The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 572: 572

In the process of watching Chen Ge, he also explained some content with ghost operator.

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"Chen Shao, do you also suspect that this giant ship like structure is a large equipment beyond the scope of science and technology? Forty years ago, my master just saw the general situation. He thought that this huge ship was a bit out of the blue. "

Said the ghost operator.

"Well, it's not the first time that it has appeared, and I'm not the first time to see it. I always feel that this strange giant ship indicates that tens of thousands of years ago, there was a kind of other civilization on our earth, and also, this dragon who fell into the sea and was seriously injured!"

Chen gedao.

"It seems that Chen Shao's meaning seems to be that he has written these letters for nine times. Over the years, my master and I have been wondering about these murals, the giant dragon and the giant ship. How could this be possible? I thought it was just the imagination of the ancient people. But now, I believe it for seven or eight points! It seems that there was a period of civilization before. Some ancient legends are not legends either

He said.

The ghost operator looks at the murals.

"Because I dare to say that the things that the old man used to go to sea for these people should be water repellent stones! In this way, everything seems to conform to some logic again! "

The ghost operator points to one of the murals.

The mural is exactly the description of the same thing handed out by the old beggar on the deck.

"A stone to avoid water?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Well, my master told me that the water repellent stone is a kind of spiritual thing born in heaven. It has been used tens of thousands of years ago. It has the greatest effect, just like its name. It can avoid water, hold it in your mouth, and make your body avoid the heavy pressure of the sea floor. How can ordinary people bear the pressure of the sea bottom?"

Ghost operator path.

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Chen Ge thought for a while.

Indeed, when studying the map of Haiwang palace taken from the Ming family yesterday, Chen Ge discovered that the location of the palace was in the deep sea.

At that time, I thought that although I was a great master, my body had been tempered too much, and the pressure of the sea would not cause heavy damage to myself.

But, at least will let own body not so nimble.

The reason why the Chen family did not come now is that Chen Ge asked them to step up the preparation of a kind of equipment to avoid pressure.

Let the people of the Chen family go down to meet them.

The sea king palace is so large that it is impossible to rely on its own strength alone.

Now, it's easy to get twice the result with half the effort!

"Master, where can I find the water repellent stone?"

Chen Ge couldn't help asking.

"Shuishi is a kind of spirit stone. If you want to ask, Mr. Chen, I'm afraid you have to ask the Ming family. A hundred years ago, the ancestors of the Ming family once relied on the stone to embed it in the sea bottom and steal treasures. I think the Ming family should know where the stone is."

Ghost operator path.

This is simple. The Ming family's things are not their own now.

"Thank you very much, sir. I'll come back to visit after I've finished the work of the sea palace."

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Chen Ge arched at the ghost operator and left directly.

And looking at Chen GE's back, the ghost operator's heart moved.

"Forty years ago, the master left the last precept. I studied it hard for 40 years, but I got nothing. Is it true that the master is right? In the near future, great changes will take place on the earth, and people's disaster will come. On that day, a young man will stand up and try to resist all this. It seems that this man is master Chen Ge!"

Ghost operators are complex in mind.

The Ming family is really old fox level.

When Chen Ge grabbed the old master of the Ming family by the neck and lifted him up, he told the truth. Indeed, the Ming family knew where to avoid water stones.

It's buried in a ancestral mine of the Ming family, which is more precious than the map of Haiwang palace.

Of course, now all this belongs to Chen Ge.

"Old man, when I get the stone, you'd better sign it honestly!"

In front of the people of the Ming family, Chen Ge throws the left Hall of Ming Dynasty on the ground.

Then, he left.

"Shameless people, despicable, take my Ming family's tendons, but also pick our Ming family's bones, hateful!"

The old man in the left Hall of the Ming Dynasty was full of tears.

From yesterday to now, he didn't know how he got here.

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Once a beautiful and happy life, so gone.

And, above all, insult.

Now he is extremely upset. If his silly granddaughter didn't provoke this person, it would be nice. But who would have expected that this man was unreasonable, aggressive, and more than the Ming family.

Ming family is a famous family in Haicheng. It has been for hundreds of years. It has never been here!

"Grandfather, the stone of avoiding water is the last treasure of our Ming family. Ancestor Xun once said that the Ming family may not have the power of gold and silver, but it can't be without water stone!""Yes, if the water repellent stone is also given to him, our Ming family has nothing, and we will be really finished!"

The younger generation of the Ming family gathered around one after another.

Yes, even if Chen Ge takes everything of the Ming family, the left Hall of the Ming Dynasty will not seek for life and death, because as long as there is a stone to avoid water, the Ming family will have a chance to make a comeback. In a few years, another Ming family will appear.

But now, Chen GE has taken their Ming family's lifeblood.

The left Hall of the Ming Dynasty suddenly had a fierce look on his face.

Anger extremely counter smile way: "all flustered what, Chen Ge wants to get to avoid water stone, really so easy? On the contrary, I am glad that he can enter our mingjiazu mine, which is really the blessing of our ancestors

"Grandfather, why do you say that?" Pearl asked timidly.

"Pearl, you are wise and wise. Why are you so confused now? Don't forget that we have the last trump card in Ming family!"

"What trump card?" As soon as the Ming family's eyes brightened, they asked in unison.

"Millennium fog poison!"

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The left Hall of Ming Dynasty has a fierce face, gnashing teeth!

And the Ming family looked at each other with wide eyes.

This is the most precious treasure of the three towns in Ming Dynasty.

Even these descendants of the Ming family are only rumored about the Millennium fog poison mentioned by their ancestors. But now, listening to my grandfather's idea, they really have this kind of poison.

It is said that if you take a sip, the five internal organs will fester no matter where you are.

"Chen Ge is so powerful that no one can defeat him. However, I wonder if you can resist my Millennium fog poison! Ha ha ha

The left Hall of Ming Dynasty stood up from the ground.

"Pearl of righteousness!"

"The grandson is here!"

"The granddaughter is here!"

"At that time, master ghost once gave us a word to the Ming family, which was to do harm to morality and abandon good ways. It is said that our Ming family will have a robbery this year, and their family will fall in the middle of the road. Now, this is really the case. I will ask you to find him again to calculate whether our Ming family will survive this disaster and when will it prosper? "

The left Hall of the Ming Dynasty ordered.

After that, he called the leaders of his family to discuss in the backyard , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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