The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 58: 58

"What's the situation?"

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The more and more people gathered, someone asked curiously.

"It's not very clear, but at present, it seems that this beautiful woman has an affair with this rich little girl. Then, the beautiful woman betrayed him and took care of her little white face from the outside, and they began to quarrel!"

"Yes, that little white face is in the car at the moment. It's a little bit similar to the scene of catching rape! What a thrill

"Tut tut Tut, if only I were the little white face. This woman is so beautiful. I'd like to squeeze me out, ouao!"

Many boys are showing envy and jealousy.

Chen Ge in the car, just want to hit the wall with his head.

"Xu Dong, what's the matter?"

At this time, two people came out of the crowd.

A man and a woman, they came to Xu Dong.

"Brother Yang, sister Wei Wei, do something for my cousin!"

Said Xu Dong.

Then, the general situation was explained.

People have a little vanity. The more things happen, especially in this kind of occasion where many people are watching, some people like to gather together and show their faces!

"Shit! There's something like this. It's OK. We're all in the same department. We'll deal with it together. Let the people in the car come out and talk about it. "

Wang Yang is full of scorn.

"Yes, yes, yes. Call out the people in the car and talk about it!"

Lin Jiaoqi was quick to defeat.

"No, why don't you go away?"

Zheng Yue glared angrily and directly turned around and left. In this way, Chen Shao's reputation could not be tarnished. She could not afford it!

But the more so, the more misunderstood by Xu Chao.

He was jealous and hysterical.

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"Zheng Yue, you can't go. You must give me an account today!"

During the conversation, Xu Dong and Wang Yang have come over and want to open the co pilot door.

But they don't have to move.

Chen Ge saw that things had come to such a point that he opened the car door and came down.

He saw that it would be easier for people to misunderstand if they did not come down!

"Chen Ge

"Damn it!"

"Lying trough!"


After seeing Chen Ge, Xu Donglin Jiao and Wang Yangjiang Weiwei all opened their mouths in amazement.

"How is it you?" Lin Jiao screamed.

To tell you the truth, Lin Jiao now this period of time, always has a lot of feelings for Chen Ge.

But unfortunately, this dead Chen song has always turned a blind eye to his courtship.

Maybe it has something to do with Chen Dong.

You don't like me, Lin Jiao. Well, I'll fall in love with the boys in your class and see if you are jealous!

After all, in Lin Jiao's eyes, Chen Ge is probably the mysterious Chen Shao in the legend!

For him, it is absolutely worth doing some bedding for him!

However, the gap is too big.

"Shit, I said how you suddenly got rich. You've become a white face! I'll take the money and pretend to be forced in our class

Xu Dong's face coagulated.

Finding Chen Ge, on the contrary, makes him have a different kind of cool feeling.

"Zheng Yue just sent me back to school, ha ha, you think too much!"

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Chen Ge smiles indifferently.

Although some embarrassment, but Chen Ge also did not panic.

"You think too much, you don't want to deny it. You are the little white face raised by my sister-in-law Zheng Yue. Even the money you spend may be my cousin's!"

Xu Dong scolded.

"What's the matter? Xiaodong, do you know this man? "

Looking at Chen Ge, Xu Chao naturally looks hostile.

"Ha ha, it's more than just knowing. The boy in our class is so poor that he suddenly has money. He cheated us that he won the lottery. Unexpectedly, he was taken care of."

"By the way, I heard that Chen Ge bought clothes in the high-end store outside the gate of our school. At that time, he couldn't pay for it. A girl of our age appeared and bought it for him. Chen Ge gave it to me again! That young girl is very rich. She is the boss of the whole mall. Should she be the one who takes care of you

Jiang Weiwei said.

In fact, when Chen Ge gave this dress to Jiang Weiwei a few days ago, Jiang Weiwei took it to the shop the first time to see if Chen Ge had cheated him.

When she learned that this dress was 70, 000 yuan, Jiang Weiwei was really shocked.

However, it may be that the waiter at that time complained that Chen Ge gave the clothes to someone else.

I didn't like to tell you the story of the day.

Jiang Weiwei knows that Chen GE has no money.

Yes, she has always been very strange. Where did Chen Ge get so much money.

Now everything seems to understand, Chen Ge really said with the Internet, was taken care of.And not just one woman.

Now a big rush to see him off. Last time it was Ferrari!

All this seems to make sense!

"Hum, Chen Ge, seeing that you are so honest, I didn't expect that you are such a person. Mu Han still takes your loser as a good friend?"

Wang Yang gave a cold smile.

The crowd exploded.

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"Tut Tut, the king of ducks in this world!"

"This man is more beautiful, but not too handsome. How can he be taken in by so many beautiful girls?"

"Well, you don't know. Some women like this one!"

There was a lot of discussion.

Xu Chao was furious and wanted to start.


However, Zheng Yue raised his hand is a slap in the face of Xu Chao.

"You don't have to worry about my business. Get out of here!"

Zheng Yue is going crazy.

Although Xu Chao is annoying, Zheng Yue doesn't hate him too much. If he beat Chen Shao today, he doesn't know how he died!

"Xiaoyue, you beat me. For such a white face, you beat me!"

Xu Chao was ashamed and indignant. He clenched his fist and turned away.

And gave Chen Ge a warning look.

He saw that others took photos with their mobile phones, and he did not dare to stay here.

Just at this time, Chen GE's mobile phone rings.

At first glance, it was Lin Yiyi.

What's the matter today!

Chen GE's heart burst into a bitter smile.


"Chen Shao, I want to inform you that the Carnival Party at the end of the month will be held on the Shengtian cruise ship. The places have been reserved. You must come at that time. Xiaofei and they are very happy to hear that you are coming!"

Lin Yiyi said softly.

"Oh, Shengtian cruise ship? Good

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"Chen Shao, shall I pick you up that day?"

"Pick me up? No, I have my own car. I can get my driver's license at the end of the month. When you give me the location, I'll drive there. "


With that, Chen Ge hung up the phone.

But see, Xu Donglin Jiao Jiang Wei Wei Wang Yang, positive pole is shocked to look at oneself.

"Shengtian cruise? Will you go to Shengtian cruise party at the end of the month Wang Yang startled way.

"You drive yourself? Chen Ge, do you have a car? "

Jiang Weiwei was also shocked.

"At Shengtian cruise party, this little white face is not a fool. I heard that the richest man in Jinling and even the youngest son of the richest man in the whole south of the country will also go to play. It's widely spread on the Internet that this little white face is still pretending to be?"

"Ha ha, I guess it's to give myself a face. Look at his virtue!"

People laugh like a psychopath.

I really want to fight back.

It's very simple. You can go to the park, drive the RAVENTON out and drive around the school. But this is not Chen GE's character.

Ha ha, you can say what you like!

Chen Ge said thanks to Zheng Yue, and then turned to leave directly.

"Damn it, a little white faced man who is maintained by others is arrogant! I'll make you look good! " Xu Dong looked at Chen GE's back and said viciously.

Chen GE has been to the driving school venue.

"Chen Ge!"

Suddenly came the voice of Su Muhan behind him , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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