The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 577: 577

Deep in the sea.

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An incomparably huge copper ship, which is full of primitive atmosphere, passed by Chen GE's fleet.

Its existence, like a stream of energy, can not even be detected by the detector, this is covered with copper rust, very simple big guy is what.

Soon after, the large copper ship continued to sink toward the bottom of the sea.

Countless sea monsters see, have to flee for their lives to avoid.

After all, the figure of the copper ship, slowly disappeared, the sea bottom, and restored the past quiet, just because of the tsunami, the undercurrent kept surging!


In the evening of that day, the fleet finally arrived at Modao.

According to the map display, Chen Ge judged.

In terms of geographical location, this Modao island should be a sign of half the distance from Haiwang palace. At the same time, it is also the place where the old beggar, with 36 people, stopped during the period.

At that time, there were only a few small fishing villages on Modao island.

At the same time, this is the place where the Sun Alliance ship appeared.

It rose from the sky, frightening all the thirty-six people at that time.

There is also a doubtful point, that is, when the old beggar took people back to the sea palace, the team became 27 people.

Nine people, mysteriously missing.

Is it on this Mo island that they were killed?

How could it be! Thirty six of them are ordinary people. There is no reason for old beggars to kill them!

Chen Ge thought about it.

The ship pulled in and reached the port.

Chen Ge then took back his thoughts and looked at Mo island.

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Now ten thousand years later, Modao naturally does not exist like a small fishing village, but becomes a mountain city on the island.

Many of the passenger ships from south to North pass by here, so it is very prosperous.

Night came.

But Mo Island, but the lights are brilliant, like the day.

Entering the city, the main street is full of people.

It seems to be holding a grand event.

"This is the holy day on Modao Island, once every three years!"

With Chen Ge side of the ancient rain Xiao at the moment light way.

"Welcome the saint? What saints do you welcome

"How do I know?"

Ancient rain Xiao light road.

Chen Ge couldn't help but smile bitterly, and then ordered his men to arrange a good place to live.

"It seems that there is a magic door here, and the holy master calls on the people here to hold festivals for them!"

Ancient rain Xiao see Chen Ge ignore themselves, no words to look for words like to say.

"It's really a big face to let others hold festivals for him!"

Chen Ge couldn't help nodding.

"Is the Lord capable of withstanding the tsunami outside

"Don't say, this Modao island has never been hit by the tsunami, and has been safe and sound."

Ancient rain Xiao road.

"That's a little strange!"

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However, now that Chen Ge is here, in addition to settling down his staff and arranging the following itinerary, the most important thing is that Chen Ge wants to find the local prime minister and see the history of the establishment of the city here, because this island is an island that the sun League has been to.

I don't know if there are any traces of the sun alliance.

When he was on the ship, Chen Ge had already ordered his subordinates to do it.

The resting place was set in a luxury Manor on the island.

There are hot springs on the island.

Chen Ge took a rest in the hot spring while waiting for the local people to bring the county records.

On the other side of the hot spring is a group of young people. They have men and women. They live in luxury and make all kinds of funny sounds, which makes Chen Ge a little tired.

However, Chen Ge is not the kind of troublemaker. Let's treat them as nonexistent.

"Ask her to come over, Ben Shao is not strong. Let her come and exercise my muscles and bones!"

At this time, one of them played a ring finger, facing one side of the way.

"Less clouds, isn't that good? The master said, she is a distinguished guest

Well intentioned.


On the face actually already came a knot solid mouth son.

"If you want to go, just give it to me. What's wrong? What kind of guest? She's asking for our cloud family now!"

Cloud little cold drink way.

"Yunshao, forget it. Although the woman is very beautiful, she is also a little too spicy. She knows Kung Fu!" A few childe brothers also remind.

"I'm not afraid of her, so I let her relax my muscles and bones for me. Damn it, my father won't let me touch her. It's really suffocating me! Can't she relax me? "

Yunshao sneers.

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His hands were busy covering his face.And it didn't take long.

The woman came.

It is true that her appearance is very beautiful. She has attracted the attention of many men and even women.

"Hey, hey, look, it's here. If she doesn't come, I'll guarantee that her grandfather won't live tonight."

Yunshao laughs.

Said, has been lying on the side of the hot spring pool, waiting for the woman's massage.

"Press it, and if you want to massage, you have to ride on it and press it!"

And see the woman does not move, around a few childish brothers have coax way.

The woman's face turned red and full of hatred. If not, she would like to kill the man in front of her.

She is tangled, want to give him press!

If you don't press it, then your grandfather and the miracle doctor will

"Come on! Mount it

The shouts of the people around him grew louder.

"Damn it, keep it down!"

Chen Ge in the side of the bubble, can't help but take down the towel, yelled at them a few.

In itself, Chen GE's voice has a kind of penetrating and awe inspiring power.

At the moment a shout, let a few girls afraid of shut mouth.

Several boys were shaking.

Chen Ge doesn't want to be like this. He just thinks that they play with them, but he doesn't want to. It's too chaotic and bullies people, which makes Chen Ge angry.


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But obviously is this group of people's core cloud is little, but suddenly patted the pool.

Just now, he was scared.

At the moment, I feel that I have lost all my face.

"Boy, you want to die. You dare to shout at me! You don't want to live! "

Yunlang scolded.

Said, he stood up, and around, quickly surrounded by a lot of little brother with sunglasses.

There are many hot springs around.

There are also many guests.

We all saw Chen GE's roar and the situation of this little cloud just now.

They all stopped and watched.

"Who is this man? In Modao, how dare you talk to Yunshao like this? "

"Yes, what's the origin? I really don't want to live. Let Yunshao shut up. He is the first one!"

"Unfortunately, it is because of this cry that his fate may change."

The people around him did not play any more. They looked at them one after another.

Of course, Chen Gecai won't go to see how Yunshao deals with himself.

After shouting, he covered the towel again and closed his eyes.

However, the woman bullied by yunlang is now approaching Chen Ge tentatively:

"Chen Chen Ge? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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