The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 545: 545

The journey to the desert is long and boring.

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With Pang Gong's help, the Tour team and the tour group can be said to have achieved twice the result with half the effort.

Soon, it took two days and a night to get to the middle of the desert in the evening.

There is no trace of desolation here. Looking at it, it is a boundless sea of sand.

The sun is going down, and people will not be on their way.

At the same time, there is a dilapidated building here, and people will come here to stay out of the cold.

"I don't know what happened to that big brother. Has he gone back?"

At this time, Qin Ya sitting by the campfire, can't help but think of the big brother who saved himself.

"I don't think so. He doesn't look like a man of this character. He's too mature and steady!"

Shen Mengxue also said.

"Xiaoya, why do you always think about him? Don't you say you like Chen Ge? No, you see that he is very similar to Chen Ge, so..."

Shen Mengxue to see what like, actually in the heart also some inexplicable unhappy appearance.

"No! He saved us after all, so I'm worried about him! Mengxue, you seem to think about him all the time? "

Qin Ya couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, he gives me a feeling of maturity. I like such a boy, and his eyes seem to be full of stories, giving me a strong sense of mystery. My ideal boyfriend is of this type!"

Shen Mengxue has nothing to consider.

"So you like him?"

Qin Ya asked in a strange way.

"I don't know. Maybe. Anyway, all I think about is him. I want to see him again, especially!"

Shen Mengxue holds his cheek and looks at the moon.

And Qin Ya is also closed mind, looking to the night sky.

"I want to see him too, especially!"

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She said in her heart.

Just then.

"Xiaoya, what is Meng Xue doing? Drink some hot water. It's really cool here after sunset! "

Li Wanhao came over.

"I'm not thirsty!"

Qin Ya shook his head.

Of course, she knows what Li Wanhao thinks of herself.

Although Li has the dandy flavor of a rich man, he is not his favorite type in the strict sense.

But he would do almost anything for himself.

But the more like this, Qin Ya's heart is flashing a touch of guilt, because he and he, it is impossible.

"If you're not thirsty, you'll be idle here. Why don't you go there and listen to Pang Gong's story? It's frightening."

Li Wanhao said.

"You see, even Professor Yang has been attracted and listened to it."

He pointed.

Qin Ya and Shen Mengxue look at each other.

When they come out, they are reporters with the team. When they go back, they have to write manuscripts. If they can really get some stories.

Maybe you can add your own inspiration.

Now two girls are around.

Granny Pang's story of a goat's past is serious.

It is said that in the desert, there has always been an old woman. People say that she is like a ghost and drinks human blood for food.

The murder happened some time ago, it is very likely that Granny goat did it. She sucked the blood of those people.

And the power is infinite, not afraid of bullets, kill can not kill, normal people saw her, almost was sentenced to death!

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"Is it so evil? If there had been such a thing in the world, it would have been exposed! "

Some people don't believe it.

But some people are still afraid to speak.

"It's so weird. Besides, if you don't want to say it, Granny goat does exist. I've seen it!"

Pang Gong suddenly lowered his voice.

This words, let everybody all is hit a shiver.

Professor Yang laughed and said, "Pang Gong loves to joke. Don't scare these children!"

"Who are you kidding? I did see it when I was seven years old when I followed my father into the desert!"

Pang Gong's face was serious, and he said with a frightened expression.

Professor Yang also stopped smiling. It seems that Pang Gong is not lying.

"That day, it was already at night. It was also at this point. The sun set and the sky gradually became dark. My father and I pitched a tent to sleep in. Because we had to prepare the water for the next day, there was a stream nearby. So I went to the water with my father and prepared to pour water."

"And then, on the shore, I saw her!"

All of them stare at Pang Gong.

"She is lying down to drink water. In the moonlight, I can't see her whole picture, but I have a very clear impression. Her tongue is too long and her hair is dishevelled. When we passed by, we just looked at her. Her eyes were actually green!""At that time, my father was also confused, and he yelled, Xiao Nian, look back quickly, don't look!"

My husband and I turned back together and knelt in the direction of the moon.

Because my father told me that when I met grandma goat, he would turn around and carry her on his back. Don't look back!

"And then?"

Some asked.

"Later, she walked towards us. Her steps were too light and subtle. Only the rustling sound was heard. She walked very slowly."

"Xiaonian! New Year! Don't look back

Behind me came the sound of baby milk like a little goat. It was grandma goat who was learning to speak.

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"And then?"

Someone asked.

"Then, there was the stillness of death. This night, both of us were kneeling, and no one dared to speak."

Said Pang Gong.

The whole remnant room is also quiet.

In particular, a few girls, forehead out of a cold sweat.

"Sand and sand..."

At this time, because of the quiet, clear hear, outside suddenly spread a little rustle sound.

It's like someone's coming this way.


Some girls screamed with fear.

The figure, however, has been from far to near, just when people are nervous.

But I saw a young man with a cap and a mask coming in.

"It's frightening to death!"

The girls wail.

"Big brother, it's you!"

Shen Mengxue is surprised to stand up.

This person, not Chen Ge, can be who.

What a coincidence

Chen Ge also does not take off the mask, light said.

"What a coincidence! I wanted you to come just now

Shen Mengxue smiles happily.

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Finish saying, can't help but blush.

But Qin Ya also stood up, her eyes are always staring at Chen GE's eyes.

Seeing this, Li Wanhao said with a sneer:

"hum, what's the matter? There is no place to go, and there is no water to drink, so when we see our motorcade, we hurry to catch up. Ha ha, otherwise, it will be easy for us to lose our lives. Thanks to you, you still have such a kind of talent before, and you say you don't need it! "

"Just by chance!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

I didn't say anything more.

Instead, he went to the corner and sat down quietly.

"Eh, Ah Ming and ah yuan, why haven't they come back yet?"

At this time, someone in the tour group said.

"What? When did they go out? " Pang gongdao.

"It will take half an hour to go out. Two people have gone out to take pictures."

One is humanity.

"I think we have to go out and look for it. It's too dangerous. It's a big night!"

Pang gongdao.

Then he took people out.

Keep shouting and shouting along the neighborhood.


At this time, a few girls screamed in horror , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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