.


Several young people are preparing to be dragged away by force.

At the moment, he was patted on the shoulder.

Looking back, it was a man with a cap and a mask.

"Boy, whose crotch is dishonest and shows you? Don't mind your own business, or I will kill you

The young man warned coldly.

"Let them go!"

Chen Ge said in a different voice.

"You want to play hero to save beauty? I think you are Ah

Before he finished speaking, Chen Ge directly pinched his wrist.

In a flash, a bone crack sound came.

Several other people see the situation is not good, at the same time.

Bang bang bang!

Soon a few punches hit Chen GE's chest.

But there was no doubt that the men covered their fists and screamed.

A heavy blow just now was like hitting a mountain, and the bones were about to crack.

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All looked at Chen Ge in horror.

What body is this?

"If you don't go, you'll die!"

Chen Ge said coldly.

At the same time, they swallowed a few saliva, several people covered their wrists, and fled in confusion, because they had just read an emotion from the youth's eyes, that is, killing intention! It's creepy.

Scared them away.

The two girls looked at Chen Ge with thanks.

Chen Ge actually pressed down the brim of his hat.

Thank you, brother

Said the girl.

Chen Ge shook his head: "no, you go back quickly."

He said with his head down.

Chen Ge is ready to turn around and leave.

"Hiss, my feet!"

Obviously, one of the girls covered her wrist just now.

"Are you all right?"

"Are you all right?"

Chen Ge and another girl squatted down at the same time and asked.

But let the girl who sprain a little surprised.

"I'm ok, but it's so painful that I can't walk!"

The girl said."Well, then, I'll help you."

Wearing glasses, temperament is very good, with a kind of Lady atmosphere of the girl hastily said.

But, obviously, she sprained her foot too badly.

After a few steps, I couldn't move.

"When it's time to walk, I can help you first!"

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Chen gedao.

"Mm-hmm, but big brother, can you carry her back to where we live first. I'm afraid later, those people will come back again!"

Glasses girl said gently.

"No problem!"

Then he put her on his back.

To tell you the truth, once again carrying her, or let Chen Ge have a lot of feelings.

"Where are you going?"

"BeiCang hotel!"

"Coincidentally, I live there too!"

"Brother, are you here to travel?"


"What about you? You look like journalists!"

Chen Ge couldn't help laughing.

And the two girls were shocked at the same time: "you How do you know we're journalists

"You look very similar in temperament!"

Chen gedao.

"Ha ha ha, you are very interesting!"

Glasses temperament said the girl.

"Big brother, where are you from?"

And the girl on Chen GE's back asked.

"Well? Is it important? "

"No, no, no, no, I just think you look like a friend of mine before, but he is not as strong as you and not as powerful as you are!"

Said the girl on her back.

Then he whispered: "I clearly remember that once I also sprained my ankle, ha ha, that was the first time we really met, and he also carried me on his back!"

"Is he your boyfriend? Listen to your tone, seem to have special feeling like! "

Chen GE's face was slightly red.

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"Ha ha, I'm not so lucky to be his girlfriend!"

The girl said.

"What's the luck? It's just that he doesn't have such good luck. Besides, what kind of boyfriend can't you find when you are so beautiful?"

Chen gedao.

"That is, big brother is right, you can't be too aggrieved yourself, you have not contacted for a year, you really should forget him and find another one!"

One side of the girl's glasses.

The girl on her back shook her head: "he, I can't put it down if I want to."

"Well, how can I say you?"

The glasses girl is speechless.

And Chen Ge, there is no more words.

Soon, I came to the hotel.

On the first floor of the hotel, it's a restaurant.

There is a group of people eating in it.

I saw two girls come back.

They should all know each other, and came running in a hurry.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with the foot?"

The head of an old man came up and asked.

"Qin ya, are you ok?"

And a boy, at this moment, care came to Chen GE's side.

Chen ge back to the girl said.

The boy, in suit and leather shoes, looks very temperament.

"Who is this man? How can he carry it on his back? "

The boy saw Chen Ge again, and a strong jealousy swept over his face , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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