The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 595: 595

Is about to fall, smashing Chen GE's head.

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Chen Ge thought he was finished, so he died here.

But it was just then.

A roar, let iron Hongxiang's Li Zhang didn't fall.

It's the voice of iron city.

See iron city, on crutches, quickly jump over.

"Stop, don't hurt sir!"

Iron City shouts.

"Grandma, second elder, don't hurt your husband! This matter has nothing to do with your husband

Iron City Putong knelt down and said.

"Sir? It's ridiculous that the young master worships a rich young son of the secular world. Once it spreads out, the reputation of my holy religion for hundreds of years will be destroyed by you, a beast! "

Iron red cheek twitches.

What she valued most was the status. People could die, but the prestige of the holy religion was indispensable!

"I am willing to follow you! What's more, I never want to be a little holy master. My biggest wish now is to be an ordinary person. Since I follow my husband, I know that I actually work. I can live a happy life. I have gradually come out of the previous haze, and I want to make atonement. "

Tiecheng kneels and cries.

He's telling the truth.

In the past, he had been living in the shadow of injury and repentance. He was extreme and hated everything. He could not find a way out.

However, since Chen Ge made him face a real death, he pulled himself back from the ghost door.

At that moment, Tiecheng had a thorough understanding.

He felt that he had found a way out.

I am willing to make atonement and do good deeds. I can do a lot of things with Chen Ge.

At the same time, I also know a lot of friends.

Now, you can fight with master Zuo and even this group of bodyguards.

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Just yesterday, several bodyguard brothers were pulling themselves to drink.

Discovered by master Zuo, he trained several people.

But master Zuo also pretended to be angry, because after a while, he also joined the Wine Bureau.

It's so warm, life can be like this.

In fact, Tiecheng also knows that the purpose of master Zuo's drinking with him at this stall is that they also know their own affairs.

Because even with Chen Ge, Tiecheng is also inferior.

He was a sinner, a dandy little Lord.

Master Zuo's idea is to take himself as a friend. We are all friends and brothers of Mr. Zuo. We should advance and retreat together in the future.

Tiecheng felt that he had completely out of the shadow of the past.

"It's absurd. It's ridiculous. The young Lord of our holy religion can say such a thing!"

Iron red eyes, even emerged a obliteration.

"Because you are my grandson, I can give you another chance. As long as you kill this Chen Song, I can still let you be the little Lord again!"

Tie Hong stands up and says coldly.

Chen Ge looks at this vicious woman.

It's a pity that he is now blocked by Yunqing.

Chen Ge clenched her fist tightly.

"Do it!"

Tiehong warns Tiecheng again.

"It's impossible. Even if I die, I will not hurt you. It's your grandmother. Why do you want to be so murderous? I have announced that I have broken away from the holy religion. From then on, I have nothing to do with the holy religion! Will you spare us? "

Iron City kneels down ceaselessly kowtow, the forehead has seeped out bloodstain.

"What a jerk! Well, if you don't kill it, I'll do it myself! "

Iron red is very angry.

Raise the right palm.

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The figure moves, very quickly toward Chen GE's head.

Now Chen GE's strength is completely lost and can't be resisted.


But in the end, it was on top of the head.

Chen Ge red eyes, Zheng in the original place.

Because iron city flies to come over, block in front of oneself.

His head was broken and his mouth was full of blood.

And iron red, obviously already saw iron city to rush over, but she still under dead hand.

"Iron city!"

The iron city falls in front of Chen Ge.

Chen Ge looks at him with red eyes.

Zuo Zhongtao and Mr. Fang also rushed around.

Blood foam kept pouring out of his mouth.

"It hurts, sir."

The trembling way of iron city.

Chen Ge covered his bloody head.

"It's OK!"

Chen Ge tried to save him.

"No It's no use! "

Iron City blood foam spray: "Sir, I I seem to see a small building! After all these years, she still looks like we met when we were eight years old. She is still so beautiful and loves to laugh"She's rowing, and she's going to take me to see the sea, and then to see the sunset!"

"It's nice to see her again!"

Iron City trembled.

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"Xiaolou I I miss you so much... "

Words did not finish, iron city's hand, a droop

"Iron city!"

Master Zuo also called out.

But iron city, has been out of breath

And looking at this scene.

Iron red just disdains to move her eyes to one side.

In tie Hongxiang's eyes, there was no trace of flashover. Now it's OK. With his own embellishment, he really made the old lord angry.

Now, the little Lord is dead. The future preacher, ha ha

Tie Hongxiang has a sneer in his mouth.

Chen Ge looked at these people with anger.

"He has been reborn, and in serious atonement, why do you still have to poison your hands? After all, he is your grandson, and he is closely related by blood!"

Chen Ge said angrily.

"I've lost the face of the sacred religion of witchcraft and witchcraft. I deserve to die!"

Iron red cold channel.

"I heard Tiecheng say that you killed the small building that grew up with him in those years. You are a kind-hearted old woman. Sooner or later, you will not die well!"

Chen Ge gave a cold warning.

"What? You You! Look for death

As soon as Tiehong heard about the old woman, she felt as if she had been trampled on her tail.

It's raging.

Just want to come over and kill Chen Ge.

Suddenly, a black car sped by.

It's the car of the cloud family.

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It's also the driver from the cloud family.

"Wait a minute!"

The driver came up and said.

"People from the cloud family? Dare you stand in my way? "

Iron red frowned.

"Miss Yunqing, I want to let the iron red lord go with me!"

"What? Cloud clear? Who is she? How dare you order me? "

Tie Hong is more angry.

"Ha ha, don't be angry with the iron red holy master," said Miss Yun Qing. "You will understand after reading this!"

The driver throws a box directly to tie Hong.

Iron red opened a look, the whole body crazy shock, facial expression changed.

"I I I'll go with you to see Miss Yunqing! "

Iron red seems to have seen something extraordinary.

He bent down in a hurry and bowed.

And the driver looked at Chen Ge again: "Mr. Chen, Miss Yunqing, let me ask you how you think about it? If you're not lost? I'll give you to the two elders of the witchcraft cult! "

"You go back and tell her that even if I die, I will make her miserable all her life! She will never get what she wants in her life

Chen Ge is talking about gods.

"Well, second elder, this young master Chen Ge will be handed over to you. Don't hurt his life!"

The driver again to the railway Hongxiang road.

Although tie Hongxiang looks down on the cloud family, now, even the old lord is so frightened that he dare not neglect him. Moreover, he has something to ask Chen ge , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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