The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 584: 584

The little Lord lay down on the ground, as if thinking of something hard to say.

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"You And hate women? " Chen Ge couldn't help looking at him coldly.

"I say it, you may not believe it, because on the surface, when I was born, I was the young Lord of the holy religion. How many people envy me? But can I say, after all these years, I am not happy at all! Besides, I hate her since I was a child, so I hate all the women

The little Lord continued.

"That woman, it's my mother!"

Chen GE's eyelids could not help but jump slightly.

In the world, all people only love their mother. Chen GE has never heard of hating his mother like this.

Moreover, from the eyes of this little saint, Chen Ge saw his strong sense of pain.

Is it true that this man with a heart and a heart is really suffering?

"Why do you hate your mother?"

"When I was three years old, I just started to remember things. I saw with my own eyes that my mother killed my father, and it was in front of me!"

The little Lord said in pain.

"I still remember my father. Before he died, he wanted to hold my hand, but I was scared to death! And she, without any remorse, is even more indifferent to me. For so many years, the scene of that year, like a curse, has been torturing me

"And grandma, she also disliked me and called me a villain! I believe that if I was not the only son of the iron family, I would certainly be killed by my grandmother and mother. With their surnames, I am a member of the iron family of witches and witches. Unfortunately, I don't even know my father's surname until now! "

The little Lord raised his head and said, "I know you must think that my family relationship is very chaotic. Ha ha, my father is a burden. I follow my mother's surname. My grandmother is actually my grandmother!"

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"Since I was a child, I think women are bad things. However, I also know that the women I hurt are innocent. Really, every time I hurt them, I will repent for a long time, and I want to compensate them. But as the little Lord, I can't. I will follow the instructions of my grandmother. We are the holy religion, higher than others, treat others, and kill the fruit If it's time to kill, kill it! "

"But I can't, I can't really! But my grandmother let me learn to kill! "

"And the eve of my escape at the age of eight was the beginning of this evil road."

"Because at that time, I was a freshman in primary school, and I met a very kind-hearted girl. Her name was Xiaolou and Li Xiaolou. She made me shake. In fact, there were good girls in the world. Although I resisted her at the beginning, her enthusiasm and kindness gradually moved me. We began to study together and play games together. Ha ha ha..."

He suddenly gave a bitter smile: "even we made a promise that we would marry when we grew up. I clearly remember that on the way from school that day, she said this to me. As a result, I asked her, will you kill me in the future? Xiaolou giggled all the way. At that time, how to understand what love! It's just for fun, but I haven't seen the building since that night. She was killed. Later I knew that the murderer was my grandmother

Speaking of this, the little Lord cried into tears, his hands tightly grasping the earth on the ground.

"I told myself that I wanted to escape, and I wanted to stay away from these two people, so I rowed alone in the boat, with the ashes of the building, driving in the vast sea. Xiaolou said that she loved to sit on the boat and watch the sun go down. I'm going to help her realize this wish! "

"I don't know how long I've been rowing, and I can't see the way back. The sun is going down. I think I'll starve to death at sea. It was at this time that I met the fairy sister! She is very beautiful and gentle, just like the character of a small building. She is dressed in white, standing on a wooden boat, playing flute, like a fairy

Hearing this, Chen Ge couldn't help but concentrate more.

Because Chen Ge was taught mind reading by Qin Bo, as long as it is weaker than his own strength, he can't escape his own eyes.

Obviously, the little Lord is not lying at the moment.

In particular, women in white are now mentioned.

It caused Chen GE's idea.

According to the environment of the little sage, who would row a wooden boat and play flute on the vast sea at that time?

This woman in white must be extraordinary!

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Chen Ge guessed.

"She saved me and taught me these skills, such as bone shrinking skill, golden cicada breaking out of shell, and turtle breathing skill. She said that she would let me practice in secret, and not let others know, so that I could control my own destiny after that."

Tiecheng finished and wiped his tears:

"when I'm dying, I'll tell you everything. This feeling is really good. I don't have to bear this burden any more. Thank you. After listening to my story, I just want to ask you one last favor before I die!"

Tiecheng road.

"What's up?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Over the past few years, I have hurt seven girls. On my deathbed, I want to beg for their forgiveness. In this way, I can completely close my eyes, and I can go to see the building!"Tiecheng said.

The tone was sincere.

Chen Ge nodded and made no noise.

It's a default.

It seems that there is still a trace of repentance in this iron city.

She remembers every girl's home address.


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In front of a farmer's door, pale Iron City kneels down to an ordinary family of three. This is someone's daughter who has been hurt.

"Less Little Lord, this How does this make it? "

And the three families were very frightened.

"I want to beg your forgiveness. I know I can't make up for my mistakes, but I can do anything for you, even if it's my life!"

Said the little Lord.

"No, no, no, no, no!"

The girl was afraid when she saw him. She hid behind her parents and shook her head one after another.

"Please, let me do something!"

Tiecheng kneels to beg.

"Let him do whatever you want! So choose one thing... "

Chen Ge stood aside and said to his family.

"No, no, no, you don't have to die. If you are little Lord You have to do it, then Then help us fill up the tank

The mother pointed to the water tank.

"Ah?" Tiecheng was stunned.

Then he nodded his head and came to the well. He soon filled the water tank.

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"That's fine!"

People are afraid to say, at the same time, seeing that he has already gone to the majestic little saint, he also makes the family at least half relaxed.

"It's a million dollars. I don't have much savings. Here you are!"

Tiecheng finally took out money to compensate others.

And so on.

Chen Ge with iron city, ran all over the seven families above Mo island.


A whoop!

When he came to the manor where Chen Ge lived, Tiecheng knelt down to Fang Huanan.

"Ah! Little song

When Fang Nan saw him, she immediately hid beside Chen Ge.

"Miss Fang, although I didn't hurt you, I did harm to Mr. Fang and your family. They nearly died for me. Please forgive me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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