The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 553: 553

That big tree is called the divine tree by the people of this country.

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Because it falls from the sky.

At that time, people in this country thought.

This was sent by the God to invite them to the heavenly palace. However, something happened on the way, and the God and his soldiers died.

The king thought that since it was God's invitation, he could not lose his manners.

We have to go up and make clear what happened to the gods.

So the king sent three hundred of the best warriors in the country.

To climb the big tree.

However, after waiting for a long time, no three hundred warriors returned.

The king was not reconciled. Every year after that, a group of warriors were selected to climb the sacred tree.

It was until the eve of the completion of the palace of the gods, when they were ready to be buried.

A strange thing happened.

It was a thunderbolt that hit the sacred tree.

The sacred tree ignited a big fire, which lasted for more than a month before it finally disappeared.

The king was very angry and thought it was heaven's fault that they didn't cherish the opportunity.

But now, it's most important to bury the gods.

Then there is the detailed story of the God and his wife buried together, but finally stopped by an old beggar.

On the mural, the old beggar looked serious and told the king why he could not be buried together.

The king didn't believe it.

So he put his finger to the wall, and there was a scene on the wall, which was the scene of the country being destroyed.

The mural says that at that time, the old beggars used this method, and all the princes and ministers were shocked.

They knelt down to him.

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Even the king.

So, finally, I followed the advice of the old beggar.

The king wanted to ask the old beggar as a national teacher and ask him how to keep his country.

The old beggar refused the request of the national master and drew two pictures for the king.

One of the pictures is just an icon.

But Chen Ge can see clearly, this is the Sun Alliance icon.

The other picture is more mysterious.

"Why is it so like The sun map of our Chen family

Chen Ge scratched his forehead and was surprised.

But later, it just tells us that after getting two pictures of this country, it has indeed prospered for several years, and has almost unified hundreds of neighboring countries.

The king handed him down as a sacred treasure.

Seeing this, Chen Ge can't help but take a breath.

"Is it possible that the sun chart, the treasure of the Chen family's family, is also closely related to the sun alliance, and the author of the sun chart with the function of prophecy is actually the old beggar!"

Chen Ge thought.

The curiosity in his heart forced Chen Ge to continue to look down.

Later, we will talk about some things that happened when the tomb was sealed.

This underground palace took more than ten years to build, and also took several years to seal up.

In this period, the kingdom which had already flourished was full of strange things.

One of the biggest things is a huge body falling from the sky!

On the mural, the appearance of this huge corpse is carved out in detail.

Chen Ge looked again and again and found that This is the body of a dragon!


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Chen GE's eyes widened.

It's almost certain.

This mural says that a dragon has fallen from the sky.

It is about 30 meters long and has steel like claws.

It can blow people's heads.

It is also described that this huge dragon corpse is covered with hard scales.

Some of these scales are golden yellow and some are black.

This is a dragon with golden and black color.

By the time it fell, the body smelled.

People fled.

Originally wanted to bury, but this dragon corpse, at that time, caused a plague.

Many people died.

Just when the king didn't know what to do with it.

Here, the old beggar is mentioned again.

Three years later, the old beggar came back.

But this time, he was no longer an old beggar. He was very formal.

He told the king that he was only pretending to be a beggar to facilitate him to do some things. He was not a real beggar!

Naturally, the king was overjoyed and gave him the highest treatment.

Find a solution to his dragon corpse.

He suggested that it should be cremated immediately and not for a moment.

What's more, the old beggar's medical skills are very skillful, and he cured the people who suffered from the plague at that time.

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And cured the prince who was also infected with the plague.But in the end, he made a condition.

I want to go to the underground palace.

And if you look at it alone, the craftsmen and workers who were responsible for carving murals at that time had to avoid it.

The king was overjoyed and promised everything.

The old beggar, who had been in the underground palace for ten days, went in with a bag.

After that, the people of the whole country knelt down again, hoping that he would stay.

The old beggar refused again.

According to the mural, the old beggar stood on the wall of the city and knelt down in front of the whole city. He pointed to the moon that had just emerged.

They all looked up at the moon.

By the time the reaction came, the old beggar had disappeared.

At that time, in order to commemorate him, the people set up a temple for later generations.

"Heavenly soldiers, sacred trees, weird old beggars, and dragons! The skycraft

Chen Ge murmured.

The more you see the information on the mural, the more you can't understand it.

These murals, and even the things they tell, look so lifelike.

Is it really the imagination of the ancients?

Now, Chen Ge doubts.

Before the doubt, now, Chen Ge nine points believe that all of this, will really be true!

In the world ten thousand years ago, even tens of thousands of years ago, there was a different kind of civilization?

The legend of the dragon has a long history, but the Dragon Is it really just a legend?

Chen Ge was surprised.

He took a deep breath, trying to find the whereabouts of the woman in white from the mural.

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But then, there was no mention of the woman in white.

Chen Ge couldn't help being disappointed.

"This old beggar seems to have the ability to understand ancient and modern. Will there be such evil spirits in the world?"

Chen Ge thought again.

Now, look at the python behind you.

"By the way, when did you come in? I don't think you were that big when you came in to be a grave animal? "

Chen Ge asked.

The python spits out a letter and points it on one of the murals.

The mural is about an old beggar with a bag and entering the underground palace.

Chen Ge was stunned.

A little thought.

I couldn't help shaking.

He glared at the python:

"you mean, tens of thousands of years ago, this old beggar brought in the bag, which contained you?"

Chen Ge felt that he was suffocating.

The python, however, nodded.

My God!!!

Chen GE's scalp is numb:

"how many years have you lived?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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