The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 551: 551

Chen GE has long written that map in his heart.

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Therefore, it is not difficult for Chen Ge to find the coffin of longevity.

There was a kind of intuition in his heart that there might be a big secret hidden in the coffin of longevity.

The world is not as simple as you think.

Especially seen from those murals, Chen Ge felt strange.

How to describe it?

Everything, in the dark, seems to have a pair of hands, is operating in the dark.

In the desert, even it is very dangerous.

The more you go to the hinterland, the more so.

Of course, some of the beasts we met have already stepped into Chen GE's half master's, but they are not in the eye.

Towards evening, Chen Ge reached the deepest part of the hinterland.

A place called ushazui.

It's not yellow sand everywhere, but black sand.

And the wind is blowing, and it seems that the skeleton can be blown away.

"Strange, the guide on the map, the location of the Changsheng ancient tomb, is here! But it's a wilderness

Chen Ge can't help but wonder.

"The map will never go wrong!"

Enduring the gale, Chen Ge searched around.

Fortunately, by the side of a valley, Chen Ge found a deep and terrifying underground cave.

As expected, it should be here!

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Looking back on the map, Chen Ge couldn't help getting a happy way.

I want to go in and have a look.

"Little doll, I'm really curious. The old man Chen DIANCANG fought for his life and asked you to search for the ancient tomb. What's the mystery? The Chen family won't be interested in the treasure. Is there something special in it! Can Chen DIANCANG work so hard? "

Suddenly, there was a sound above the valley.

Let Chen GE's heart beat.

"Mo Canglong

The old man in the valley is not Mo Canglong!

At this moment, Mo Canglong jumped from the top.

She stood in front of Chen Ge with a smile on her face.

But at the moment, Mo Canglong looks more embarrassed than before, and his face is bruised.

"I've long been surprised that your grandfather tried his best to escort you to Beisha. Fortunately, I followed you secretly. If it wasn't for this map, I wouldn't have arrived one step ahead of you. What is the incomplete content on this map? Is it the secret of this ancient tomb? "

Mo Canglong frowned and asked.

"You What have you done to them

Chen Ge is angry, instantly red eyes.

The old fox, who had suffered a reverse attack that day, took the opportunity to slip away.

Originally strange, why the old fox has not caught up with Chen Ge wearing a mask all day, dare not reveal his identity.

But I didn't expect that the old fox had already caught up.

What's more, he handed over the map himself, which hurt Qin ya.

A sense of killing rises from Chen Ge.

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"Ha ha, baby, don't worry. I didn't make a good friend of you. I Mo Canglong tried every means to achieve my goal, but I didn't use my strength to deal with a few ordinary people. They just fell asleep and would wake up after a day and a night."

Mo Canglong laughs.

"I'm selling your face so I won't kill them. Now, before you die, you'd better tell me all the secrets of this hole. When you're dead, I won't hurt your friends, otherwise, you can guess their fate!"

Mo Canglong road.

"In vain, you are a master of a generation, how mean you are

"I can't help it. In this world, there are things that I attach great importance to, but I don't know. I want to understand and get things! Well, so far as this is concerned, Chen Ge, would you like to say something pleasant, or not? "

Mo Canglong's face suddenly turned cold.

"The more you want to know, the more I won't let you know. Besides, I won't be sad if you kill anyone after I die. Do you want to blackmail me?"

Chen Ge sneered.

"Stinky boy, you're smart, but I'll see when you can argue. I'll kill you now!"

Mo Canglong's eyelids slightly jump, straight to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge wants to resist, but he is not Mo Canglong's opponent at all.

He was beaten by one hand and spat blood directly.

"You can't stand my three palms. OK, I'll give you one last chance. If you say it, I'll spare your life!"

Mo Canglong said coldly.

"Ha ha, master Mo, if you can't treat me as a three-year-old child, you'll cheat me?"

Chen Ge wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"I think you want to die!"

Mo Canglong was angry and lifted his hand. Chen GE's whole body rose in the air.

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In front of his body, Mo Canglong hits again.This time, Chen GE's back was like a boiler explosion, and the white smoke was rolling. In an instant, he was knocked out more than ten meters away.

The blood in the elixir field is boiling, and Chen GE's blood is gushing.

"Say Or not? "

Mo Canglong gnawed his teeth.

"Don't say, I'm anxious to death, you old man!"

Chen Ge wiped the blood, reluctantly supported the body to stand up, but a sarcastic smile on his face.

"You really don't think I will kill you. When I kill you and refine you, I'll go to ask Chen DIANCANG to understand and die!"

Mo Canglong is angry, and his left palm sucks at Chen Ge again.

But at this time, Chen Ge suddenly raised his eyes, the wrist with this suction, suddenly hit.

At the same time, the feather sword is drawn from the waist.

Use the three patterns of dripping water from breaking the army.

Why is it called dripping water three moves? Because with Chen GE's understanding, he found that these three moves attack without leakage. They cooperate with the light feather sword's own awn to attack and defend. Moreover, the sword spirit is higher than one layer, just like dripping water pierces a stone.

Thus, they are called the three types of dripping water.

At present, Chen GE's figure is swift and violent, and unfolds.

The shadow of the sword overlapped and hit the key point directly.

Just now, Mo Canglong only wanted to avoid the penetration of the army.

When I turn back.

The sword rain has come.

Mo Canglong was in a panic.

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On the other hand, the short blade, as if it were alive, specially attacked the flaws of Mo Canglong.

Mo Canglong's eyes opened wider and wider, and his face was unbelievable.

At the moment, we can't cope with it.

He was hit in the chest by the light feather sword.

One tumbled and fell to the ground.

A bloodstain was exposed.


Mo Canglong was stunned and turned his wrist. Xuan mirror appeared in his hand.

Chen Ge turns over Mo Canglong and runs directly to the cave.

Because Chen Ge knew in his heart that he had just taken a surprise attack and had to confront Mo Canglong head-on, the gap was too big.

Only if you run into the hole, you may have a chance to survive.

This is what Chen Ge planned when he was slapped.

When Mo Canglong got up from the ground with wide eyes, Chen Ge would have gone into the hole.

"It's a special constitution. It's so strong that I almost lost in this hand!"

Looking at Chen GE's back, Mo Canglong speaks to himself in disbelief.

Suddenly, he suddenly raised his head with a look of resentment on his face:

"this son must not be left, otherwise the Mo family will not be able to escape five years! Never stay , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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