The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 564: 564

Chen Ge thought about two sentences.

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What I mentioned above is that beside the flower on the other side of the legend, Nirvana is reborn, and later, it shows itself in the east of the ear.

Ear East!


Chen Ge was shocked in his heart.

He always does not want to believe that there will be people in the world who will break through all the limits and become familiar with ancient and modern exchanges, but everything is developing towards this step!

"My ancestors thought that this person should be surnamed Chen. After his rebirth, his surname will be Chen!"

Yang Wei looked at Chen Ge and said, "Sir, your appearance is the same as that on the portrait, but I don't know. What's your surname? If the surname is right, sir, you are the one we are waiting for in the Yang family! "

Chen Ge frowned and nodded.

"My name is Chen Ge!"

Chen gedao.

"Ah! So you are By the way, sure enough! "

Yang Wei was excited.

But Chen Ge felt very depressed.

It's like a pair of invisible giant hands, covering everything, but also manipulating everything. Under this pair of giant hands, all people are his chessmen, walking in accordance with his predetermined track.

It's depressing, scary, breathless.

He Who is it?

Chen Ge felt a chill on his back. Now, he took back his thoughts.

Yang Wei, on the other hand, took out a box from a secret room.

This is a wooden box with a very simple texture.

"This is the beggar in those days, let me give it to you!"

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Yang Wei coughed.

"You see, sir, I avoid it!"

"No, there's nothing to hide. There seems to be no secret to him in this world. Ha ha!"

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

The wooden box was opened immediately.

When the wooden box was opened, a strange smell came.

In the wooden box, you can see a golden yellow Rune with a length of about three centimeters and a goldfish tail, which is hard in texture.

Next to it was a black pill.

It's like a pill.

"So sweet!"

Yang Wei exclaimed.

Chen Ge took it up and sniffed it on his nose, meditating and saying nothing.

"Sir, after such a long time, can this pill still be eaten?"

Yang Wei asked.

"You can't eat it for a long time. This is a Qi blood pill, which can help people recover their physical strength quickly. And if you are in a desperate situation, you may be able to make a comeback by using this pill!"

Chen Ge thought of the strange memory that the jade pendant brought to him, and now he recognized the pill.

"Learned sir!"

Yang Wei praised.

"The materials needed for refining this kind of pill are very harsh. By the way, as soon as I entered your house, I smelled a smell of medicine, which was everywhere. What industry are you Yang family doing now?"

Chen Ge asked.

"In the business of medicinal materials, there are more marine herbs!"

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Yang Wei said.

"I wonder if you have a kind of medicine called wuweicao? This is the main medicinal material for refining this kind of Qi blood pill. "

"Wuweicao? I I've never heard of it! " Yang Wei smiles bitterly.

"Well, it seems not!" Chen Ge shook his head lightly.

This mysterious man gave himself the Qi and blood pill. Naturally, he didn't understand that the Qi blood pill only had a one month shelf life. So he wanted to refine this pill and save himself when necessary?

"Not necessarily. I'm just a boss. Hey, I didn't learn anything about this. If I had to say Of course there are. " Yang Wei hesitated for a moment, looked at Chen Ge and said, "Sir, have you heard of the auction of precious Chinese medicine?"

"The underground Haiyan auction Chen Ge said softly.

"Yes, that auction was one of the big events in the grand feast of the sea and sky. There are many precious traditional Chinese medicines collected directly from medicinal farmers and mountain herbs collectors. Many of them are over 100 years old. Do not flow into the market, directly invite many merchants and rich people in this area to auction on the spot and pay off on the spot. " Yang Weidao.

This kind of auction, obviously belonging to private organizations, can not be seen.

First of all, the origin of the medicinal materials is not clear. Every year, countless drug farmers die in the deep sea and even in the mountains.

"As a result, rarity is the most important thing. Many rich businessmen and celebrities come to the grand feast of the sea and sky. It is for this kind of ancient medicine that some of you may want to look for." Yang Wei said.

Chen Ge just nodded.

"By the way, I heard from you just now, but that Mr. ghost is really accurate. He also reckons that I am coming?"

Thinking of Yang Wei's words, Chen Ge asked, "who is this ghost man?"

It's not the first time Chen GE has heard his name.

Zhao Yifan is looking for him to get out of trouble.

Sometimes, it is more accurate than the sun chart, Chen Ge feels."He is a magic master in Haicheng, he is very accurate! On the 11th of last month, I went to visit and asked about our family's 800 years of waiting for someone. If I wanted to get something out of him, he said, "if you want to wait for you, you can wait. And in a short time, I'll wait for the people the Yang family wants to wait for! No, it didn't take long for you to show up! "

Chen Ge frowned.

If he is really so good, I really want to visit him on his own trip.

"Mr. ghost, where does he live?"

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Chen Ge asked.

"Sir, if you have something to ask, I'll arrange it, but not today!"


"Because this ghost master has a habit, that is, he will give people fortune telling on the odd number of each month, and never see him in the rest of the time! Sir, I'm going to visit until tomorrow, the 21st! "

Yang Weidao.

"I see!"

I want to have a look at the herbal medicine at the banquet tonight

Collection of these herbs, refining Qi and blood pills, the holy water will come soon, which is also a necessity.

What's more, it's the hint given by this mysterious man. I want to come and have his ideas!

Chen GE has no choice but to say.

"Well, sir, I I will accompany you Cough

Yang Wei coughed violently.

"I'll give you a prescription. You can grind these herbs. I'll take care of your injury first."

After that, Chen Ge and others took a taxi to the sea sky grand banquet. At this time, the night was deep, but the sea sky feast was full of lights and people.

"Sorry, this is a private place. If you don't have an invitation, please come back." A security guard came forward, impolite way.

"Invitation, hehe, why do I need an invitation when I'm Yang Weilai?" Yang Wei light way.

And the security personnel a listen, immediately eyes a stare, "Yang general manager? What bullshit, Mr. Yang, I haven't heard of it. If you don't have an invitation, get out of here! And you, what are you looking at? Is it possible for anyone to come

The security is cold.

"Why, Lili, look, isn't this your college student? He's here, too

At this time, thought of a voice, Chen Ge turned to look, is to see, Li Yali that group of people, just appeared here.

"It seems that he wants to go to the place of the sea sky feast, and then he is refused!" Several women were laughing at each other.

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"How stupid this man is, is he poor and stupid? Are these people allowed to come in at will?"

"Chen Ge, what are you doing here?"

Li Ya Li is surprised to ask a way, the mouth is open, can insert an egg.

"What else can you do? The poorer the person is, the more he likes to show off. He must come here to have a look, and then send a circle of friends to prove that he has been here!"

Several women whispered.

Obviously, these girls are not used to the old songs.

Chen Ge did not speak.

However, Li Yali and her several obviously do not want to stay here with Chen Ge, because many people have already looked at this side.

The man beside Li Yali said, "OK, let's go first. It's going to start soon."

Yang Wei is full of shame at the moment.

He also looked at the security personnel angrily: "are you sure you won't let me in? The auction of medicinal materials is only carried out in the name of the grand feast of the sea and sky, and it does not belong to your Ming family. Don't go too far! "

"If you say no, you won't be allowed in! It's no use saying anything without an invitation The security personnel said coldly.

"What's going on?"

At this time, there was a loud and clear female voice.

Also let the public see.

As soon as Yang Wei's face sank, he heard the speech and looked at it. Another group of people came over. It was a woman who was the leader.

The woman was tall and had a marble face. She looked like a half breed, with a high chin and a trace of disdain in her eyes.

"See you, miss!" All the security personnel said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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